
The Dragon's Shadow

In the church's prison, a man looked at his shackles. 'Little girl... is this the ending you wanted to see?' Thinking back to that resolute and pretty face in his memory and that golden hair like the blooming sunset, Lister sighed. 'If I had known that my end will be like this, I might as well have abandoned that little useless princess, opened a small tavern, and found a woman to spend my life with.' "Man, how unlucky am I..." Lister remembered that while he was playing with these little fluffy monster girls, he used to often tease a certain witch that she would accidentally end up on the stake, making her puzzled, but he didn't expect that he would be the one to go up first. "If all this could start over... I should have chosen the monster girls after all." "Oh? Really?" A cold yet teasing voice sounded beside him. As he turned his head to look, powerful magic energy gathered and swirled, and finally, a tall female figure walked out of it. She wore a tight black dress that showed off her curvy, mature figure. Lister knew her... or rather, should have known her. 'The Sinful Dragon Demon Lord, Priscilla' "Did you really mean it when you said you'd choose monster girls?" "...I wonder if the mighty Demon Lord has decided to grace me with a heart-to-heart in this cozy little prison." "As expected of the mastermind who single-handedly helped that incompetent woman to the throne. Even now you have the energy to crack jokes?" "You flatter me. I think it's quite humanistic for a Demon Lord who has children for breakfast, lunch, and dinner to chat with a dying man in prison." "Tsk, getting upset over a little teasing already?" "Sigh, alright, I don't have much time either. Let me get to the point with you. What are you still waiting for here, waiting to die?" "I don't know, maybe waiting for a female Demon Lord to come swoop in and save me?" "You know Aurola has abandoned you. What are you still hoping for?" "...So what does this have to do with the Demon Lord? We only have a very shallow cooperative relationship; I don't think it matters if I die or not." "Of course it does." Priscilla smiled and pressed the blunt end of her dragon horn against his forehead. "Because I want you, but I'm different from Aurola. What she gave you, I can give. What she couldn't give you, I can also give. Didn't you want to choose monster girls? In the Demon Capital, there are all kinds of monster girls. You can pick whichever you like." "Then, are there fluffy and warm ones?" "...I think the ones with hard scales and slender, elegant physiques are not bad either." "Ahem, I digress." "Anyway, I understand you better than you think. As long as you come with me to the Demon Capital, I will satisfy your everything within my power. As long as you promise me one thing..." "I know." Lister picked up where Priscilla left off, smiling back at her. "You want me, right?" "What a smarty~. So, you agree?" "Mm. I'll go with you." 'And come on, it's fluffy monster girls' 'I can't refuse.'

haytham_ · Fantasy
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119 Chs

Chapter 41: She's Already Like This, Why Don't You Just Obey Her?

"Hey great one did you really say those things to Aurola?"

"Hmm... What else did you expect me to say?"

"No that's not it..."

Looking at Olivina who had just walked out of Lister's residence Aive had an expression that was difficult to put into words.

"Do you really understand what you just did?"


"That's Aurola the emperor who has integrated this country one of the seven existing transcendents in the world who kills without batting an eye known as 'Bloody Gold' Aurola. You said you were going to steal her man right to her face..."


Although she had talked tough inside now that she had come out and calmed down a bit Olivina was also a little scared.

Of course she knew that Aurola was not a good person and although she never thought she was inferior to anyone in terms of research this was still a world where fists did the talking after all.