

Chu xun transmigrated and obtained a one time overpowered system to imagine anything within 24 HOURS of time which would come to Reality. [Ding] congratulations! Host for imaging yourself having an immortal Body and undying soul Constitution. [Ding] congratulations! Host for imaging yourself having the No.1 Rank Body physique "The ANCIENT PRIMODIAL CHAOS BODY". [Ding] congratulations! Host for imaging out six loyal formidable subordinate having unparalleled strength and skills. [Ding] congratulations! Host for imaging yourself having three loyal personal maidservant having a rare divine bloodlines and physique. [Ding] congratulations! Host for imaging out a modern spaceship having a world inside in it. and so that's how Chu xun begins it's exciting adventure through out the Realms.

Mike_George_4082 · Fantasy
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19 Chs






Some hidden experts who happens to be spying from afar couldn't help but gasped while their bodies couldn't help trembling in extreme fear.

"who are those expert's?"

"how could they be extremely powerful, even one of them is enough to flatter us to meat pastes".

These were the only thought running through their mind at the moment.


Meanwhile, Chu xun seeing his subordinates doing's, only glance indifferently at it before shifting his face away while saying....

"we're done here let's move"


"Yes master"




before they sped towards the spot the spaceships was hidden.


*DEVASTATOR open the hatch we coming through" Said Chu xun.


A buzzing noise sounded all over the space as if a sleeping primodial beast is being awaked from slumber therefore resulting in a suddenly ripples of space twisting before came the emerging of a giant luxurious golden behemoth Spaceship.

The spaceship steath mode was promptly deactivated before opening the hatch.


Seeing the opening door, Chu xun and the rest promptly dash in....




Taking a sit Chu xun commanded "Devastator set the nevigator we departing for the Qin empire"


[AI: on it sir]

[AI: setting destination "QIN EMPIRE"]

[AI: commencing space jump in 5....]








A moment later....


The spaceship appeared above a boundless populated empire which seem to have the mixture of both Ancient and modern style.



Looking outside the spaceship Chu xun couldn't help but marvel's at the beauty of the empire, moving forward to have a clear views.

Chu xun couldn't seem to found words to describe what he seeing...

The empire seems unfolded like a tapestry, seamlessly weaving together the threads of ancient grandeur and modern innovation. Towering skyscrapers, adorned with intricate, luminescent patterns reminiscent of celestial constellations, pierced the sky. The buildings, constructed with cutting-edge materials, seemed to dance with light, giving the cityscape an ethereal glow.

Beneath the towering structures, ancient temples and majestic structures stood proudly, their timeless architecture a testament to the empire's rich history. These monuments, crafted with meticulous precision, blended seamlessly with the futuristic skyline, creating a harmonious fusion of the old and the new.


The streets were paved with smart materials that responded to the touch of pedestrians, lighting up with interactive patterns as people moved through the urban landscape. Hovering transportation pods zipped silently through the air, a stark contrast to the more traditional, yet impeccably maintained, cobblestone pathways leading to ancient plazas.


Greenery flourished in the empire, with floating gardens suspended between skyscrapers and ancient hanging gardens reminiscent of Babylon, intertwining nature with the urban landscape.


The air was purified by state-of-the-art filtration systems, creating an atmosphere of serenity despite the bustling activity below.


The empire skyline was adorned with holographic displays showcasing a blend of classical art and futuristic designs. Colossal holographic statues, reminiscent of ancient sculptures, towered over the city squares, telling stories of both past and future.


"Looks like this is an advance civilization" thought Chu xun.


Meanwhile inside the Qin palaces, the emperor was having a critical meeting with his subjects and various Family clans Head when suddenly the whole room fell silent that instant...


Promptly everyone to glance outside the palace before their gaze rested on a behemoth Spaceship speeding towards the Empire.


Umm... The Emperor gaze instantly contracted prompting him to stood up from the throne and while the rest involuntary gasped...


"What's that? A spaceship!" Said one of the family Head.

"Looks like it" Confirmed another family Head.


"But how come a spaceship is that huge? is unlike ours and it's even more so than our latest inventions" said the emperor subordinate.


"I think they are outsiders" said the Emperor.

"Outsiders" murmurs everyone.


Meanwhile the suddenly huge shadow over the sky caused all cultivator experts over the city empire to involuntary gaze at the sky.


"Wow" exclaimed out someone.

The huge spaceship at the sky couldn't help but involuntary caused a ruckus amongst the crowds.


"Is that a spaceships? Looks how huge it is! i've never seen one like this before through out the thousand year of my lives" said an unknown elite cultivator in a lamenting tune.

"The same here also, but who do you think is inside?" Asked someone.


"Dunno... Probably an unknown Warlord or a Ancient figured, could even be a prodigal young master, who can tell" said an unknown elite.


Meanwhile at Chu xun side, inside the Spaceship after he was done admiring the empire he then return to his sit while saying "Land in one of those plazas, Devastator. I wish to explore this empire for now".


[AI: on it sir]...




Along with the sound came the spaceship landing at the plaza which almost occupies the whole space in the landing platform.


The crowd simultaneously turn their gaze towards the now slowing opening door of the ship curiously expecting the owners to come out.




A rhyming footsteps began echoing along with it appeared the owners.


White Daoist and Black daoist came out first followed by both Blue Daoist and Green daoist, then later came out Red daoist and Yellow daoist right behind them.

Before finally Chu xun steps out with his hands behind his back and his three maidservants trailing right behind him.


Finally seeing the unfamiliar faces of the owner of the gigantic spaceship unconsciously prompt everyone to involuntary suck in cold breath while they stood frozen at the spot with downfounded awe swirling in their eyes.


With a suddenly Sonic boom sound within space suddenly appears the emperor while clasping both hands eloquently.

"Greetings honorable guest, welcome to my humble empire the Qin empire". Said the Emperor.

While he unconsciously releases his cultivation Aura trying to gauge Chu xun and the rest.

"Let's see whether they can react to my aura, if they do that means they are just paper tigers and I can deal them all, before taking their spaceship which is already going to be mine"

Thinking this he couldn't but drools when that thought flash through his mind. "But if they didn't react to it i can just find an exuse to use to apologize" thought the Emperor.