
Red Coat

With her eyes piercing the murky distance, Li Dòu'āo gazes upon the figures walking down the street, Her gaze is blank as a sheet of clean paper.

Opening a pack of rice crackers, she brings it to her mouth and bites. Just the sound of chewing and the ruffling of a plastic bag.

She wonders why she even moved heEr, It's full of predators literally-... carnivores, This is the biggest crime filled place in the city. And they have the nerve to call it "The Garden".

Li Dòu'āo fluffs out her white long ears and sighs, It's cheaper here than any other place, It's her fault for moving here. She only has ¥6,438 in her bank account, and she is 100,000 yuan short on rent.

The Landlord Mr. Yáng has been very understanding, He gave some suggestions and where to find a job since she quit her old one when moving here.

The old goat also suggested that she go to the local market and look for an old grizzly bear named Cāng Bàqì who needs some help with his small tea shop since she has some experience working in a cafe.

Li Dòu'āo considers Mr. Yáng's suggestion. After all, beggars can't be choosers, and she desperately needs the money.

She grabs her coat and slips it on, stepping out of her apartment stopping at the sight of her neighbor in apartment A106.

Apartment A106 is an eyesore, with peeling paint and broken windows. The smell of rotten garbage fills the air, and Li Dòu'āo can't help but wrinkle her nose in disgust.

Meeting the occupant of such a dilapidated apartment, Mr. Hēi Mào, doesn't make it any better.

Mr. Hēi Mào, a middle-aged crocodile with a perpetual scowl on his face, As he carries a black trashbag down to the dumpster in the parking lot as his scales glisten under the street lights.

His scaly tail sways back and forth with each heavy step, creating a rhythmic thumping sound on the pavement.

Li Dòu'āo quickly runs the moment he turns his head to look over in her direction. She hurries down the street, her heart beating rapidly in her chest.

The encounter with Mr. Hēi Mào always leaves her unsettled, as she rushes out onto the main street and joins the bustling crowd of people going about their daily routines.

The street is lined with colorful shops, each one filled with a variety of goods and products.

Li Dòu'āo's eyes scan the street, looking for the familiar sign of an old tea shop, She has seen it before but never really paid much attention to it.

It should be next to an antique bookstore with a faded sign that says "Guān's Pages." Before she can take a step forward a heavy hand lands on her shoulder as she looks up at Mr. Hēi Mào, with his scowl deepening.

"Where do you think you're going, little rabbit?" he growls.

Li Dòu'āo freezes, her body tense with fear. She can feel the heat of Mr. Hēi Mào's grip on her shoulder, his sharp claws digging into her flesh.

She tries to steady her voice as she replies, "I-I'm just heading to the tea shop nearby... to apply for a job."

"Mr. Cāng had left town," Mr. Hēi Mào sneers, tightening his grip on her shoulder. "You won't find him there." Li Dòu'āo's heart sinks, panic bubbling up inside her.

She had pinned all her hopes on getting the job at the tea shop, and now it seemed like her last chance is slipping away.

She could almost taste the bitter disappointment on her tongue.

Mr. Hēi Mào's scaly face contorts into a sinister grin, relishing in her distress. "But don't worry, little rabbit," he says, his voice dripping with malice.

"I have a proposition for you."

"What... what kind of proposition?" she stammers, her voice shaky.

Mr. Hēi Mào leans in closer, his hot breath stinging her face. "You see, I have a little business of my own, and I could use some extra hands to help me out. I'll pay you a decent wage, and all you have to do is run a few errands for me. How does that sound?"

Li Dòu'āo pauses, weighing her options. She doesn't trust Mr. Hēi Mào, not by a long shot.

But the thought of getting paid for doing some simple errands is tempting, especially since she needs the money.

"I guess I could do that," she says hesitantly.

Mr. Hēi Mào's sharp teeth form into a grin, "Good, good. I'll give you your first assignment tomorrow."

He lets go of her shoulder and walks off, leaving her standing alone on the sidewalk.

Li Dòu'āo's gaze follows him as he disappears into the crowd.

She takes a deep breath and tries to calm her nerve— he smelled like a swamp and rotting fish, The smell was so strong that it lingered in her nose even after he left.

As she walks down the street, Li Dòu'āo catches glimpse of herself in a store's window. She is dressed in a plain brown dress with a red coat over it with a large dirty stain on the left shoulder of her coat from his touch.

She internally curses, This coat just got cleaned yesterday at the laundry mat, now it's dirty again. She makes a mental note to personally wash tomorrow in a basin of water, She doesn't have time to go the laundry mat again.

"Miss Li! Hey!" A raspy voice croaks out from behind her. Li Dòu'āo turns around to find a short, stout figure waddling towards her, It's Mr. Yáng with his round belly leading the way.

"You went to Cāng's shop yet?"