
The Double Systemed Deities

In this world, there is a saying: The universe has hidden trials happening everyday, nobody knows when will they appear nor they give instructions on how to complete them; all they know is when completed, the trial will grant the worthy individual a hefty reward. After graduating from primary school, they decided to go on a hunt and gain exp for their level up, Like always, they assembled to their hut; located on the branches of a silver tree. But with them merrily planning, everyone suddenly fell asleep, not knowing what caused it. Opening their swollen eyes, what they saw is yet again their status. But something is different this time, Another screen containing notice they had never seen before appeared. Something they'll soon love, because it grants them access to the hidden trials they can currently have. But little things they know, the mysterious system has more than what they haven't explored. It isn't there to make their lives better, but it choose them for a reason. --- Wake up kiddos! You have work to do! Trial: Goblin Extermination! Synopsis: The appearance of goblins in the kuruuk forest is more complex than what the townfolks thought. A very sinister outcome is bound to happen when nothing is done. Missions: --- The main story would start on page --- I'll try publishing seven chapters every week, but additional ones will vary as how many power stones and collection this book get. --- Background photo isn't mine, if you're somehow the artist. Tell me so and I'll remove it.

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32 Chs


Brief introduction,

Time- January 2021

"The Supremes had chosen the next players!

Humans be grateful! And Praise thee Supremes for their benevolent grace!"

All reacted different, thoughts of curiosity and excitement.

The government armed themselves cautious, the uneducated felt scared, and the gamers laughed excited—The fantasy novels they have been reading came to reality, The system provided different wonderful features that can change their life. But all of the fun is just in the beginning, In their surprise:

"Dimensional Rift Opened!

Good luck on your journey humans. Don't worry, AI here will guide you to the destructive power and drowning wealth that awaits all of you. Now get out and get powerful because the First main event is coming!


Many Rifts appeared everywhere, They didn't choose where and just appeared to the most conventional and unconventional places. Oceans. Mountains. Cities. Farms. And even inside the sewages.

Monsters came out and wrecked havoc everywhere. The line that can express humanity's status fell—It fell ninety degrees and constantly fell flat, to the path of destruction is where it went.

Hopeless is how you can describe the state of the humans. But not long after is when the hope finally emerged, the first humans who leveled up to the next level obtained power. Them heroes who fought back without guns and grenades, they are the first who had their titles and roles typed on their screen. The pathtakers appeared, As Bladebearer. Magicbringer. Bodybuilder, And Weaponmolder.

Hope once again fired up the hearts of the depressed people, they perceive with unyielding souls and keep on fighting. They want to live and keep on pushing to where this world will show them.

They gained the power to fight by the different roles given to them, skills were uncovered and discoveries were unraveled. Then soon Inventions not seen before emerged.

The first heroes and high ranking humans emerged a hundred years later of hiding, and humans finally severed the rifts clutches to their lives and faced the next event of this malevolent system. The heroes brought peace and bestowed peace to the mourning people. Paid tribute to the ones who didn't make it, family, friends, dear lovers, and their ashen countries.

They adapted fast and evolved quick, And in the end controlled earth once again. Though it's not the same as before, Their technology was lost and their culture was wooven a new, they need to live through it if they want to survive. This is their reality and their future. They need to survive for their race's sake.


Some info,

•All of the country liquified at the time of chaos but Seven was formed again by the humans who survived.

Basic knowledge of pathtakers:

Bladebearer's common knowledge's Rank:


First level up's paths (The path depends on your talent and passion but the two are the most basic. Meaning there are many more that wasn't included, it's too troublesome to write.)



Second level up's paths



Third level up's paths

-Appretice Sword (Wo)Man

-appretice Daggeruser

Main level up or fourt level up's path (This is a major decision because this is where the bladebearer mold their soul to the weapon they chose.)

-Sword (Wo)Man

-Dagger user

The next path depends on the runes and book techniques. This is where Bladebearer creates their own master techniques and carve it in their soul, at this rank is where humans practice the 'real skills'. (Humans of lower rank doesn't practice the skills given to them, the skills that can be bought with experience in the system are downloaded in their mind. So they don't practice it and just know it. The difference and importance between 'real skill' and 'system's skill' will be mentioned in later chapters.)

Common knowledge on Magic bringers paths—


First level up's paths(The path depends on your talent and passion but throughout the history, Magicbringer only has one basic path they follow.)

-magic learner

Second level up's paths


Third path

-magic master

Majorpath or fourth path

-Mage or spellmaster

The next path depends on the types of spell and the element of their affinity, Mages will condense their soul into their grimoire where their 'real magic' is found. Their affinity to the elements and the magic books of 'real magic' they have will decide what paths they should take to get stronger.

Bodybuilder's paths


First path(There are more but I'll just state the basics)



Second path



Third path



Mainpath or fourth path



The next paths are based on their beast or Techniques, this is when they practice 'real techniques' and create their flow of mama inside. Their circulating techniques and beast techniques are the keys to the levels above the basic levels.

Weaponmaker's paths


First path(there are more but I'll just write the basic)



Second path




-Apprentice Blacksmith

-Apprentice Alchemist

Mainpath or fourth path



Here they learn how to do weapons and not just rely on the system itself, Weaponmakers are also known as marksman because they excel in precision. Creating weapons and potions requires precision in the eyes. Naturally, using a weapon that emits projectile is a piece of cake to them.

The next path is again based on their talent and passion, they will take their own specialties and forge their own path.

Ranking in the military

-anspiring(path one to three)

-Newbee(when they reached the main path)—here they'll enter a military school to learn and do missions at the same time.

-ranked soldiers


Exp they need to level up.

100— First Path

500— Second Path

1000— Third path

2000— Fourth path

...Coming soon

With Every level up, their stat points will increase according to the path they took