
The Divine Wolf... or?

Ark is a young Swedish man. Growing up without the loving care of parents had a big impact on his life and his personality turned out rather cold, even though he is a good person. His life ends abruptly when he suddenly dies of a rare disease, but his story doesn't. In fact, he gets reincarnated in a world of swords and magic... as a wolf? Follow Ark as he tries his hardest to evolve and survive in this new world fraught with danger, after all, power is everything. I have a discord as well if anyone wants to join, but its nothing special. Link: https://discord.gg/fhBASQ4

Tyrone_Bedoire · Games
Not enough ratings
250 Chs


As Ark just sat by himself, time quickly passed, and noon soon passed. As Ark was about to give up his endeavour, that same familiar smell was slowly approaching from a distance. With a smile on his face, Ark just sat and patiently waited for about 5 minutes before he could hear the underbrush rustling. The cub ran out of the underbrush with fervour and jumped on Ark the moment it saw him. Behind the cub followed the mother, some concern evident on her face. 


The cub didn't give Ark a chance to react, and jumped on top of him excitedly, and licked him in the face. Seeing this, Ark could only laugh bitterly, this cub was beginning to act like a dog! The nickname still felt a little awkward, but Ark didn't have the heart to tell the little cub that he wanted to be called by his name. Now that he thought about it, he didn't even tell the little cub his name after all of these days.