
The Double Systemed Deities

In this world, there is a saying: The universe has hidden trials happening everyday, nobody knows when will they appear nor they give instructions on how to complete them; all they know is when completed, the trial will grant the worthy individual a hefty reward. After graduating from primary school, they decided to go on a hunt and gain exp for their level up, Like always, they assembled to their hut; located on the branches of a silver tree. But with them merrily planning, everyone suddenly fell asleep, not knowing what caused it. Opening their swollen eyes, what they saw is yet again their status. But something is different this time, Another screen containing notice they had never seen before appeared. Something they'll soon love, because it grants them access to the hidden trials they can currently have. But little things they know, the mysterious system has more than what they haven't explored. It isn't there to make their lives better, but it choose them for a reason. --- Wake up kiddos! You have work to do! Trial: Goblin Extermination! Synopsis: The appearance of goblins in the kuruuk forest is more complex than what the townfolks thought. A very sinister outcome is bound to happen when nothing is done. Missions: --- The main story would start on page --- I'll try publishing seven chapters every week, but additional ones will vary as how many power stones and collection this book get. --- Background photo isn't mine, if you're somehow the artist. Tell me so and I'll remove it.

creator_64 · Action
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32 Chs

Chapter 5— Magic enhancer

In the domain of trees called kuruuk, footsteps with fast beats echoed, made with crunches of leaves and pure soil. They are running from those that are chasing them.

Growls of the monsters echoed behind huffing lungs— surely they are tired by now as running for hours with their fastest speed would hinder one from moving his legs if stopped suddenly, they are fighting to not pass out as death wait them if they did. With them showing their weakness, the monsters behind laughed, pleased and amused. They chased them faster.

"We aren't going to last at this rate Trevor." Gio said huffing, his eyes on the path, not daring to look back or he'll trip falling. "Don't worry Gio, I've called some help, Valor said they'll go here... I hope they bring some officials, these monsters are stronger than what we can fight agaisnt."

They ran with all their might, hoping they could still sleep at night.

Gio from the right suddenly saw a goblin gaining speed to him, it has a sword made of metal, forge poorly but was stoned sharply. So he took his gun out from his waist and aimed to it while running, his hand shook aiming but still regained his composure and steadied his hand. He fired when the aim was pointed directly against the head and the bullet punctured through the goblin's left eye— Its brain fluids flew on the air, colored purple, mixed with reddened eyeballs. He was about to breathe in relief when another one came flying from behind, it landed on his right and gained speed to him again. His expression turned worried, this gun he made has only one cartridge for a bullet, reloading it would take time.

He reached some ammo inside his belt pouch, and quickly placed it in the cartridge. But the goblin had already jumped on the air and is only three inches away from him, So He moved his handfast and aimed at it while the gun is still in front of his abdomen.


Purple blood gushed out its chest, and a hole was made on its green skin. It screeched painfully and was blasted away from him, He quickly took another ammo and reloaded his gun before another goblin came flying from behind, worst is that the goblin's trajectory isn't off like the other two. Though he doesn't know it is flying directly to him, but he knows it is nearing-- the frenzied shout from behind tells him so, so he took out a mirror from his pouch and looked at it for a sec. There He saw multiple goblins and three ogres chasing after them, the ogres throws the goblins while the goblins would try to bound them. There he also saw a goblin nearing him from the back, flying with a maniac expression.

He has no confidence that he can kill it from behind and he also know Trevor also has woes to take care of, So he sighed with the will to live and aimed his gun using the mirror,


He has no time to think more, so he pulled the trigger without certainty as before, praying that it may somehow injure it.

He watched the scene using the mirror's reflection, breathed heavily and used his circulation before everything started to slow down, but things didn't really slow down, his brain just ran faster.

He saw the bullet in a blur, it traveled fast with momentun—Barely visible in his eyes. The goblin behind reacted quickly and swung its knife to defend itself, it screeched and the bullet was caught by its knife. Though it didn't injured it, it still made it back down, making its trajectory off. That's okay for Gio now.

He smiled looking at the mirror and was about to look away when he saw another goblin taking over the view, he's doomed. He knows that.

He doesn't have enough time right now to reload or even aim, he grunted troubled, pondered quickly. If he turned back and use his gun to defend, he will swing it to catch the knife, the other goblins will catch up to him, but if he stayed like this, he'll also die.

He just looked at his mirror double thinking, and caused his brain to lag in this critical situation, rendering him unavailable to think for a decision.

He knows he is doomed, really doomed. But with that scene of the goblin nearing, he saw a yellow line from the left extending with speed, The line is caused by a spell inscribed to a bullet—that bullet is at the extending end— it traveled with strong momentum and quickly punctured the head of the goblin nearing Gio, making the other one exclaim when he saw his accomplish dying with no warning.

Gio looked at his right and saw four silhouettes nearing them, the bullet from before was from one of them, from the barrel of Marcus.

Another bullet came out and punctured the brain of the other, Gio sighed relieved and thankful, he looked at them running before he asked when the four arrived in front, "Are the officials coming?" He was expecting but Valor shook his head and replied, "No, but we are going to fight this team of monsters."

Gio was flabbergasted, he looked at the Valor as if he's crazy and asked, "How can you stop that team of monsters? You may kill a green goblin, but not a freaking group of them! Especially those ogres. Those three big of muscles isn't our match!" He shouted angrily, "You had the chance to get help yet you let your thirst for battle take over?" Trevor came over speaking, the six ran while the two blabbered their mouth.

The four knotted their eyebrows, annoyed and angry—Not even a thank you was heard, well they can't blame them, for sure they had seen the gruesome scene. So Sarah spoke, "We have our reasons okay, we know our life will be in danger by going here but we have a reason, calling the officials will take time..." He then asked Gio rhetorically, "And you know what does that mean? It means you should be dead by now."

Valor then took over the lead and spoke, "We'll fight because we have a reason, now just run to safety if you don't want to risk your life." He said to the two while he looked at his system.

"You have chosen the path of braveness, Now then, kill all of these monsters. And It will help you get stronger."

The four looked at each other and nodded, they stopped while the two just looked at them baffled, still running. They didn't dare to look back. Because for them, the four are already dead.

The four heaved deep when they stopped, readied their resolve and weapons before they ran to the group of monsters. They know they are running to their grave at this rate but this is how they always do it, they run to them.

They are adept at fighting those that are supposed to be impossible for their level, this scenario is one of those, that's why they are said to be prodigies— it's not just because of their talent, it's also because of the daring quest they take to become stronger.

Their opponents are more or less twenty goblins and three ogres, what they should watch out for is the ogres so they should kill the goblins first. These green bastards are weak but are tricky, seeing the four rushing to them, they all went to group themselves for protection.

Valor's eyes glinted black, with a little hue of redness mixed. He went to the left where he saw three goblins that had already grouped themselves, already waiting for him—with weapons on their bony hands.

The ogres are ten meters away from the groups they chose, so this gave them about ten seconds to kill their targets.

Valor breathed the simple breathing and made his mana flow with his blood, it buffed him with power. He readied his shortsword on his right, and spell on his left. Before he ran to the group rushing, planning what he should do along the way. The goblins who saw that screeched to him with weapons on hand, a trickle of yellow piss couldn't help but trickle between their legs.

He surveyed with eyes rolling and smiled when he saw the skinny bones holding the knives, "That isn't how you are supposed to hold a knife, too many openings." He said and fired the spell, it isn't intended to blast them, but to blind them for three-second.

Blasting them with fireblast will only scatter the green bastards, giving them the chance of escaping while the ogre gets there to kill him. They chose to kill the goblins first because they need exp to level up, so that they can fight the ogres next. That will ascend their level to their next path, and will give them stat points and the privilege of the first pathtakers.

The fireball flew to the soil in front of the goblins and exploded when it touched the cold ground—it blasted debris to fly, hit their eyes with tremendous speed, and created a quick smokescreen. They shouted in pain while Valor neared them, He clutched his sword tightly and kept his eyes open with a glint.

"Simple slash: Horizon of blades"

The splurting sound echoed next after his sword went through the necks of the three. Decapitating their head away from their bodies.

"You killed three goblins!

40 exp 20 Bp gained!"

"You have enough exp to level up!

Want to level up now? (Yes or No)"

These notices showed up on the usual screen, Valor smiled seeing it and he unhesitantly chooses yes without contemplating. But before he can see his paths, Transparent green wisps came out of the bodies of the goblins and went inside him. He felt weird and unusual, it felt like something added up to him, but he can't remember them.

With those feelings disappearing, the paths he can take appeared on the usual screen.


MagicLearner— Your magic pouch will have two more vacant spots. You can cast more, meaning you can now do combos.

Magic enhancer— You fight with your sword and magic, Being a Magicenhancer can strengthen you with elements, having your sword and body buffed by what you'll forge on your own— Your Magicbody. "

Valor smiled seeing this, what his father said was true. He can continue wielding blade while doing magic, so he unhesitantly pressed choose magicenancer, before continued running because he knows one of the ogres is nearing him.

While running, he felt an electrifying shock inside his body. It went all over him, Hindering him from thinking right— It feels uncomforatable but soothing at the sametime, "So this is level up, The system downloads new feature to my system." Ten seconds later and the electrifying feeling went away.

On his screen, a feature many didn't have access to appeared. A transparent blue body with lines and circles appeared, the path of the Magic enhancers is this.

The Magicenhancers enhances their body with magic, they can make it fast by enhancing it with a lightning element or tough by the earth element, then additional strength will be gained with fire. Their spells aren't to be cast to their opponent, it is to be casted on them. Valor looked at it for a while and accessed his shop, he tried to look for a spell but he cannot find one—The words of his father then echoed, 'it is so hard it needs continuant pressure.' This is the first pressure, he doesn't know how to use it.

Valor thought running, he looked at the body projection and connected some dots he has. 'This is a circulation... a circulation... A circulation... Wait a minute. If I did that and did that... Then that must come up.'

He breathed heavily and created his magic circle, The very basic. It is the fire circle he learned in elementary, Valor controlled his magic inside and created his flow— from his heart to the major veins and arteries, he them stooped because that's how much his control can hold for now. He then felt his body getting strengthened, Like the basic breathing of the swordsmen. He ran and tested his theory, he placed that magic circle on his chest, directly in front of the heart.

He then felt its heat, even though he is wearing an armor. He removed his hand and it stayed there sticking on his chest, glowing red and emitting heat, he then made a strand of mana from his chest to that magic circle.

"Arghhh!" He couldn't help but exclaim in pain while running, he can feel his body becoming stronger but in exchange, he must endure the burning sensation. It isn't burning him physically, but only in his mana circulation, which is worst than physical.

"Magic body activated—FireBase.

You are buffed with +10 str, +3 spd, +4 endurance, and very weak burning effect"

Valor gritted in pain before turning back and rushed to the ogre, his mana is burning but so is his strength. He minded off the pain and focused on the ogre, clutched his sword, and planned how to defeat this fat bastard.

But while planning, like it's his memory, he subconsciously knows where this ogre's weak points are. It is at its right ribs, there is a wound there that was made by an opponent ogre not before long— It was on a ring where ogres and goblins are shouting with blood lust, a quarrel started over spilling blood on the ogre, the start of the fight that injured it badly while it killed its opponent. He was there, Valor was in the crowd.

"What is this?" He asked himself before he striked that wound with his blade, It punctured the ribs without a problem. Killing the ogre with one strike.