
The Doctor's Diary

I do not know if I will get a terry main character or not, the situation will show, but for now just enjoy reading, I do not write a description so that you read the first part...

Wasilisk100 · TV
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Part 3 or A Bedtime Story(Marvel World)

- "...Well, my dear, how do you order me to stop all this? " - having calmed down, I ask the question that interests me. Yes-and I used to swear that my mother did not grieve , it is even better to say it nobly, and of course there was a reason for this. As you command me-a newly minted Time Lord, who is only relatively immortal , because when I die, I will have to change my personality, and I don't want to, I don't even really have time to get used to the body. And here on those, stop the attack on the Earth and then defeat Thanos, who terrorizes the expanses of the Universe, who has in his hands, that is, in his hand there is a glove of infinity with cute little stones that can erase not only the universe, but also part of the universe, if it of course allows you to do so. Of course, if I had a chance to beat him and get my hands on the stones, it would be nice , well, the lip is not stupid, right? Oh, and with the help of stones, you can also create a body for the baby Tardis. Preferably similar to what I have now before my eyes, and there you can feel it, so to speak, feel the power of a pebble, well , I haven't even done anything yet, and the thoughts have already gone in the wrong direction.

While I was talking about this and that, the Tardis began to answer my question.

- "Well, let me tell you about yours, you have not only immortality, but also other abilities such as: telepathy, accelerated regeneration, body density is more than 100 times human, so physical strength is also not small, you can not be poisoned, and finally your intelligence can be compared with a super-computer. Another good news is that thanks to the way you were simply reborn in the Tardis for the first time, you have absorbed not only the Aura of Immortality and Rebirth, but also parts of my core, now you have partial power over the time continuum, that is, while you can only create small barriers and manage time as you wish, and since you do not belong to this multi-universe, your power here will be much greater."

Well, from the fact that I realized that now I'm literally a Time Lord and I have a deeper connection with the Tardis, oh, I'm also Super-strong, what can I say, my mood increased several times, and when I heard about me and the cutie, I was so fired up. In general, now I just have to put Thanos on the shoulder blades along with his army, which is like keeping the balance in the universe by destroying half the population on each overpopulated planet.

Honestly, I think he's still an asshole, they say well, if your planet died from this, don't go to others and they'll figure it out without you, it's their problems, they should solve them, but no , he decided to show himself as a mercy that helps others, and that's who else has CHSV pumped to MAX just. Well, it's time to think about a plan to save the Earth, and other inhabitants in this universe.

That's just the time was not very much, I had to learn to create these barriers where you can adjust your time course, it turned out, although not the first time of course, but still now I have a couple of days to think.

The plan was made when I still had a whole day left in the barrier. It consisted of: first, to help the local heroes defeat the invaders, second, using the Tardis to move to the planet Titan, and third, with the help of Strange's plan to take away the glove and overwhelm him with a crowd. Haa in my opinion, the plan is perfect, it could not be better. In addition, if everything goes according to the causal place, well, we will not think about the bad, we must think positively.


And so, after getting out of the Tardis, as ambiguous as it sounds , I moved away from the booth and took out a sonic screwdriver and stretched my hand up, soaring into the air, began to send a signal that would, after reaching the alien ships that were now hovering over Wakanda and releasing an innumerable army of monsters, so the signal, as the virus got to the main onboard computer of these ships, began to close the holds and just freeze in the air , yes, that's what full control means over the situation.

More precisely, I thought so, until I ,in particular to my neck, was presented with a shocker from the back, and from the voice and body that pressed against the back, it was palpable that it was clearly a woman. As they say , the breasts speak for themselves.

"Who are you?...Thanos 'assistant?" the Widow said with a certain amount of interest , but not without seriousness in her voice.

And at the same time, in different parts of the battle, a handful of monster bodies grew, thereby making the numerical advantage in the direction of the heroes. The creatures , like maddened animals, tried to eat human flesh, even if they were on their last legs. Making their pathetic attempts, their ranks thinned and thinned.

People were already beginning to make sounds of victory. All over the battlefield there was a loud roar of warriors, who rejoiced at this outcome and created a roar of victory louder and louder.

Well, well done, I praise you, I thought to myself. After looking around and

I noticed that the invaders were almost exterminated. Yes, something I went a little into myself, looking at what was left of these creatures, well, you do not think I do not regret them a bit, I just ignored the question of Natasha a. k. a. The Widow, so she fairly strained and pressed the tips of the shocker even harder into my neck.

"Well, to answer your first question, I'm a Doctor, just a Doctor," I said, turning to face the Widow and curving the corners of my lips in a seductive and predatory smile.

"Doctor...who?, that doesn't sound like a name," the Widow said with the same unwavering face.

[15 min, the Main Hall in the Palace of Wakanda]

"So you've come to help us, have you?" said Cap firmly. Not well, I can only say that it finally happened, they arranged a circus for the whole 15 minutes, I'm generally in a*ue with them.

- "Yes, yes, that's right, now you can please remove these energy handcuffs from me" - with a kind smile, I stretched out looking at the supers that were gathered here, oh, and Vision is also here, so they successfully pulled out the stone of reason and no one died, the canon is already quietly changing as I need it, this is really pleasing.

And here I am, after another 5 minutes of continuous explanations of the plan to defeat the Titan, going to my baby Tardis, accompanied by the heroes of Earth. Going to the booth and knocking twice, the door opened easily and I went inside. Oh, I also had to push the others, they are somewhat predictable, here recently spaceships flew and aliens attacked, and they were confused by the fact that I went into a small booth and invited the others.

But after looking out of the booth and waving at them, they reluctantly but still went in.

"It's bigger on the inside than on the outside," Natasha Romanoff said. Ah, at last I have experienced this question myself, and my heart rejoices.

"That's right, dearie," I said with a sweet smile. For another two minutes they all talked about it and looked around, their eyes darting from one place to another. Vision so generally turned on his mind again and began to show his mental processes to everyone here and build hypotheses about the compression of space inside the Tardis.

- "Come on, honey, the coordinates are entered" - poking at the buttons and moving the levers, I said, not well, but what, while I was in the time barrier, then there was something and gave me a lesson in Tardis control.

So we went to the planet Titan, where the rest of the Earth's heroes who fought with Thanos were actually located. To be honest, it was a little strange to travel with the Avengers, and it made me feel a little uncomfortable ,but what would you do to save this damn universe?




In truth, it was a worthwhile batch, although I did not help much in the battle itself, but I had a great influence on the course of events, thanks to which the Avengers successfully won the battle for planet Earth. Still, to look at it in reality is quite different than in the film, emotions consume you, you don't even know what to grab, and how they cooperated right in the battle, it was necessary to see. It is impossible to convey in words, the sharpness and maneuverability of the spider, the support in close combat of Cap, Panther and Winter Soldier, the wit of Tony a. k. a. Iron Man, Strange that his magic acted as a help for those who could not keep up with the inhuman reaction of Thanos, and about the rest and do not need to say what only Wanda and Vision stood there. And Thor had his weight there, too.

Oh, and our new friends, the Guardians of the Galaxy, have also exhausted this Titan well. Therefore, after the commonwealth of heroes pulled off the gauntlet with the infinity stones, the Titan to na clearly weakened. So Tony took and threw some giant piece of stone on this Titan, not well, I certainly expected a lot of things, but what happened after brought me into a stupor. Our Thunderstorm of the planets Thanos, passed out from this, either the appearance of the stones so exhausted him, or the pressure from Tony was a success.

And while all this was happening, I enjoyed the company of Natasha, it turns out that she had little to oppose this "Hero of the Universe", so according to the plan, she stayed with me. Well, we had a nice enough chat. She even told a couple of stories about how S. H. I. E. L. D. sent her on all sorts of missions. Well, this was not observed in the film, so I was pleasantly surprised. Somewhere we even laughed together at the situations that Nat had been in, yes-and it turned out to be a kind of strange date, there's nothing to say.




[New York, Avengers Tower]

- "Oh, I did not expect that it would be so much fun, this day I will remember for a long time, along with the disappointed face of Thanos" - I recalled the past events with a good smile, and it was the purest truth.

- "Yes, oddly enough, no one has fatal injuries after that hot battle" - Tony said with agreement, still being in an incomplete Iron Man suit, well, you must agree that nanites are not infinite, or yes, only they seem to reproduce themselves for too long.

"Oh, I think it's worth a drink," the Black Widow drawled in a melodious voice.

"Absolutely," Thor said, launching into a tirade about alcohol. Well, what can I say, man.

"Oh, I'm all for it, too," Wanda said wearily. And by the way, I completely agree with her, now we all need to release the accumulated stress over a delicious drink.

After that, the others pulled up, and Benner decided to act as a bartender for us.k. Akhalk. Absolutely everyone gathered, even the Great Earth Mage pleased us with his presence, even the spider was with us, but they decided not to pour it even for this occasion.

- "People" - everyone paid attention to me.

"Would you like to hear a story?" I asked, putting an expectant smile on my face.

- "For a drink, but I'm only for" - Thor spoke out, well, the others thought about it, and answered in about the same way.




- "Well, since everyone is in favor, then I'll start...(cleared his throat)...Once upon a time there was a friendly team of heroes, and their name is the Avengers" - everyone immediately perked up at the beginning of this story.

"More than once, they saved the planet from destruction, Loki and the Chitauri, Ultron and others. But ahead of them was an unbearable battle, a battle against Thanos himself, this name was remembered by everyone, because it was he who cleared 50 percent of the Earth. Unfortunately, this was not all, during the attack on Wakanda, they did not manage to fight back, not many survived, but the brave wars fought to the very end. While the most important battle was on Titan, where Tony, spider, Strange and the guardians were preparing a trap for Thanos himself. And no matter how it sounds, but they were defeated, their trap failed and the Titan was able to escape, and they never took the glove. Click(I clicked sitting on a large and soft sofa) and they just crumbled into dust, all, all except Tony, he was to the last and did not leave the spider, he said that he did not want to leave, but it was not possible for him to stop the power of the stones and then he disappeared leaving Stark alone on the planet Titan"- at this moment, the smiles were already gone, and I still continued my story.

"Thanos used the space Stone to open a portal to Wakanda. Without waiting for anyone, he went straight to the Vision, to the last stone that was on his head. But then there was the brave defender Wanda, she could not let her love be trampled on like this, just destroyed. But for the Titan, it turned out to be only a small hindrance, throwing it away and thereby disabling it, he moved on, and our poor Vision did not sit straight on his butt. When he saw that Wanda was in trouble, he rushed to save her. That's all the Titan needed. And without really doing anything, Vision fell in this bloody battle, Wanda's reaction did not take long to wait , looking at the faded corpse of her beloved, rage, thoughtless rage overcame her, engulfed , filled her mind"- rarely crossing my legs I said.

- "But everyone was busy, there was no one to notice, and the tears that flowed from the eyes of the poor Witch, just evaporated from the oversaturated energy of Wanda's body" - then I paused, and my averted gaze fell back on the Avengers and I said- " Should I continue?»"although I was sad to tell you this, for the sake of the pebbles and the Tardis, I'm willing to be a storyteller.

While this is all there is a continuation in a month 100%...

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