
The Disintegrator

Drip Drop Drip Drop If you think it's water running down a tap then I must say that you're gravely mistaken. For this is not water that is dripping but blood, My Blood. Why? You ask. That's because I am currently hanged on a Cross with chains around my neck and limbs. And I have been on this cross for Nine….or is it Ten now?.... Anyway, it's almost ten days since I was hanged. My world has started to go woozy, Light is being replaced by darkness, slowly but surely. But there's one thing that is still not happening. That is, I still can't feel any pain, and no it's not because of blood loss or anything but it's an inherent trait in my race, we can't feel emotions at all. I tried a lot of things, so that I may feel some kind of emotion, but everything was for naught, and now I am taking my last breath. 'Well… at least I tried….' And the eternal darkness took me…..or that's what was supposed to happen but— "How long are you going to keep your eyes closed" .…...……………………………………........ This is my first book so it might be slow in the beginning and it might even contain a lot of mistakes, so please bear with it. The cover is not mine if the artist wants it I can remove it. *Special thanks to G.S.M*

IwRiTeWiThBlOoD · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Chapter 1: The One Known As Desoreth

If you think that being born into a Royal family is amazing, then let me correct you my friend, a member of a Royal family is not at all like you imagine him/her to be.

Politics, power struggles, status and reputation, constant assassination attempts, restraints on your every little move, and whatnot. 

Desoreth Varnis, and as most of you would've probably guessed, was a part of the Royal Family, the Varnis House, which was situated on a huge island; an endless and perilous ocean encircled the large island, where their family was located.

The Varnis House was not the only one vying for dominance on this land; a dozen other Royal Houses were also present.

Every Royal House had a distinct characteristic that set them apart from the rest.

What is the distinction of the Varnis Family, You ask?

Well, to summarize it I will just say that every single member of the Varnis House was empty on the inside. 

Do you know what sets machines and humans apart from each other? It's that they cannot think for themselves or feel human emotions. 

And like machines, the Varnis family members had one thing in common; the Varnis family members also could not feel any emotions.

Anger? Joy? Sorrow? Pleasure?  Pain?—Nothing, they only felt one thing in their entire lives—Cold Indifference. And it's not like not feeling emotions bothered them one bit, instead, they took pride in their aloofness; Nah, I'm just kidding, they can't feel what pride is, what really mattered to them was only their self-interests.

'I' before you, 'One' before the rest. This was the life they lived, even their Patriarch put his self-interests before the benefits of the family, once again no familial love among the members.

This was how their life went, they would take birth, struggle for power, procreate just to continue their bloodline, and lastly depart for the afterlife; And hence came and went their generations, one after the other, and no one ever shed tears of joy at their birth or  of sorrow at their funeral.

Now, as you know, every family has that one person, the one who works against the norm and goes against the flow, breaks the loop of generations, a Cycle-breaker, and Desoreth was the Cycle-breaker of the Varnis family. 

Desoreth was also emotionless like the rest but he had something that no other family member of his had; whereas no one else cared for their indifferent character, he did.

He wanted to feel the emotions, he wanted to see for himself what they are, and he was curious about how the different emotions varied from one another.

Yes, folks, you're right, he felt curiosity towards the unknown and the indescribable;  he was the first person in their family to ever feel something and given enough time he would have eventually felt all the remaining feelings he ever desired, alas, time is the only element that no one can control.

"Why should I even help you? You should know that my position in the House will waver, if by any chance you lose your challenge, furthermore, even if you win, and enthrone yourself as one of us, there won't be much you can offer me" Desoreth stated.

"I know you have your considerations, but, the one thing I can guarantee you is that we will succeed, there's no stopping us, we have prepared for this for a long time now"

"Oh Great! Now, I can devote myself to wholly supporting you. Thanks for the assurance, that's all I needed" Desoreth mocked.


"I guess, I can't convince you with just my words; here take a look at this…" The man sitting across from Desoreth took out a folded piece of paper from his pocket and set it on the ebony-colored, wooden table between them.

Desoreth glanced at the new item and then brought it before him with his magic and unfurled it.

Only one line was written on the paper:

--Are you there?

Hypothesizing, Desoreth used his magic and replied.

--I am

Once Desoreth wrote, fresh words began to form on the paper by themselves.

--Nice to meet you, your Highness.

--I shall skip the formalities, and jump straight to the issue. We hope that your Highness can support us to win the challenge, in return we will provide a method for your Highness's problem.

Reading the newly formed para, Desoreth's pupil dilated a little and the room's temperature fell instantly, the man sitting in front of Desoreth felt like he was sitting in an Ice Wolf's den, and Desoreth appeared to be the Ice Wolf King. 

A few seconds later Desoreth returned to his previous self, and the paper in his hands was set ablaze.

"You shall have my full support" 

"Thank you, your Highness" the man expressed his gratitude with a bow and left.

The room returned to silence, with only the cackling of fire in the hearth making some noises. 

A few more minutes passed and another man appeared beside Desoreth.

"I presume you have your doubts, Vasur?"

"Yes, Your Highness," 

"With all due respect, I must ask, is it really a wise decision my lord?" 

Desoreth didn't reply and just continued to stare into the void. After an unknown amount of time had passed away, he finally opened his mouth.

"Logically, no, not at all" 

"Then, why My lord?"

"It's just one more attempt at cracking the shell of my distress; Shall it bear any fruit, it will allow me to see the long lost light in this pitch-black darkness; if may  it fall in vain like the rest, then it will be just another endeavor in the drain of my conquest" 

"So, will you follow me, Vasur?"

"Always, my Lord" 


"Oww, ow, mom, please, just please, can you be more gentle while applying the medicine…" a boy with jet-black short hair and obsidian-like eyes winced as the medicinal lotion was directly put on his acute injuries, tears began to well up inside his dark eyes.

"Why? Is my boy going to cry now? Don't worry dear, if you want, you can let it all out, mama will make sure to console you later…" Panmich's mother joked, as her slender, outstretched hand continued to apply the medicine.