
The Divine Floral Alchemist [Droped]

Solara is the kingdom of the sun, countless years ago the supreme gave all the living a blessing just to die afterwards, many have tried to claim the rightfull ruler´s land, and afew have been close to succed. he was born in a heretic world with an impossible task, may the heavens be with you...

Shining_Sunflower · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Fair Fights

Fair fights, a fight were either side could win, it's a fight you could lose, one doesn´t assure its victory towards it opponent.

This was not a fair fight.

We were superior on numbers, but that's it, Humans were naturally weaker than elves, even tho elves don´t specialize in hand to hand confrontation, they have a natural affinity towards aura, making their muscles stronger since birth.

The man in front of us looked rather young, for elven standards he must be 40 – 50 springs old, for us, he looked like a teenager.

But appearances didn´t matter in war, what mattered were results, and the soldier in front of us appeared to be extremely talented in Aura, and he had just awakened.

His severely injured arm was healing at alarming speeds, showing the immense amount of aura surging inside his body.

As the soldier started to regain his posture I scanned the battle field, the recruits were behind cover, debris covered the field making hard to walk and move properly, puddles of elven and human blood gave an ominous look, and a fire was at its peak after one of the jars containing oil was hit by a lose bullet.

I quickly planned something, but this world followed the rule of the strong, the elf filled with anger shoot an arrow to the group of my left.

It gave me the hint his Will was related to fire, as the screams of four young burning recruits filled the scenery, I didn´t learned their names.

Stalling wasn´t an option as I saw how fast the soldiers were murdered.

I ducked and sprinted behind the second group of recruits to my left, whilst running I changed the cartridge of my musket to normal bullets and shot to the left of the elf, he noticed the shot and backed down.

He pulled his bowstring again and shot towards the middle group where I was standing moments ago, the recruits aware of the destructive capabilities of the elf, moved away.

But for normal recruits with no battle experience, backing down wasn´t as easy as me, three recruits were devoured by the elven flames.

One of them, the oldest one, managed to dodge by a string of hair, quite literally as flames started forming on his uniform.

Ignoring his crys I continued shooting, my groupmates followed my lead.

The elf dodged with ease, with quick feetwork he move aorund the field but stopped right next to a puddle of black blood.

Elven blood.

The elf fixed his gaze back to us, signaling he stopped playing, pulling the bowstring, he prepared another arrow, 2 arrows remained.

I jumped forward, rolling down the arrow as it flew towards us, my 2 groupmates following my lead dodged it.

* Bang *

Fire lighted our backs, a terrifying orange lights showed us our shadows.

No screams could be heard, my two groupmates, with different emotions, fears and backgrounds to me, had two clearly different ideas.

The youngest one, charged with saber at hand towards the elf whilst he loaded another arrow to his bow, the older one, quickly scaped covered by the debris and mist of dust from the previous explosions.

The elf loaded and shot another arrow.

It pierced the heart of the young soldier, and the head of the older one.

Unknown to the elf, I changed the cartridge of my musket and stood up, aiming at him.

As his gaze followed me back, we looked at each other, eye to eye, what in any other scenario would look like an older brother looking down to the younger, was twisted under the gaze of war.

Our weapons lock to their targets, he still had one arrow, I had a last cartridge too.

What I had that he didn´t had, was, will to live.

I suddenly dropped to the down and shot to the puddle of black blood on his feet.

My bullet made a thunderous sound as it hit the ground

The elf looked down, only to see his feet being trapped under a black substance quickly climbing up his legs.

Taking advantage of his surprise, I fire a second bullet through his heart, I knew it wasn't enough for him to not let go the bowstring.

But it was enough blood to fuel a fire.

The reaction of the black blood, the special bullet and the fire consuming the field made the substance turn into foam, solidifying the young soldier.

The foam consumed him completely and instantaneously, his hand lost strength, dropping the bow.

To the puddle, now foam under his feet.

* Clank *

It made a metallic sound even if it was made of wood.

The warehouse was safe, my task was accomplished, as I searched for survivors I finally noticed the burning soldier, which I had use as shield before, still rolling in the ground with the hope of killing the fire.

As I helped him, the sun started to rise, the orange light of the fire was replaced by the light red light of dawn.

I had killed 3 elves in the span of 47 minutes.

My life returned to normal.