
1. the Beginning.

Rustling bushes, Birds tweeting and water rushing. That is all you can hear as an Elf gazed down at the forest. Ameria Gilrel sighed, she really wanted to go out in the forest and look around, Sadly she cannot and only the Braves of her tribe could actually go out into the forest.

Her tribe was called the Doriath, they were surrounded by greenery everywhere they looked, but only some could venture out there. The Doriath had a system with roles. The first one being the Braves or what they call 'I verya' meaning the brave. They go outside the stone walls to get food for the town.

It is a dangerous job to have, which gives them the name that they have. There are lots of dangerous things that could kill an Elf if they are inexperienced. It's rare for the Braves to come back with an injury since Elves are naturally Elegant and good on their feet. Ameria was told stories from before they had the system and that everyone could go and hunt.

Many Elves were inexperienced with fighting and defending themselves, they only knew how to get food for their families. Some Elves never made it home, causing their families to grieve with sadness. Some did, only because they managed to run away or kill them. Maybe hid from them. That wasn't long before the system started. They taught young Elves the basics on how to defend themselves from others, but that was about it.

Next was the 'maksar' meaning cook. If you had a talent with anything to do with cooking meaning making stews, skinning animals, placing the foods together and collecting the ingredients and putting them in the right food. You will be placed and tested for having the job as a cook,

There was plenty of roles in Ameria's tribe. She didn't pay attention to most roles except the Braves. She knew everything about them, from the way the formation is, to when, where and what the test is to be a Brave. The test starts on the first day of Winter, it goes on till the next day.

If you are the first four to pass the line at the end, you become a Brave, if you don't you aren't, but the rule is once you try for the trials and lose, you can not try again. It is to be held in a small clearing in the walls, the King, Erolith Gilwenys will be hosting it. You have to be 17 and over to try out for the trials.

Ameria was excited, she has practised for it since she was a young Elf. Ameria's birthday was the day before it started. She was finally turning 17 in 2 moons. She could not wait. She stood in front of her house, waiting for her parents. Her mum had Brown hair that glistened in the sun and almost reached the floor. Her job was the Braves, her dad tried out for being a Brave as well but sadly failed and his job now is someone who designs houses, they call his job 'tano' meaning craftsmen.

Ameria spotted her dad's long blonde hair and green eyes in the crowd. He looked joyful. "Návatar" (father) She called out in Elvish, he walked over to her and smiled. "Hello, mime lissi -iel, manen are tye?" (Hello, my sweet daughter, how are you?) He smirked. Ameria grinned, shaking her head. "Hello Father, I'm doing well, what about you? where is mother?" Ameria questioned.

"I'm also doing well, your mother is just cleaning up, you know how she is with dirty clothes" He joked. Ameria laughed and nodded, smiling. They waited outside, joking around and having fun. "Taenya tar tye are! Emme have ana linne- ana i dining sambe"(Taenya there you are! we have to go to the dining room) Drannor called out, spotting his wife. Doriath Elves have breakfast, lunch and dinner together in a dining room, where waitresses and waiters give you your ordered food.

Ameria hugged her mother, her ears picking up on her mother talking. "Let's go get food!" Taenya cheered, causing her husband and daughter to chuckle.

hey guys, this is my first story on here, please don't hate me.

The_white_fox23creators' thoughts