
The Donor (And Other Stories)

Andrew only had 6 months to live. The doctor sentenced him with a brain tumor that had reached the terminal stage. Not wanting to die in vain, he then decided to donate his organs. But he had a condition, he wanted to choose the person who will receive his heart. From several international waiting list patients that matched him, Andrew found a girl who had been in and out of hospital all her life because she was born with some congenital disease and had to get not only a heart, but also a new liver and kidney, all of which matched his. Andrew finally decided to meet the girl and see what she was like. ----------- THANK YOU for reading this very short story. I wanted to make it into a novel but unfortunately, I don't have the time, so I decided to turn it into a one-shot. I will be publishing more novels in English, most of them are quite short, less than 100 chapters and they will be available for free (not contracted). So, if you add this book in your library, I will keep you updated about them. Or you can also just read my contracted novel "THE ALCHEMISTS" because I'll be posting announcements and the title of the free novels there. Talk to me in Instagram @missrealitybites or Discord: missrealitybites#3499

Missrealitybites · Urban
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8 Chs

More short stories: Glass Heart


Thank you for reading this book. I have decided to publish more short stories in this book. If you liked the first two, I am confident you would like the next one too. It's called "Glass Heart".

It is a teen fiction which I wrote maybe... 20 years ago, when I was in secondary school but only published recently. My existing readers love it so I will try to translate it into English as well, just like the first two stories in this book.

However, I would like to kindly ask your understanding because the update will be slow. "Glass Heart" is a 10 chapter story with a total of 20k words. So, translating it will take some time. Please let me know if you prefer to wait until I can translate everything and publish all chapters in one go, or would you be OK to read 1-2 chapters per week?


Nana grew up for 15 years without her parents. They went to the United States when she was one month old, taking her twin sister Diana who suffered congenital heart disease to get treatment to save her life. They kept saying they would come back for her, but they never did since Diana took so much of their time, and each time, she was too sick to travel and her parents couldn't leave her.

Nana had been best friends with Kojiro, a mixed Japanese boy who lived next door to her grandparents' home since she was a toddler and they always went to school together, being late together, punished by the teachers together, and basically grew up together. Kojiro was her only real family, because deep inside she thought her family was never coming back.

Until one day, on her 16th birthday.. they finally did come back.