

The darkness of pain fades but the blackness stays; it is very cold to the touch, almost like ice.

Where am I? What is happening to me?

The blackness starts fading slowly and I am quickly surrounded by a bright, white light.

Oh no, am I dead? Did I really die?


I look over to see a girl who looks about my age, sitting on a chair beside me.

“I was so worried when I heard Damon brought you here to the hospital wing. Thank goodness you are okay though. I’m glad nothing serious happened to you.”

She tries to reach out toward me and touch my hand, but I pull away from her.

“Who are you,” I ask.

“I’m Alexia, your roommate. Don't you remember me?”

I shake my head in response.

Who is this girl and how does she know me? Why is she here right now? Where am I anyways?

The doors across the room in front of us suddenly slam open and two men walk into the room. The girl by my bed jumps up from the chair and runs over toward the two men.