
The doctor of death

Seth a mundane from earth was transported to another world where he thrust into a military academy with intensions to become a well respected general.(Cover art is not mine if the artiest want to contact me to take down please do.)

Naves_3697 · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Chapter 1: Prologue

Minnesota, 2020

In the midst of the global pandemic sat a mostly bored child watching as the clock on his wall finally signaled to him that he could stop pretending to be on his online classes and finally eat something. On his way down the stairs however his dad was waiting with a grade report, and by the look of his dads face it wasn't good.


As he said this Seth thought to himself on promising way to get out of this ass whooping in a half. And decided to haul ass back to his room and lock himself in there. Hearing his dad screaming through his door Seth couldn't help but notice how boring this had all gotten.

The continuous cycle of me being yelled at and then running up the stairs if it was either by his mom or dad they always found a fault in what he does. At first it was a fun spice on things but now it was just annoying all he could really do was wait until he heard his stop yelling then leave and something and then return back to his room continuing the cycle of boredom an upheaval.

Through weeks this continued until school had finally started back up again to Seth's delight. His school days got much simpler when he had to attend in person. And this was more apparent when his grades almost spontaneously jumped to A's from the meager F's he had prior to a few weeks ago. But as things do naturally thing changed.

On his way home from school when suddenly a truck went flying across the road at over 80 MPH. Seth who was a little disoriented as to why a truck ran a red going 50 miles over the speed limit turned to see what's happening. And what he saw shocked him the truck had stopped completely within a 30 feet radius of where it was just going 80 mph.

Just when he saw what was happening with the first truck. A second smart ass came from the other side of the street and swerved out of the way of the first truck... Hitting me.


Seth then woke realizing he could still see but oddly he felt nothing and could hear nothing. He could only see white. Then out of nowhere a voice came into his mind. "Seth Miller". Seth thought he'd went mad started laughing uncontrollably for no apparent reason. But the voice continued. "You are hereby denounced of your sins and will hereby forsake your life to the gods of death." Hearing this Seth stopped laughing and said "Oh and why should I listen to you?"

The voice inside his head stopped for moment before continuing " You dare speak to your god in such a manner your lucky your death was an accident or else I wouldn't waste any time sending you straight to hell "

Accident? Death? What? Seth couldn't figure out what the voice calling itself god was saying.

The voice sensing the confusion spewing out of Seth calmed and said in a monotonous voice." Yes Seth you are dead" Cleared the god

Seth went pale white as he said " So your saying I'm dead?"

The god getting a bit annoyed as he said "Yes you are dead but I can fix that for you if you promise to keep a secret."

Seth looked like he was about to puke as he mumbled nonsense for a couple minutes before the 'God' Snapped his fingers and said with a stiff voice "Yes you are dead but if you promise to keep a secret I'll let you reincarnate into a world of your choosing."

Immediately Seth forgot about his entire life as he heard this enticing offer and asked with a wonder filled voice "What kind of promise?"

The god almost choked on his own spit at how fast the boy accepted he died. As he said "It's easy you just have to promise not to pray to any other god of how you died."

'Dumb god.'

Seth with a devious smile on his face asked with a sweet tone that didn't match his face "What happens if I tell them how I died."

The god's heart sank at what the kid was implying the god spoke more cautiously this time and said. "Then all your family friends and everyone you know will die"

Seth almost instantly responded by asking. "What would happen to me?"

The god said with a cold indifferent tone not so different from a robot and said " Your soul will be lost in the endless void of nothingess."

Seth admitted defeat and said " Okay I'll take reincarnation"

The god now victorious said with a hint of arrogance said " so your saying you promise not to tell any other gods on how you died"

"Of course" Seth said

Without Seth noticing the 'god' Made a soul-bound contract between a him and the kid saying that if he broke his promise then he would die in an instant.

The now satisfied god said "Now Seth which world would you like to go to."

The same time the god said this a screen popped up saying 'World creator'

----------------------------------------- 2 hours later -----------------------------------------------------

"Alright finished" said a tired and weak voice

The god said with a bored look on his face looked over the spreadsheet with the specifics of the world written on it. With a furrowed brow. Eventually he stop reading and said with a satisfied voice " I think I can do this"

Seth said with his weak voice " Great so how long will it take to make"

The god scoffed at this and said with a bit of arrogance in his voice "The world is already finished"

The god continued and said "Now that the world is finished you can finally leave he said snapping his fingers.

Just then Seth was transported somewhere?????

Sorry for a but of a cliffhanger but please any suggestions in the comments for what world should be built.

Naves_3697creators' thoughts