

"Would you mind if I told you a secret?" He asked and finally gazed at me, sharing eye contact with me. "No... I won't, tell me..." I replied and he took a deep breath. "Rather let me show you." He said, stood up from the garden chair and stood in front of me with a distance of about five feet. "Come." He said and I stood without hesitating. It was almost like I was being compelled but I wasn't. I walked up to Raman and stood at least two feet away from him. Raman crossed the little distance between us and stood very close to me and all of a sudden, I felt his strong and masculine arm hook around my waist and he pulled me closer to him that our nose was almost touching. ****** When havoc is wrecked on the world of demons and the witches, when the rules binding the demons and witches for thousands of years is broken, when confusion and division is brought upon the demons and witches by a human, how far will the witches and demons go to resolve this problem? What happens when the witches make a shocking discovery that binds them all to Ella? Follow the tale of Ella and Raman in this intriguing love story.

Samuel_Eunice · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
13 Chs

A meeting with the devil

Raman's eyes narrowed as he turned to face Oliver, his voice low and even. "What does he want?"

Oliver bowed his head, his hands clasped behind his back. "He didn't say, my lord. Only that it's urgent."

Raman's gaze lingered on Oliver for a moment before he vanished into thin air, leaving the cold, dark room behind.

The hallway leading to Lucifer's chambers was a labyrinth of shadows, it's air thick with a pungent stench of brimstone. It was covered hot, extremely hot and covered by a think fog of smoke, one that was enough to end a human life in less than five minutes.

It was almost like the gate to hell had recently been opened.

Whispers, faint yet audible screams of souls could be heard in every corner of the hall.

Raman's footsteps echoed off the walls as he walked, his long black robe billowing behind him.

What more could he expect?

This was the devil's lair after all.

His room was at the very end of the hall, yet no demon, not even an ancient demon can come in without an invitation.

Twisting the door knob, Raman pushed the door and walked in.

Lucifer's room was a cavern of darkness, illuminated only by flickering candles that cast eerie shadows on the walls. The devil himself stood by the window, his pale skin glowing in the dim light that highlighted his ominous presence.

"Raman, my old friend," Lucifer said, his voice like honey and smoke. "It's been far too long."

Raman's eyes locked onto Lucifer's, his expression unreadable. "What do you want, Draco?"

Lucifer chuckled, his gold eyes glinting with mischief. "Oh, no need to be so formal, Raman. We're old friends, after all."

Raman's gaze never wavered. "You didn't summon me here for small talk, Lucifer. What is it?"

Lucifer's grin grew wider. "Ah, yes. Straight to the point, as always. Very well, let's talk... expansion."

Raman's eyebrow arched. "What do you mean?"

Lucifer's eyes sparkled with excitement. "Our kind, Raman. We need more demons. And I have a plan to make that happen."

Raman's expression turned skeptical. "I'm not sure that's a good idea, Draco. We can't just mate with humans, neither can we mate with the witches as well. It's against the rules…"

Lucifer's laughter cut him off,

"Oh, come now, Raman. You know as well as I do that I'm definitely not the type to be bonded by any rules or laws. I do what any time I feel like it. But there are other ways... ways that don't involve breaking our rules or risking our souls. Well, not mine." He pointed out.

Raman's gaze intensified, his eyebrows furrowing as he scrutinized Lucifer's words, "Cut to the chase already. What exactly are you proposing?"

"Let's just say... I have a few ideas. And I think you'll find them... enlightening."

Lucifer's eyes gleamed with mischief as he poured himself a glass of dark, crimson liquid from a decanter on the nearby table. "I've been thinking, Raman... we need to adapt to the changing times. Humans are becoming more powerful, and we can't just rely on our old tricks to keep them in line."

"I see what you mean. But what kind of 'ideas' do you have in mind?"

Lucifer's grin grew wider. "Well, for starters, we could create more low-ranking demons. Irene, the dragon goddess, has been... cooperative in the past. I'm sure she'd be willing to help us out again."

Rubbing his chin, his fingers tracing a line below his chin, "And what about the witches? We can't just ignore them."

Lucifer's laughter sent shivers down Raman's spine. "Oh, the witches... they're no match for us, Raman. We're demons, after all. They can only cause harm to low rank demons but not to ancient demons like you, and definitely not to me. They farthest they can go is capturing our souls. And even at that, we'd definitely come back after a thousand years. And you and I both know they wouldn't dare. They're our puppets. The day the pet decides to go astray and betray its master," Turning his gaze to Raman with an evil grin, "We all know the consequences." His lips were smiling but his eyes wasn't.

With his eyes clouding with skepticism, "Why all this?" Raman asked slightly confused.

Twirling the glass in his hand, "I just this feeling, we might need it."

Raman's gaze lingered on Lucifer's, searching for any sign of deception. But the devil's expression was as smooth as silk.

"I see," Raman said finally, his voice measured. "And what about the humans? We can't just manipulate them forever."

Lucifer's smile turned cold. "Ah, the humans... they're nothing but pawns in our game, Raman. And if they become too troublesome... well, we have ways of dealing with them, don't we?"

Raman's eyes flashed with a hint of unease, but he said nothing.

Lucifer's gaze seemed to bore into Raman's very soul. "So, what do you say, old friend? Are you with me on this?"

Raman's eyes flashed with a hint of unease, but he said nothing. Lucifer's gaze seemed to bore into Raman's very soul, as if searching for any sign of dissent.

The air was heavy with tension, the silence between them thick with unspoken words.

"Of course, but I don't see a need for that... yet. The witches and humans don't pose a threat to us at present. I'll indulge in your... creative ideas another time, Draco. For now, I have more pressing desires. The human world beckons, and I have a craving for some... entertainment."

Then, with a sly smile, Raman turned and walked out of the room, his long black robe billowing behind him. The door creaked shut, leaving Lucifer to ponder on his words.

Lucifer's expression turned thoughtful, his eyes gleaming with a hint of excitement. He swirled the dark, crimson liquid in his glass, lost in thought. The flickering candles cast eerie shadows on the walls as he stood there, his mind working overtime to scheme and plan. The silence in the room was oppressive, heavy with the weight of secrets and hidden intentions.