
Lost (Book 2)


In seconds, Alexander has my hand in his grasp and is leading me back up the stairs to my bedroom. He shuts the door behind us as soon as we are in the room.

“What are we doing up here? The party is happening downstairs. You know, the party that is for us.”

I look up at his face to notice that his eyes have grown darker within the last couple of minutes and are now pure black.

“Are you okay?”

He moves closer to tug me against him as his lips hover an inch away from mine.

“You really do like me,” he whispers.

Why is he asking this again? Why are we up here when there is a perfectly good party downstairs, the one that is in our honor if I might add.


“Celeste, I need to know for sure once and for all if you truly like me. My heart aches every time someone mentions you possibly being with someone else or the fact that you may not even like me at all.”