
The Dofus Seekers

It had been eight years since the Eliatrope traiter, Qilby was sent back to the White Dimention by a young Yugo. Now Yugo is leading the Eliatropes as King along with his Dragon brother Atamai. But not only do they lead the Eliatropes but Yugo and Adamai are now Fathers. Two Dofus had hatched revealing for Yugo an Eliatrope girl and her brother dragon. For Adamai it's the oposite. An Eliatrope boy and his sister dragon. Yugo had named his daughter Sarime and his son Soromalaiki.

AngelxYasutora · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

The Eliadida

"I remember seeing that brown spot on her cheek when she hatched Soro had a green spot on the oposite cheek at that exact time as well" Yugo said in wonder. His eyes widened as he remembered who that voice belonged to. "D-Dad.....What are you doing here shoudln't you be in bed" He said as he helped him sit down.

"I should be asking the two of you the same thing" Alibert said.

Yugo looked off to the side blushing slightly. "I had to talk to Amalia" He said.

"About Sarime and Solomalaiki huh" He said as he looked at Yugo. He didn't say anything. "So it is true.....They really are half Sadida"

"Yeah" Yugo said. Alibert looked at him then at Amalia then back at Yugo Smiling.

"They have a lovely mother Yugo...Treat her well" He said which made the both of them blush madly.

Amalia looked at Yugo and giggled. "Anyway How do you know if I even am their mother what if I'm not" She said. Yugo whispered something in her ear which made her blush. "O-Okay maybe I am" She said.

"What did you say to her Yugo" Alibert asked.

"I told her that she was the only one I'll ever care about that much" He said.

"In other words you love her right" He asked.

"More than anything" He said which made her blush even more.

"Q-Question is How are we gonna tell them" She asked.

"I'd rather not let them know just yet to tell the truth Sarime doesn't even know that their real grandparents were dragons or that they can be reborn within their dofus if they die" Yugo explained.

"But when do you think you should tell them" She asked.

"Not me We and I'm not sure but it would have to be before their journey begins" He said.

"WAAH" They heard Sarime's voice from the top of the stairs. They saw a portal open at the bottom of the stairs and she fell through it landing on one knee.

"You okay Sari" He asked as he walked over to her.

"I'm fine I just tripped on a toy" She said as she gave him an all too familier goofy smile. He looked at her an smiled Kissing the top of her eye which was now looking like a black eye with the dark brown skin surounding it.

"Your father used to make that same smile with us when he was young I guess you get that adorable smile from him" Amalia said as she smiled.

"Really Your Highness" She asked.

"Really and you don't need to call me your highness or your majesty just call me Amalia" She said.

"And I think it's time you should start acting like a princess" Yugo said.

"What do you mean Daddy" She asked.

"What I mean is you are the princess of the Eliatropes and soon to be the heir to the throne and you need to start your princess training I will still train you with the Wakfu but you also need to learn to be a princess" He said.

"She also needs to learn to control her....Well.....other magic and you can't teach her how to control that now can you" Amalia said.

"Right I guess not So I want you to teach her Amalia....Teach her to use her Sadida magic properly" He said.

"I'll teach her everything I know" Amalia said.

"Sadida magic what do you mean Daddy" Sarime asked.

"I'll tell you when your older right now you should get back to bed...Soromalaiki you too" he said as he looked at the kitchen.

"Soro" Amalia asked as she saw Soromalaiki's head peek out from behind the kitchen floor. "how long have you been there"

"I fell asleep here...but I heard everything" He said.

"Then not a word of this to your sister Understand" Yugo said.

"I understand dad" He said.

"Good now go back to bed both of you and take grandpa with you I will talk to you in the morning Soro" He said.

"Yes dad" Soro said.

"Why is daddy so hush hush now he hardly ever talks openly to me anymore I don't know why....is it because we're different" She asked as she looked at Soro after putting Alibert back to bed.

"I don't know.....But what I can tell you is that Chibi, Grougal, Qilby, Shinonome.....basically the first five Eliatropes six counting dad and the first six dragons to ever roamed our planet are our aunts and uncles because all of them are brothers and sisters born from six different Dofus eggs born from the same mother and father eventhough they look totally different from each other" He explained as he walked into their bedroom where Kojumo and Yogipheramae were sitting.

"So would that mean that Uncle Yugo's and daddy's mommy and daddy were dragons" Yogipheramae asked.

"I can't say Dad told me not to tell her anything about what they were discussing down stairs which means I can't explain it to you guys yet" He said.

An hour later Sarime was fast asleep but the two dragons and Kojumo were still awake. Kojumo made sure that Sarime was fast asleep by clapping his hands. "She's fast asleep" He said.

"Why did you do that brother" Yogi asked.

"She's a heavy sleeper the only thing that can wake her up from a deep sleep like this is either when she sences danger or when Uncle Yugo wakes her up for Daddy Daughter day" He said.

"What's Daddy Daughter Day" She asked.

"Basically He takes her out of town for the whole day once a week to teach her the things he was tought by Phaerys and dad He takes me out there once a week too calling it Uncle Nefew day Why hasn't dad been doing that to the two of you" He explained.

"Not that I know of" Soro said.

"Daddy and Grougal have been teaching us" She said.

"I see.....So what were Uncle Yugo and Queen Amalia talking about a while ago" He asked.

"Well....She's our mother...I woudn't be surprised since she is able to use Sadida magic and I am showing signs of green scales as you can see on my face, arms, and legs but I'm not sure how we were born in a dofus like our dads were" He explained the rest of what they were talking about as he looked at them.

"Why didn't he tell us that that traiter Qilby is our Uncle and his brother" Kojumo said.

"I'm not sure I think he wanted to tell the two of you when you were older" Soro said.

"Daddy told us right away that the first six Eliatropes and their dragons are our Aunts and Uncles and that grandma and grandpa were dragons but we still don't know how Uncle Yugo the youngest of the first six became King" Yogi said.

"How was He the youngest" Kojumo asked.

"He and Daddy were the last ones to hatch out of their Dofus the first time or so what Shinonome said" She said.

"I think we may have to go into the white Dimention and ask our Uncle Qilby for ourselves" Soro said.

"Absolutely not" They heard Yugo's voice from behind.

"Uncle" Kojumo said.

"But why Uncle Yugo" Yogi asked.

"I don't want him to know that the two of you are my Neice and Nefew and that you are my son he may try to take revenge on you for what I did to him" He said.

"That's right you were the one that put in him the White dimention the first time and the last time" Yogi said.

"That's right and I do not want you kids going there there is still much you need to learn from us before you could even stand a chance aguinced him" He said.

"We are stronger than you think Uncle" Kojumo said.

"But we won't go there to fight we want answers he's the only one that knew who you were in your past life" Soro said.

"But how do you know he won't lie to the three of you like he did me his own brother" He said.

"We're his Neices and Nefews he wouldn't lie to us kids now would he" He said.

"I was twelve and he lied to me So you aren't going to the white dimention and don't even think about trying to steal the Eliacube it's well guarded at home no one but me and Adamai can use it" He said.

"We weren't planning on stealing the Eliacube Dad Don't worry we aren't like you and Uncle Adamai" Soro said.

"Just you wait till your older you're more like us than you think" He said as he looked at Sarime's sleeping body remembering Sarime giving him his goofy smile.

"How can you tell Uncle Yugo" Kojumo asked.

"Well the games you play with Sarime are the same games Adamai played with me when I first met him But he played them with me so that he could see my strength" He said.

"And the games Soro and I play too he said that they're the same games He played on you" Yogi said before she yoaned.

"You three should get back to bed Tomarrow is a special day" He said just before he smiled.

"Okay dad" Soro said as Yogi crawled into bed next to Sarime and Soro crawled into bed next to Kojumo as they yoaned.

"And Soro" He said.

"What is it dad" He asked.

"What do you think of your mother.....Adamai has told me that you and him have been going to the Sadida Kingdom to get medicinal herbs to try to get rid of your green scales and you talk to her every time you're there without even knowing her" He asked.

Soro smiled. "She's beautiful dad....you picked a great mate but I had a strong feeling that I knew her even before I met her personally at first I didn't know why until I overheard you talking to her I always wanted to know who our mother was and now I do" He said.

He smiled. "Now I just need to get your sister's opinion When she first met her at four years old She thought she was pretty too but I'm not sure what she'll think when I tell her the truth tomarrow" He said.

"Tomarrow" Soro asked.

"Yes....Amalia and I have decided to tell her tomarrow as a birthday present" He said.

"Do you think she'll like it" He asked.

"I'm not sure but you should get to sleep I'll see you in the morning my son" He said as he ruffled his head a little. He walked over and kissed Sarime's head then left the room. Later that morning Everyone but Sarime was up and around. She was still fast asleep. Yugo walks into the room. He walks over to her and sits down becide her smiling and gently stroking her hair. "Sarime sweetie it's time to wake up" He said. She just pulled her covers over her head which made him chuckle.

"She's still not awake yet huh" Soro said.

"She gets like this every year" He said.

"I'm not going" Sarime said sadly.

"What's wrong" He asked.

She takes the covers off her and sits up revealing that almost her whole body was covered with the Sadida skin. "This is why" She said as she started crying. "Everyone will laugh at me"

"Sis look at me Wherever Uncle Adamai has blue around him I was born with the blue like him but now all of that is turning Green you don't see me crying about it" Soro said.

"Your a boy and a dragon at that so your one to talk" She said as she glared at him.

"Alright you two that's enough" Yugo said.

"Daddy What's happening to us" She asked.

"That's something I'll have to tell you later alright" He said.

"Or I could just get her now dad" Soro said.

"Maybe that might be best if we told you now" He said. he looked at Soro. "Go get her then"

"Alright" Soro said as he left the room then came back minutes later with Amalia.

"Is something wrong Yugo" She asked.

"I think it's best if we told her now Amalia" He said.

She looks over at Sarime then walked into the room closing the door behind Soro as he walked in. "I see" She said.

"I don't understand daddy why does she have to be here" Sarime asked.

"Just listen to them Sis" Soro said.

"Remember when you asked me what you mother was like but I told you that I didn't know" Yugo asked.

"Yeah what about it" She asked.

"Well Back then I never knew who your mother was....Yours and your brother's Dofus just appeared into Adamai's Dofus room where he was guarding Kojumo and Yogi's Dofus....As soon as I saw that dofus I had a strong feeling that it belonged to me.....The color of your dofus was Teal and Green.....I didn't know what that meant until a couple days ago...But when you were four I saw you use Sadida magic on that tree you hit with the portals' power but I've always known about the coloring of your skin darkening and some parts of your hair changing color little by little every day I was confused at first cause I thought you were a Full Eliatrope but when I relized that your skin and hair where changing into what appeared to be a Sadida's I knew that there was only one woman I know that you would've gotten those Sadida traits from" He explained as he set her on his lap and Amalia sat next to him then Soromalaiki sat on Amalia's lap.

"Me" Amalia said.

"Daddy I don't understand" She said.

"What I'm trying to say is that you aren't a fullblooded Eliatrope but half Sadida as well as half Eliatrope.....Queen Amalia Sharam Sharm is your mother...your birth mother" He said.

Her eyes widened. "Soo Amalia.....is our mommy" She said.

"that's what he said sis" Soro said.

"Soo....does that make me....an Eliadida" She asked.

"A What" Yugo and Amalia said at the same time.

"An Eliadida you know Half Eliatrope half Sadida" She asked.

The two of them laughed. "Yes sweetie you're an Eliadida" Yugo said as he calmed down to a chuckle.

"And does that make Soro a Dragida or a Sadigon" She said.

"Yes Sis" Soro said.

"But I'm still a princess right" She asked.

"Sarime You'll always be a princess no matter what" Amalia said.

"You'll always be a princess because your mother is the Queen of the Sadidas and I am the King of the Eliatropes" Yugo said.

"Does that make me a Prince dad" Soro asked.

"Yes Soro" Amalia said.

"I knew I was able to use Sadida Magic but I never understood how or why and I never knew about my hair and skin turning until a couple months ago....I was afraid to tell you because I thought you would laugh at me if I showed you daddy" She said sadly as she looked up at him.

"He looked at her and smiled then hugged her tightly kissing the top of her head. "Sweetie I will never laugh at you ever and don't you dare think that" He said. "Now come on your birthday guests are waiting for the birthday kids" He said as he looked at her then at Soromalaiki.

"Okay" They both said at the same time.

"Sari...Now that you know who your mother is.....What do you think of her" Yugo asked.

She looked at her then back at him then back at her again. "Wellll...I LOVE HER" She said as she pounced off of Yugo and into Amalia's arms showing her goofy smile hugging her tightly.

She looked at her and smiled as she hugged her back as she started crying. "I'm so happy" She said.

Soro looked at them and smiled but then was picked up by Yugo. "Don't think we forgot about you my little man" He said as he gave him a noogie. they looked at Sarime as she yoaned. "Don't go back to sleep Sari today's a big day for the four of you" He said as he looked at her.

"I can't help it daddy I'm tired" She said.

"You stayed up late again last night didn't you" He said.

"Maybe but the other three stayed up even later than I did" She said.

"And yet We're not tired" Soro said.

"Whatever I see those bags in your eyes" She said.

Amalia smiled then got up holding her in her arms. "Come on you three lets go becides Eva's and Percedal's kids are here and they want to meet the four of you" She said.

"Oh yeah I almost forgot about that" Yugo said.

As Yugo and Amalia walked down the stairs with Soro in Yugo's arms and Sari in Alamia's everyone greeted them and said happy birthday to the Eliadida and the half Dragon half Sadida kids. Eva and Yugo introduced the four kids to the four half Iop half Cra children, the youngest Iop/Cra girl was still just an infant. The second youngest boy was about the same age as Hikaoru, the second oldest girl is in her mid teens, and the oldest boy is mid twenties. As the adults were talking the kids were playing a game of Gobbowl with the oldest Iop/Cra as the Refferee. Sarime's Team Made up of Sarime the team captin, Yogi, The second youngest Cra/Iop boy, and the second oldest Cra/Iop girl. Kojumo was the captian of the opposing team along with Soro and the other kids.

Yugo watched the Gobbowlers as he smiled. "Reminds me of our days as a Gobbowl team with Ruel" He said.

"You Scored the Winning goal didn't you Yugo" Percedal said.

"Not without your help Percedal" He said as he watched Sarime score a point.

"You scored the winning goal in both Gobbowl matches remember the match when we teamed up with Kriss Krass When he was on trial" Eva said.

"Oh yeah I remember that one" He said.

"Hmm.....Whaddya say Yugo Should we challage the kids to a Gobbowl match" Percedal said.

"I dunno Percedal the kids are still too young for a real Gobbowl match" He said as he looked at him

"We were just kids when we were on Ruel's Gobbowl team" He said.

"True but Sarime and the others are younger than we were so they're still too young" He said.

"Yugo Look at them The kids are like pros It's like your Gobbowl talents have been passed onto them maybe the two of you should test their skills" Amalia said as she saw Soro Score a point for Kojumo's team. "As long as you go easy on them understand me"

"I understand Mali" He said.

"So whaddya say Yugo should we test our kids' skills in Gobbowl" Percedal asked.

"Yeah but I have someting a little different in mind" He said as he noded his head.

"Like what" Alamia and Evanngelyne asked.

"Me, and our kids aguinced Precedal and his kids" He said.

"But isn't that Five aguinced four that's a little unfair isn't it" Amalia said.

"Not if Adamai is on Percedal's team" Yugo said.

"But He doesn't know how to play does he" Evangelyne asked.

"Maybe I do but maybe I don't but just like my brother I'm a fast learner" He said.

"It's a Match" Said Perceal as he Shook hands with Yugo as they both laughed.

"Might wanna start preparing for your match boys the kids are about finished with theirs and Guess who's winning" Eva said.

"It would have to be our kids Eva no doubt about it" Percedal said.

"Actually Percedal Sarime's team is winning She's already made almost fifty goals since the game started a couple hours ago She's just like her father" Eva said as she looked at Yugo.

"I told you they were pros" Amalia said.

"But I wonder how Yogi and Soro learned how to play" Yugo asked as he glared at Adamai.

"There were a lot of people that played Gobbowl where I was raising them and they learned by watching them They asked if they could teach them how to play and they said yes" Adamai said.

"Really cool" Yugo said.

"I may not know much but I learn by watching the kids play and I've played with them for practice and Soro says I'm pretty good for someone that doesn't know much" He said.

"Oh you are are you Well We'll just have to see about that little brother" Yugo said.

"Are you challanging me brother if so I gladly accept" He said.

"Haven't you already noticed Adamai your on Percedal's Team so both of you don't need to challange each other" Amalia said.

"Oh.....I forgot" He said.


"YEAY WE WON WE WON" Sarime as she and Yogi cheered for joy. She looked at Yugo. "Daddy where's Imari and Lyome" She asked.

"Darn I can't believe I lost to a couple of girls and to my sister and cousin no doubt" Said Soro as he saw Sari sticking out her tounge at him.

"They had to go to Cra City for something Special" He said.

"But shouldn't have Hikaoru went with them" She asked.

"He did go with them They should be back soon though" He said.

"What did they go for" She asked.

"Something very special for Hikaoru a Cra weapon of his very own" He said.

"You mean that the three kids that help you and your father around the inn are Cra children" Evangelyne asked.

"Yes but right now they are in Cra City A Cra's bow is their life right they have to protect it at all costs Lyome took Imari there when she first got her bow and they lived there when Lyome got his so now it's Hikaoru's turn to get his own" He explained.

"That's true" She said.

"You shoulda SEEN How Daddy and Lyome and Imari battled the Taures when they came here four years ago Cra magic is AMAZING" Sarime said as she looked at Evangelyne.

"I still can't believe that you and Amalia are the parents to such cuties Yugo" Evangelyne said as she smiled. Sarime gave her a goofy smile Yugo once did to them long ago.

"When their Dofus appeared in Adamai's Dofus room at first I couldn't believe it either" He said as he picked her up and set her on his lap.

"Mr Percedal Daddy tells me in his stories about your aventures that you are a Shushu guardian is that true cause daddy is a Guardian as well" She asked as she looked at him.

"Why yes it is Young one This is my good buddy Rubilax I call him Rubi for short" Percedal said as he brought out Ribilax in his soward form.

"A pleasure to meet you little one" Rubilax said.

"Wow it really is true it's a real live Shushu and it's a pleasure to make your Aqquaintance Mr. Rubilax" She said in amazement.

"Hasn't Yugo shown you Scribble" Eva asked.

"No he hasn't but Who is Scribble" She said.

"There was no need too" Yugo said.

"You shoulda at least introduced her to him" Eva said.

"Daddy Who's Scribble" Sarime asked.

"My Shushu it's a minor shushu but a shushu is still a shushu and they are dangerous if they're released from their prisons" Yugo said.

"The Squirt has a point" Rubilax said.

"Hey I'm not a Squirt anymore Rubilax I'm a full grown Adult now as you can see" He said.

"You're still a Squirt to me boy" He said as he laughed. Yugo glared at him then he heard Sarime laughed.

"Daddy he's funny" She said.

"Not you too Sari" He said. She giggled. Yugo sighed. "Anyway Sari Soro What do you say to a game of Gobbowl with me It'll be the five of us aguinced Percedal and his kids plus your Uncle Adamai" He asked.

She looked up at him. "The five of us" She asked.

"You, me, Soro, Kojumo, and Yogi aguinced Percedal, his three kids, and your Uncle Adamai since their youngest is still just a baby" He said.

"Sure" She said with her goofy smile.

"That's my girl" He said as he gave her a noogie.

She giggled again. "When does the match start" She asked.

"As soon as you kids rest up" He said.

"I'm rested up already I barely broke a sweat out there" She said.

"Maybe so but you need to be at full strength" He said. Just then her stumach started to growl. "So why don't we eat first then have our match"

"Okay daddy" She said.

Yugo made Gobble stew and Fresh bread for everyone. He searved the Bread as the Stew was cooking. "Looks like Xav's lessons have payed off this is Delitious Yugo" Amalia said.

"Actually I didn't make this batch Sarime did" He said as he looked at her with flower everywhere showing him her goofy smile.

"Really she's been making bread" She asked. Her eyes widened. "YOU'VE BEEN LETTING OUR EIGHT YEAR OLD DAUGHTER MAKE BREAD LET ALONE USING THE OVEN SHE'S TOO YOUNG" She yelled.

"But Malia She's been helping me bake bread since she was five She's never gotten burned believe me" He said as he backed away. 'Wow She's scarry when she's angry Why did I not notice this before' He thought to himself.

"But mommy I offered to bake it becides I say it tastes a LOT better than daddy's I mean sure Daddy's is good but mine is A LOT better" She said.

"And Who taught you how to bake bread Young lady" he said as he crossed his arms and looked at her.

She sniffed the air. "Daddy your stew is burnning" She said.

"EHH" He said just before he ran into the kitchen making her giggle.

"Daddy taught me well I think his nose is going bad" She said.

"It is not Sarime My nose is still strong" He said.

"Hey daddy Since mommy is your...Whatever Soro called her Does that mean that she saw what's beneath your hat" She asked.

"Um.....Well yes So to speak" He said as he blushed.

"WHAT You saw what's under his hat You've GOTTA TELL US" Percedal said.

"No way I promised him I wouldn't tell a soul" Amalia said.

"So does that mean that you know what's underneath mine and Kojumo's hat too mommy" She asked.

"Yes" She said.

"Since Yugo won't show us then maybe Sarime will" Percedal said.

"Don't you dare touch a hair on her's nor Kojumo's head Percedal" He said.

"But I wanna know what's underneith those hats of yours" He said.

"Maybe when it's absolutly nessicary I'll show you but now isn't the right time" He said.

Sarime stuck out her tounge at Percedal as she giggled. then looked at her plate of Gobble stew with her meat cut up as she smiled happilly as Yugo set it down. She picked up her spoon and picked up a spoonfull of rice and vegitables and ate it. "Wow daddy I just love your Gobble stew" She said with a mouth full.

"I'm glad you thank that but mind you manners sweetie" He said.

She swallowed her food and gave her a goofy smile again. "Okay" She said.

"Looks like I also need to teach her some Table manners" Amalia said.

"She knows the basics she just doesn't like using them.....She acts more like a boy if you ask me" Yugo said as he set down the others' plates.

"Daddy how come you don't try to aim and fire the food at the customers anymore like you were younger" Sarime asked.

"I haven't done it in so long I don't think I can do it anymore Sari" He said.

"have you even tried" She asked.

"No.......Alright guys Nobody move I wanna see if I still got it" Yugo said as he aimed a plate of Gobble stew at Percedal then fired it as it landed just in front of him. Then aimed and fired another Plate in front of Evangelyne then the last one at Amalia all three of them landed in front of them.

"Still got it daddy and you've Gotta teach me that" She said.

"Apparently so" He said as he smiled.

"Show off" Amalia and Eva said at the same time.

"Daddy said that he used to do things like that when he was twelve because grandpa said that he had his own unique way of cooking" Sarime said.

"She's right you know" He said.

"I never knew you could cook so well" Eva said.

"Dad Taught me everything I know" He said.

"Speaking of where is Grandpa" She asked.

"Over there sleeping in his chair" He said as he pointed at Alibert Sleeping on his chair his face marked everywhere. "Alright which one of you kids marked on dad again" He said.

"Wasn't me daddy Honest" Sarime said.

"Are you sure you're telling the truth Sari" He asked.

"I'm sure daddy" She said.

"If you say so" He said as he looked at her suspitiously.

"I May have done it the last time but I didn't do it this time I swear" She said as her eyes started to tear up.

"Y-You're telling the truth aren't you" He said.

"Why do you not believe me daddy" She said.

"I believe you Sari But do you have any Idea on who did" He said as he smiled rubbing her head.

"Not that I know daddy I didn't even know he was there Last time I saw him he was putting on his shoes this morning" She said.

"I think I might know" Eva said as she looked down at her infant as she held a paint brush in her hand. "I let him hold her for a while a couple hours ago He must've fallin asleep while holding her She's mommy's little artist" She said.

"Eventhough we tell her not to draw on people" Percedal said.

"So that's what happened" Yugo said as he laughed. he looked down and hugged his daughter tightly "I'm sorry for doubting you my princess"

"That's okay daddy" She said as she smiled.

After they had eaten The Gobbowl players got into their positions Sarime was the Captian of Yugo's team while the second youngest Iop/Cra boy was the Captain of Percedal's. Everyone huddled together in their teams as Sarime and the Second youngest boy talked over their strategies. "And remember we can't use magic except for Yogi and Soro but only the magic to keep themselves in human form but that's it" Sarime said quietly.

"Right" Everyone in her group said.

"Sarime have you Decided on a Team name yet" Amalia said.

"We've decided to call our team 'Eliatrope Worriors'" She said.

"And what about your team" She asked as she looked at the Iop/Cra boy.

"Shushu Fighters" He said.

"Alright the Eliatrope worriors Verses the Shushu Fighters now I want this game to be Clean and fair No cheating or use of Gobbowl equipment is allowed for the kids' safety and this rule goes to mainly the Adults Only LIGHT touching on the children understand" Amalia said.

"Understand" Yugo, Adamai, and Percedal said at the same time. She looked at Percedal and Adamai then looked over at Yugo looking at them with competitive eyes. She smiled.

"And this last rule goes to the girls on both ends Don't Act cute or it will be a red card for your team Ready.....GO" She said just before she tossed the ball in the air and Sarime and the Iop/Cra boy jumped up.