

As Sterling emerged from the shadowy backside of the barn, his riding boots crunched on the dried hay and leaves beneath his feet. The men, who had been chatting and saddling the horses, stopped their conversations as they watched him stride towards the coach with Faye's lifeless form draped in his arms.

The wooden wheels of the carriage creaked when he opened the door on the coach and placed Faye longways on the seat, adjusting her arms and legs until she looked comfortable.

His fur-lined cloak ruffled as he carefully removed it and spread it over her body, shielding her from the icy wind that had picked up. The temperatures were falling fast, and he did not want Faye to catch a chill.

With a gentle hand, he brushed the hair back from her face. He noticed Faye's brow was furrowed with a troubled expression, and her eyes were squeezed tightly shut.

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