

Slightly groaning, Kage got back to his feet, staring down at his opponent.

'As long as the technique is performed within your field of view, you can replicate it with ease… Man… What a pain.' A stream of thoughts flooded his mind.

Regrouping at an instant, Kage gripped his fists, releasing a mirage of electrified whip-like energy which Mirai dodged fairly easily.

Whilst his opponent was distracted, Kage clapped his hands together, releasing a concentrated surge bolt of energy to which Mirai barely escaped, turning 360 degrees and delivering back an electrified bolt of energy.

Kage took the attack head on, stretching forth his arm and absorbing the volt of energy. Using the momentum, he added on to the incredible volt of energy with his energy reserves, ultimately generating projection crescent blades, taking a page out of Yoko's book.