
The Door of Destiny

A dream takes him to another dimension, where magic and fighting are natural there. To him, it was all crazy, with a determination he tried to find a way to get out of that place. But there was a reason why he was trapped in that dimension and the fact that he wasn't the only one experiencing it. Will they finally be able to return to their world?

Park_Keyza · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Who are They

His breath hitched with sweat all over his body, a nightmare. That was what he was experiencing, his closed eyes starting to open but not the cave walls he saw.

Instead, it was a majestic building with large stones surrounding the place, his hand raised when he saw a light emerge from behind the building. An ancient building that looks so mysterious that it makes him curious.

But all he did was stay still, trying to block the light piercing his retinas until he realized that on his wrist was a shield worn by warriors of war.

Bead stared at his clothes, an outfit that looked like a special uniform until he heard a commotion behind him.

"Theo! Why do you always destroy my crops!"

It was a girl's voice. He turned his head, staring at the girl with the silver hair that seemed to glow among the green leaves. It felt familiar, especially when he saw Theo who was busy with a book in his hands without caring about the girl's screams.

What happened, felt like reality but he knew that this was just a dream.

"Want some chocolate?" a man ran, carrying a box of chocolates excitedly. Approaching the silver-haired girl who was angry was not clear before the girl squealed happily when the man gave her the chocolate.

"You don't want Theo?" The man spoke again, looking up at the tree Theo was using as a place for him to read a book.

"Do not bother me!"

The man gave up, choosing to sit on the grass with the silver-haired girl sitting next to him. The two of them laughed together, occasionally talking about funny things with their mouths busy chewing chocolate.

He was silent, wanting to come closer but his legs wouldn't move. Tried repeatedly and the result is still the same, it feels like someone is holding his legs so they don't move away from their current position.

Starting to think, where is he? Then who are they? Why was Theo there too?

He thought for a long time until the man noticed his presence "oh... Damian, you're back?"

Theo turned his head, staring at him with a look he couldn't decipher before he heard the voice of the silver-haired girl "want chocolate, the green made a lot of chocolate today"

"Hey.. not me who made it, but my little friends!" The man who was called the green didn't seem to like what the girl next to him said, because his little friends would be angry later.

"Yeah... who has a lot of friends!" said the girl then laughed mockingly at the man next to her.

Theo jumped down, approaching the two weirdos who were busy eating chocolate again. His hand took a piece of chocolate and carried it away.

"You said you didn't want to! Theo was weird!"

"Beautiful girl becomes a good boy okay" Theo replied, smiling widely always made the girl silent.

Not because he was handsome, but because she knew that Theo was restraining himself from cursing those squishy lips.

"You want?" Theo stared right at Damian's bead, thrusting the chocolate right in front of Damian.

"Do you want it or not!?" Theo asked again making Damian nod, taking the chocolate before looking at Theo again.

"If you can't move, just say so, don't stand still! And you'd better be careful now!"

Damian was surprised, felt strange by Theo's words but the man left first leaving himself with a question he couldn't answer himself.

'He knows..?'

"Hey... Damian"

Damian was surprised again when his shoulder was touched by the man behind him, staring at the bright blue beaded man before he felt strange at the man's smile.

"Did you forget me?" asked the man whispering right into Damian's ear.

His lips parted, trying to make a sound but nothing came out of his mouth. Weird, this was so strange that Damian heard a mocking laugh.

The man laughed, mocking himself for not being able to speak or even moving at all. Damian tried to rebel, but his body stiffened even more. This is strange, very strange.

'Realize Damian this is a dream!!'

"You want to know the truth, don't you!?" the man spoke again, patting Damian's shoulder repeatedly before the man laughed again "don't get your hopes up, remember this little warning Damian"

After that Damian's bead opened wide, staring up at the dark cave ceiling before he turned his head towards Theo. The man sleeping peacefully made him feel relieved. He raised his right hand when he felt something sticky there, saw melted chocolate that he was holding.

"Chocolate!?" Damian said, feeling even more strange about all of this.

Wasn't that just a dream, then why did the chocolate melt in his hand? This was strange, so strange it made Damian move up and run away outside the cave without knowing that Theo had woken up from his sleep.

Damian sat up, looking up at the sky letting the melted chocolate drip onto the ground. What exactly did the dream mean, it felt like he was being threatened by the man with the bright blue bead. But on the one hand, he also seems to be shown by a destiny that he has always thought about for the past few days.

And he saw that Theo was there, moreover, the clothes all five of them were wearing were the same. As the uniform of a soldier who is ready to fight, is it like that?

I don't know, Damian didn't know what he knew that the blue beaded man was no ordinary person.

"Did you have a bad dream?"

Damian turned his head, staring blankly at Theo who looked still sleepy "don't ask if you already know the answer!"

Theo chuckled "so what are you dreaming of this time? That woman or something else?"

There was no answer, the black-haired man chose silence before exhaling roughly "it feels like real" Damian replied after a long silence.

"I saw you there and you gave me a chocolate then this is what happened" Damian showed his palm letting Theo see the melted chocolate that filled his palm.

But Theo was not surprised, the man chose silence with a blank stare staring at Damian's palm "seems we are dreaming of the same thing?"

"What!" Damian was taken aback, staring right at Theo's bead which didn't reveal a lie at all.

The man was telling the truth, leaving Damian unable to think of anything other than what the dream meant.

"Then you saw the man standing behind me!?" Damian looked at Theo who nodded.

"His face can't be seen clearly but it feels familiar, let alone the other two people. The three of them don't seem like strangers" Theo's answer made Damian realize that these people were just like them.