
The DoomSlayer goes to the world Against The Gods

Fighting an endless battle with demons, the Slayer is sent to the universe of cultivators to prevent the destruction of this world by hell.

BraTok · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs

Chapter 3

Meanwhile, the Slayer, leaving the portal, turned around and immediately closed it with a swing of the Crucible.

Vega: You should hurry before the space-time continuum begins to collapse. The power of the Icon of Sin grows every second. If this is not stopped, then a black hole will soon form, which will drag this universe into hell.

While the Slayer was falling from a high height, Vega managed to inform him.

The demons were already ready to go to the next city to wreak havoc and kill everyone indiscriminately. Suddenly, a human figure clad in Praetorian armor landed in front of them.

The Slayer fell on the back of one of the Barons of Hell, whose height was several meters. In Hell, they occupied a fairly high caste among the demons and were considered to be something like a royal guard. But before the Slayer, they were nothing more than ordinary demons, whom he killed in droves.

Taking the demon by the horns and tearing the head off the torso, the Slayer threw it towards the demons. Finding the Icon of Sin nearby, he moved to its place.

Of course, the demons were afraid of the Slayer, but they did not even think to retreat. The Slayer brutally killed them, but if they still manage to defeat his, they will also tear his body apart.

The Slayer deftly dodged ranged attacks of demons. In close combat, the demons could not do anything to him, since he stopped any of their attacks with a crucible and cut their bodies into several parts. Successfully cutting his way, he finally reached the Icon of Sin.

The mighty demon, noticing the Slayer, immediately began to attack and directed his huge fist in his direction.

The Slayer did not avoid the blow, and as soon as the demon's attack was close enough, he struck a blow with his fist with great speed.


The earth caved in, but the Slayer was harmless. Huge chunks of flesh flew from the arm to the demon's torso, but the skeleton remained unharmed.

While the demon came to his senses, the Slayer had already jumped to his head with a crucible in his hands and stuck a blade into the brain of the evil. Immediately, white lines began to spread throughout the entire body of the Icons of Sin.

Only a demonic sword is able to stop such a creature, provided that the blade is always in its body.

The destruction of the universe stopped and the laws began to come into order. The sky gradually began to take on its original appearance. During this time, the Slayer managed to destroy all the demons located in the Sect of the Fleeting Villa.

Vega: The last one is coming. He is different from everyone else. It looks like its speed is superior to others and is approximately at the level of the marauder.

The Slayer immediately moved in the direction of the demon, and soon they met.

The demon looked like a human, only it had horns on its head, and its skin was pale gray, and a demonic red light came out of its eyes. A strange mirror shone on his chest.

Previously, it was an ordinary person named Yun Che, he has already completely become a part of hell and now he should be taken as a demon. The soul of such people can no longer be saved. The only way out is death, but even after death, the soul becomes the essence of the energy of hell and then becomes a demon of a lower or higher class.

A green mist began to emanate from the demon's body, but noticing that it does no damage to the Slayer. The demon moved forward, determined to kill the enemy in front of him.

Some demons who were previously human retain their fighting skills and can use weapons previously owned by them.

The Slayer, noticing how the enemy began his movement, immediately took out his second demonic blade and began to conduct his attack.

Only the Slayer had the knowledge how to make the Crucible, a powerful sword with the boundless energy of hell. A blade capable of cutting through everything that touches and even sealing the Icon of sin, the harbinger of the end of the world. Now the Slayer always carried two demonic artifacts with him, in case of unforeseen circumstances. After all, if he fell into another world that did not contain the agent-energy that his armor consumed, the crucible was able to solve this problem.

Holding the blade in his right hand, the Slayer swung it, preparing to cut the demon in two, but he grabbed the Slayer's wrist and was able to stop the blow. In parallel with this, a humanoid creature struck in the chest area of ​​its opponent, throwing him back several tens of meters.

Vega: It looks like he retained the skills of the previous person.

The Slayer, without hesitation, immediately began to strike with his left hand, but the demon again blocked the attack, then the blade that was on the hand from the elbow to the wrist suddenly extended, entering the demon's eye and exiting through the back of the head.

The last demon was destroyed and again the Slayer saved another world, it's a pity that no one knew this.

Meanwhile, the mirror that was on the demon's body began to shine intensely and a green ball revolved around it. The world around the Slayer became half white, as if it was undergoing some kind of change, but could not advance further.

Vega: It seems to be a powerful artifact of this dimension, capable of manipulating time. It used to belong to a demon who was a human, but since the demon's soul has disappeared, you need to complete the changes instead.