

"I'm sorry for my rude behavior and earlier outburst." Sterling apologized to Andre, admitting, "I know you have nothing except for Faye's best interest at heart. May I please come in and speak with my wife?"

Andre willingly accepted the Duke's apology, stepping aside to let him enter his humble home. The interior was small. Especially for someone Andre's size, it was sparsely decorated with mismatched chairs and furnishings. It looked like a place a bachelor knight would call home.

Faye had her back to the Duke. She was seated beside the fire, her body sagging into the chair, relaxed and free of tension, refusing to acknowledge Sterling's presence and acting as if he had not entered the room.

Sterling slowly approached her from behind while she rested in the chair.

"Good evening, Faye…" his words almost faltered, "I…I—have come here to bring you back to the fortress. I would like for us to talk in private."

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