

The angelic voices of the children's choir rose and drifted through the church. "They are singing your song, shall we?" Merrick's voice resonated with a cheery grin as he offered Dahlia his armour-clad elbow to escort her down the aisle.

The others had already started walking. Dahlia felt like her feet were suddenly made of lead. Her heart hammering in her ears as she felt it flip in her chest. She took another deep breath to calm herself like Faye had instructed her to do earlier.

Dahlia placed her foot forward, taking the first step toward her new husband as Merrick assisted her down the aisle.

A little girl squealed in excitement when she saw Dahlia enter the church's nave. "Look mommy, it's the bride!" she exclaimed loudly, pointing her finger at the Dahlia.

At the sound of the little girl's enthusiasm, the entire congregation turned their eyes to see Dahlia, the blushing bride.

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