
The Doctor's Diary

I do not know if I will get a terry main character or not, the situation will show, but for now just enjoy reading, I do not write a description so that you read the first part...

Wasilisk100 · TV
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7 Chs

Part 6 or Acquaintance(Teen Wolf)

Scott, as in the series, turned out to be a kind-hearted fool, but I was sincerely glad that there are such personalities like him. We were sitting in the living room , drinking Miss McCall's prepared coffee. It was evening, Stiles was still unconscious, being on the 2nd floor in Scott's room.

Lydia left him to rest and came to us. Since everyone was confused by us, well, whoever it was, think for yourself, there are some people who know that you are a supernatural being, in particular.

Satisfied with a drink, I offered to get acquainted again. Yet somehow it turned out to be crumpled and confused.

"So, I think, in order to smooth out the awkwardness hanging here, we should talk and get to know each other better," I smile sweetly, crossing my legs and sitting on the chair that Melissa kindly offered me.

"Definitely," Timi sang from behind me, holding my shoulders with her hands.

"Y-yes, it is," Scott stammered a little. Although it is not worth judging him, because he is still quite a teenager. A teenager who is a Werewolf, and who has his own pack.

"Mmm, yes," Allison said. After this act , Scott's mother spoke up.

"Maybe we'll start with you then," she suggested, looking in the direction of me and Timi.

"Oh, that's great, good, so we'll start with me," I said mischievously.

"As such a name I have, I left it in the past, but you can call me Doctor or Doc," I say.

"Doctor Who? Doctor of what are you" - Lydia took the floor.

"I've been asking myself this question for more than a hundred years, Miss Martin,"I brazenly lied, well, who wouldn't want to catch up with the atmosphere. Her eyes opened in surprise, they say we haven't really seen each other, and she hasn't introduced herself yet, so how can I know. And before she could interrupt me, I started talking again.

"So I am a Doctor, I travel through time and space with my companion , I come to people's aid when it is necessary. Oh, and I'll tell you a secret, I'm not from this Multi-universe, " I smiled slyly.

Taimi took the words next.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Timi, his girlfriend, and in the future his wife," she said, looking at me seductively. Damn it, and after all, such a confident smile, although I will not argue, and who would refuse such a girl, not in life.

"In addition to the fact that I am his companion, I also rule and manipulate time and space," Taimi continued.

While the others were looking at us strangely, Scott was determined to speak next.

"Well, I'm Scott, Scott McCall" - he didn't know why, but it seemed to him that these people inspire confidence. Pointing to his friends and mother began to speak.

"This is Allison Argent," she smiled affably.

"Isaac Lahey," he nodded.

"Derek Hale" - frowning as usual frowning.

"Chris Argent, Allison's father" - about the campaign he supports Derek, or they have a secret frown competition there, I thought, while Scott continued.

"My mother, Melissa McCall" - I can say with confidence that his mother here looks very young, a kind of mature Milf, well, you won't think , I don't mean anything 'like that'. Timi is enough for me for now.

"And this is Kira and Noshika Yukimura," he pointed with his hand in their direction.

"And Lydia Martin," Scott finally finished. Meanwhile, Lydia's eyes are on me, and she seems to be still confused.

"And the evening meeting, in honor of the new ones, is open," I announced, giving everyone present a smile.

"Oh, by the way, Allison, don't thank us, we were happy to save you,"I continued, and the girl was embarrassed.

"Y-yes, thank you," she replied confidently.

"Please," I replied immediately.

Chris, who had been silent until now, spoke up.

"What were the reasons for saving my daughter?" he asked the question that interested him.

"The reason is not usually simple," I supported the dialogue.

"Yes?" the Scott pack responded with undisguised interest in chorus.

"Yeah, she seemed cute to me" - hahaha, Scott's face resembles a fish that could not breathe , just opened her mouth, like the others.

"Or doesn't everyone here think that Allison is cute?" I continued my game.

The girl's face has acquired the color of a tomato, wow, I would like to cuddle, but we are still adults, right? The others, except for Timi, Chris and Melissa, looked away synchronously, damn it, I knew it, if I were an Empath, I would have drowned in emotions.

A few hours later.

Looking out of the window, I saw the night illuminated by the light of the moon. After talking and getting to know each other more or less, as well as explaining in more detail who I am and what I can do, they almost had their eyes on their forehead. It was a worthwhile sight.

Derek was still frowning, but not as much as he had been there. I didn't even expect that this group would turn out to be such open personalities.

Going to disperse and discuss plans related to Nogitsune in more detail tomorrow, as a sharp crash was heard on the second floor, and moments later Stiles flies down the stairs leading to the top.

His eyes quickly jumped from one to the other. And when he completely came to himself, his eyes stopped on us.

"Wait, who are you guys? Scott, did I miss something important? " he said, turning his head to Scott.

"Sure thing, Stiles, sure thing," Scott said wearily.

"Damn it, it's always like this," Stiles muttered to himself, but those who had super-hearing could easily hear him.

On such a wonderful note, the acquaintance with Scott's pack ended…

The Tardis.

By the way, Timi can easily move us to the Tardis, because she is connected to it spiritually.

After passing the control center with her, we went out into the corridor, and after walking along it for a short time, we wandered into the room we had recently created together.

Sitting on the bed, I hugged Taimi and gently kissed her, slowly penetrating pleasure made the passion flare up, for which reason, we had to urgently test the bed for strength.