
The dragon's harem

What makes dragons strong? It's not their power or magic, but their mind. Arrogance, greed, Iron Will, and the lack of human restraints. What would happen if you threw such a creature into human society? Would they understand humans? What does love even mean to them? This is the situation that our MC, Arad Orion found himself in. A newborn dragon bringing "Might make Right" to the humanoids, but why? Due to an abnormal condition, the mighty void dragons are on the brink of extinction. Their bodies have suddenly started rejecting their kind. Due to that, Arad's mother dropped his egg into a forest where he could hatch safely, leaving him with a fragment of her consciousness and informing him of the condition of their race. From that point, his goal became clear. To save their race by either finding a cure for their condition or going the second route of making more void dragons. But, sadly, nothing is ever that easy. Finding a cure is almost impossible. Arad is still practically a newborn and cannot tap into the terrifying might of his race, and his rarity makes him a prime target for mages and scholars seeking to study the dying race. Dragons are arrogant, proud, and vicious. Yet those feeling extends to those whom they love. You who touched a dragon's love, Retribution is an insult, and life is a crime. Beware as merely existing draws the dragon's wrath. Follow Arad on his journey as he grows from a naive wyrmling to a grown dragon with enough wisdom and power to stand with the strongest of the world. *** If you liked the story, please support it with power stones and comments! The story now has a Discord server. Please visit it to see character art by me and the community. https://discord.gg/CPJXDj6Adg *** You can contact me at Discord at any time Alen_Tanor#1599 And last. Please don't forget to leave a review, it really helps!

Alen_Tanor · Fantasy
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843 Chs

Alcott Strikes Again

"I have some contacts there. I'll get you into the new year at the start of spring." Alcott smiled, "But you'll have to keep a low profile. That means no killing or causing trouble,"

"I already know that. It's the whole reason I'm trying to come up with a way to hide my identity," Arad replied.

"If they knew you're Arad Orion, most nobles would pull their kids out of the university. That'll cause the year to halt," Baltos looked at them, "I doubt they can trust the safety of their children with a kingdom blasting dragon around."

"Who do you intend to take?" Alcott asked.

"Probably all of my wives," Arad replied.

"Isdis can't go with you." Baltos sighed, "She has already been there once. And she's well known. She'll either expose your identity or cause herself several bad rumors to start,"