

Chu xun transmigrated and obtained a one time overpowered system to imagine anything within 24 HOURS of time which would come to Reality. [Ding] congratulations! Host for imaging yourself having an immortal Body and undying soul Constitution. [Ding] congratulations! Host for imaging yourself having the No.1 Rank Body physique "The ANCIENT PRIMODIAL CHAOS BODY". [Ding] congratulations! Host for imaging out six loyal formidable subordinate having unparalleled strength and skills. [Ding] congratulations! Host for imaging yourself having three loyal personal maidservant having a rare divine bloodlines and physique. [Ding] congratulations! Host for imaging out a modern spaceship having a world inside in it. and so that's how Chu xun begins it's exciting adventure through out the Realms.

Mike_George_4082 · Fantasy
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19 Chs




"come on everyone is time to leave this ungodly place uh" said Chu xun.

DEVASTATOR! open the hatch.....


Seeing the opening door.. Chu xun took a step forward and....




"Seeing their master entering the Spaceships, they also follow suit"....





As Chu xun steps into the spaceships..


he was blinded for a moment, because what laided before him is of a beauty of modern futuristics.


the atmosphere is one of advance futuristic functionality. The interior boasts a seamless blend of metallic surfaces and smooth contours, creating an aesthetic that is both sleek and utilitarian.

Illuminated by ambient LED lighting, the corridors stretch gracefully, leading to various specialized compartments.

"Moving towards the control hubs were equipped with state-of-the-art touchscreens, displaying intricate data and navigational information.

The walls were adorned with holographic displays, projecting vital stats and intricate star maps.

The hum of advanced machinery and the occasional beep of control panels create a symphony of technological activity".

After looking enough, Chu xun walks toward the biggest chair in the command room.

"You six take control of the controlled hubs and the three of you stand behind me" command Chu xun.

"Yes Master's"


White Daoist and the trio immediately executed

their orders given, each of them taking each chair at the front.

With white daoist and black daoist at the forefront of the pilot seat.

"Fingers glide over touch-sensitive control panels, initiating the pre-flight checklist displayed on holographic screens. The Install Ai engages the ship's systems, verifying the readiness of propulsion, navigation, and life support.

With a gentle push on the throttle..


the spacecraft's engines hum to life, emitting a low, resonant thrum.

As the countdown reaches its culmination, 

White Daoist with a little bit of knowledge about how to operate a spaceships after studying the "operator manual" displayed on the holographic screen.

Furthermore increasing the thrust accompany by the count down of the Ai, feeling the gradual ascent as the spacecraft gracefully lifts off the ground.






With the suddenly surreal shift in the fabric of space. The surroundings distort into streaks of brilliant light, resembling transient celestial trails.

Within the ship, Chu xun and his subordinates experience a momentarily feeling of subtle vibration.

"Looking through the panoramic view outside the spaceships, Chu xun saw sea of stars shining with brilliants and some shooting star across"

"Master we are approaching a massive vortex at front" shouted White daoist.

A vortex?

"Yes master, it seems to be the portal of existing this realm" said White daoist.


Staring at his front from the panoramic view, Chu xun saw a massive Black hole, moving in an anticlock wise motion as if readily to devour any Life forms that come close it's way.

"Then we go through then"... declared Chu xun.

"Increasing Acceleration..." Announced white daoist.


After accelerating the spaceships, white daoist and black daoist press in some series of buttons and then...


The spaceships turn into a shooting star leaving a tail of massive flames behind bypassing the vortex with a massive speed and momentum.




Here all sort of expert could be seen moving around on foot. Some on luxurious clothes adorned with a fashionate robe, some on rags or plain robes while some on monks antires.

They all vary in different term whether in terms of clothes, status background, difference in appearance (races) or even strengths.

But they all had one thing in common that is they are all walking on foot, whether the once going out of the empire or the once coming in they all walk on foot. 

Is not that they can't fly above to hasten their destination after all everyone capable of coming to the empire are all elite experts having a cultivation above the Nascent soul realm.

"Anyone above the foundation establishment will have the capability of flight''

But unfortunately there was an ironclad rule impose on the empire city, that no cultivator is allow to fly inside the city even the Royal family aren't exempted from this law but exclude the Emperor's.


This inn is being own and operates by the Mu clan in the HONG MENG EMPIRE, they happens to be one of the top leading strongest family clan in the empire.

The strongest which is their Ancestors a Half step Earth immortal, the family head a Ascending realm expert, the elders a void realm expert's while the weakest having a cultivation of Nascent soul stage.

With this strength they maintain a force to be reckoned within the Hong meng empire.


Lots of customers could be seen drinking wines or teas. some either eating or gossiping around while some just sat there listening to others gossiped words.

"Hey! have you heard" Said an unknown cultivator.

 Heard what! Responded by an unknown person.

"So you haven't still heard there's a rumour circulating that a Sumpreme saint abode has being found"

What! Sumpreme saint?

The moment that voice sounded....

the whole room fell silent for a moment and then...


All eyes fell on that unknown cultivator.

seeing that he had gather attentions on him that unknown cultivator prouding raise his head like a proud pigeon instead of cowering with nervousness.

Hmm....yes indeed!

There's truly a rumour of a Supreme saint abode founded and it has being confirmed by the Lu family clan.

You all known the Lu family clan are people of righteous principal.

"Hearing that everyone nod in agreement after all, is being wide known that the Lu clan are groups of honest people that never says anything relating to lies".

Thinking it through everyone couldn't help but felt their blood boiling, after all these is a abode left by a Supreme saint.

Because through out the empire the only person having the highest cultivation is the emperor, which is rumour to be at the Saint Emperor stage's.

"What if anyone of them well lucky to find an opportunity of Fortune inside the abode making their cultivation skyrocketing to the supreme saint stage wouldn't that be marvelous"

Or either a supreme saint cultivation technique

Or martial skills.