

"Would you mind if I told you a secret?" He asked and finally gazed at me, sharing eye contact with me. "No... I won't, tell me..." I replied and he took a deep breath. "Rather let me show you." He said, stood up from the garden chair and stood in front of me with a distance of about five feet. "Come." He said and I stood without hesitating. It was almost like I was being compelled but I wasn't. I walked up to Raman and stood at least two feet away from him. Raman crossed the little distance between us and stood very close to me and all of a sudden, I felt his strong and masculine arm hook around my waist and he pulled me closer to him that our nose was almost touching. ****** When havoc is wrecked on the world of demons and the witches, when the rules binding the demons and witches for thousands of years is broken, when confusion and division is brought upon the demons and witches by a human, how far will the witches and demons go to resolve this problem? What happens when the witches make a shocking discovery that binds them all to Ella? Follow the tale of Ella and Raman in this intriguing love story.

Samuel_Eunice · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
13 Chs

Hungry for blood

As I ran, the woods seemed to blur around me. I could feel the rough bark of the tree scraping against my skin, and the leaves crunching beneath my feet.

My heart pounded in my chest like a drum, and my breath came in ragged gaps.

I could taste fear in the back of my mouth, bitter and metallic.

Suddenly, a royal guard yelled, "There she is! Catch her!" Torches flickered in the distance, illuminating the guards' determined faces.

The guards shouts grew louder, and I could feel their eyes on me, boring into my skin like cold steel.

I pushed myself harder, my legs burning with exhaustion, my muscles screaming in protest. But I didn't dare to look back, didn't dare to slow down. I had to keep running, had to escape. The thought of being caught, of being dragged back to the palace and forced to marry the king, or being killed by his hands was too terrifying to contemplate.

As I ran, my senses heightened, my body screamed in protest, my mind fixed on one thing…freedom. But, I scrambled to my feet, my long blue dress tangled around my legs, sending me tumbling to the ground. A tree trunk halted my rolling, but not before my head slammed against it, leaving me dazed and bleeding.

The guards closed in, their grip on my arms like a vice. I struggled, but my weak body betrayed me. The general's angry face loomed before me, "You… How dare you think you can humiliate the king like that and get away with it?" He asked as his palm striked both side of my cheeks with a stinging blow. I tasted blood, my vision blurring further.

"Bring her." The general said then walked away and hopped on his horse.

The guards were already walking towards their horses still not sparing my arms any mercy. I was too weak to struggle with them but I needed to call for help hoping someone might come to my aid.

"Help me..."I tried to yell but my voice came out as a whisper. I knew that if I needed help I'll have to scream even louder, I gathered every ounce of strength I had left in me and screamed and this time around, my voice was loud enough for someone to hear.

Walking through the dark woods, Raman took in a deep breath, enjoying the cold breeze that penetrated through his pale skin, when something caught his attention.

He could hear a female's voice, he could hear her clearly screaming for help. And strangely, he suddenly had the urge to save her but no... He's a demon and he has no business with them especially when they're in need of help. He thought to himself and decided to ignore the femine voice.

He heard the same voice again and this time around, the urge to save her was stronger than the first time...

His demon immediately woke up and began to crawl its way out which made it very difficult for him to fight the strong urge that was slowly eating him up... The urge to save her.

How the hell is this possible?

How can a female's voice wake his demon? His demon only comes alive when it's bloodthirsty and in the mood to kill but now a simple female voice woke his demon. Raman thought and he immediately found himself walking towards the direction of the voice. He tried to resist and fight the strong and burning urge to save her but no...no matter how hard he tried, his demon has already taken total control of his body and mind.

What the hell is happening?

Why isn't he able to control the monster inside him?

This has never happened before in his entire life of existence, so why is it happening now?

His demon became hungry for blood, for the blood of the person who was responsible for her screams. His demon wanted to slit this person's throat and remove its heart from its chest.

As I struggled with the guards, a sudden chill swept through the air, and the woods darkened. The guards hesitated, but the general's command propelled them forward.

"Let her go…" The voice that echoed through the woods was dark and menacing that it sent chills down their spine for a second.

The guards froze, and the general sneered, "Who dares to command us?"

The voice replied, "I won't warn you again... Let go of her arms now..."

The general snarled, "Bring her."

But the voice was unforgiving, "OK, have it your way."

Without hesitation, the general gave a rasp single to the guards, ordering them to bring the person who dared to order the king's royal guards.

The guards who approached the voice didn't return. Their dead bodies fell, and the general's face paled, his eyes widening in shock.

More guards followed, but they too met a swift demise.

The general and the rest of the guards pulled out their swords, ready to battle but in a few seconds,I felt the guards' grip loosen.

The very instant I felt their grip on me loosen my legs gave in. I could only hear screams, screams of the royal guards but my brain couldn't process any of it. In an instant,

a strong, masculine arm encircled my waist, supporting me. Though my vision was hazy, I sensed a cold, muscular presence. As I tried to open my eyes, darkness enveloped me.