

Four days….

That was how long Faye lay asleep in the infirmary—four long, agonizing days that Sterling waited, never leaving her side. Tending to her every need as she slept.

She did not have her typical nightmares, and luckily, she had not experienced them in some time.

Hildie had been made the person in charge of Faye's medical care, especially once Sterling found out where she learned her skills. Her mother was once a midwife, and her father was a physician.

Hildie had gained her abilities for healing and caring for others from her parents, and the Duke could not have been more thankful for the young maid reappearing in Faye's life.

It was late into the evening, and Hildie was writing her notes on Faye's care in a journal, keeping track of her symptoms and vitals, making sure she accounted for how much she was drinking.


Hildie heard a quiet murmur and looked up from her book, placing the writing quill back in its holder.

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