
Chapter 2 This Younger Brother_1

Translator: 549690339

This place belongs to the edge of Huai City, originally not many people live here, so at eight o'clock on this cold night, it is almost deserted.

It isn't easy to come across a beauty, and the creepy man certainly did not want to give up; he also understood that these two women didn't know each other at all, definitely just pulled together at the last minute by that woman.

Just two women...

The creepy man thought for a moment, and still decided to keep following them.

Musheng had originally been on the opposite side from them, and the route home was also on the creepy man's side; seeing this, Musheng, leading Hai Ge, still headed in that direction.

Hai Ge's body was shaking slightly. In such cold weather, aside from the overcoat, she was only wearing a red dress, revealing her straight and long legs, which looked somewhat cheap, yet filled with temptation.

Musheng looked and felt cold for her.

"Are you cold?"

Musheng looked at her askance. Hai Ge shook her pale little face and clung more tightly to Musheng's arm, "That man is watching us!"

With her head lowered, buried in Musheng's shoulder, if Musheng were a bit shorter, and with Hai Ge wearing high heels making her over one meter seventy, she probably would have wanted to throw herself into Musheng's arms.

Musheng rolled her eyes, wondering how she could be so frightened and yet dare to come out alone; she couldn't understand what was going on in her head.

By this time, they had already gotten close to the direction of the creepy man. Aside from being short and weak, his features also appeared lewd, his eyes even slightly askew, no wonder he stooped to trailing women in the middle of the night.

Musheng just gave him a sidelong glance. Scared, Hai Ge did not dare to open her eyes. As they passed by the man, the creepy man suddenly looked around, saw that there was no one else, evil rising from his guts, he abruptly pounced trying to grab Hai Ge's arm.

Musheng's eyes narrowed, and with a forceful move of her hand, she twisted Hai Ge's body to one side, positioning herself face to face with the creepy man, before swiftly extending her leg for a kick!

With a "thud," Musheng's movement was too fast to be seen, you could only catch the residual image of the creepy man flying sideways, hitting the streetlight by the road, and then crashing heavily onto the ground, kicking up a cloud of dust.

Looking at Musheng again, there was a light smile on her face, her brows and eyes carried a flirtatious disregard. When Hai Ge opened her eyes upon hearing the commotion, she saw through the refraction of the streetlight, this girl who had tucked her arm, standing there carefree and unruly, exuding an indescribable charm, and that faint smile seemed to bewitch her.

In that moment, a phrase suddenly surged in Hai Ge's heart, "A lifetime of charm!"

She did not know how this phrase could fit so seamlessly on a girl, but in the meantime, Musheng had already let go of the stunned Hai Ge, "It's okay now, there's no more trouble."

Hai Ge then came to her senses and saw the creepy man who was unable to utter even a cry of misery lying on the ground, his face twisted in pain, clutching his belly and only able to emit hoarse 'ow-ow' sounds. Hai Ge was astonished and involuntarily took a step or two back, her gaze drifting towards Musheng.

"Next time you go out, be a little more aware; not every time will you encounter someone else around."

Musheng said softly, without offering any explanations. Hai Ge's face flushed hotly with shame, "I had an argument with someone tonight and acted impulsively..."

Hai Ge had not finished speaking when Musheng glanced at her. Hai Ge couldn't understand the meaning behind that look and felt a pang of fear. Suddenly, she stepped forward, grabbed Musheng's hand, and said, "What's your name? Do you have a phone? I... I want to repay you!" She felt a bit ashamed and lowered her head to hide her nervousness, only to hear Musheng's indifferent response, "My name is Musheng, I don't have a phone, and there's no need for repayment. Also, I'm leaving now. Do you plan to keep staying here?"

Hai Ge was somewhat disappointed with Musheng's answer, but she had no choice but to follow him out.

Musheng rarely played the good Samaritan, but this time he took it to the limit and escorted Hai Ge to a busier street area where he found her a hotel. He couldn't be bothered to ask why she wasn't going home. Instead, Hai Ge, unable to get Musheng's phone number, left him a note with her own number on it. Musheng didn't care and simply tucked the note into his coat pocket before leaving.

On the road, when Musheng felt the note, he suddenly remembered that Hai Ge had offered him a sum of money as a reward. Due to his style of doing things, his instinct was to refuse. It wasn't until now that he remembered he was no longer the person who never looked at the price tag when buying something. This Musheng was very poor!

Musheng pinched his own face and sighed, "Serves you right for trying to show off, now you're poor!"

The incident with Hai Ge delayed Musheng, and it was already 9 PM by the time he got home. When he arrived and knocked on the door, he could still hear the sounds of laughter and chatter inside, suggesting there were quite a few people there.

Musheng was a bit puzzled and saw a strange girl when the door opened.

The girl appeared to be about sixteen or seventeen, with a youthful look and a pretty face. She looked at Musheng with confusion, "Who are you?"

Musheng smiled and didn't answer, just walked straight into the house. The girl immediately tried to stop him from behind, "Hey, who are you, walking into someone else's house like that?"

The small living room was fully visible at a glance. Musheng quickly walked in and saw, sitting on the sofa with his legs crossed, the brother who had been on his mind the past few days and whom he had just met for the first time today—Musheng's brother.

The hairstyle was rubbish, the messy, skyward hair that Musheng found disagreeable among the fashionable young crowd, with a few strands over the forehead especially prominent. If it weren't for his delicate features, he couldn't have pulled off the look at all.

Musheng felt a hand gripping his arm and glanced at the girl, "Do I need your permission to enter my own home?"

The girl looked shocked and seemed to remember something. She quickly released Musheng's arm and said, with a flushed face and some embarrassment, "Ah, are you Nanji's sister, Musheng?"

The seventeen-year-old boy lounging on the sofa with an indifferent smile on his face beckoned to the girl, "Xiaojuan, come here, why bother with her?"

His voice raspy from puberty but still not unpleasant to hear. Xiaojuan looked at Musheng sheepishly before she walked over, and Ma Nanji wrapped an arm around her and defiantly stared at Musheng.

Xiaojuan's face was so red it looked like it might bleed, as she tried to push Ma Nanji away. But remembering how hard it had been to finally become Ma Nanji's girlfriend, she lacked the courage to do so. She just felt embarrassed in front of his sister. She glanced up at Musheng only to realize that she had already taken a seat on a single sofa on the other side, casually crossing her long legs on the coffee table, her arm resting on the edge of the sofa, supporting her head, and asked nonchalantly, "Where's mom?" without even glancing their way.

Xiaojuan was stunned, and observing the profile of the other, she realized that Musheng resembled Ma Nanji, particularly in profile.

What was more important was that the way she lounged on the sofa had a kind of indescribable presence about her; there was a cool and lazy arrogance with an undertone of subtle indifference, squinted eyes somehow similar to Ma Nanji's. But when it came to this presence, Ma Nanji couldn't come close even if he tried.

Just then, Ma Nanji slammed the table, startling the daydreaming Xiaojuan so much she nearly peed herself!

"You've got some nerve, showing up so late. No one made dinner, so mom had to go out to buy me food, and you still have the cheek to ask!"