
chapter ten

            Five years later

               Sarah is 17 years old, she ended up marrying Jeff , she fell in love with him . I don't know how she did but she did.  Jeff is now 40 and couldn't be more happier yeah she doesn't live in the basement any more ( that's why she fell in love with him. This marriage is going to save her life) . Anyways its around Ten in the morning and Jeff wants to kidnap another girl so Sarah could have a "friend" more like Jeff wants a new girl for his sex games ( gross right?) . Jeff walks into the kitchen wearing a nice suit and tie Sarah is making him breakfast even through they fell in love more like Sarah is faking it.  Jeff is still bossy then ever.

      "Baby your breakfast is almost done." She says with a fake little smile on her face.  " Thank you pet ." he replies.  Sarah goes back and plates his food she did an eye roll without him knowing because if Sarah disrespects Jeff she will get punished.  Sarah brings over the plate of food steak and eggs his favorite. " here you go honey." Sarah said handing him the plate.

       Jeff didn't say anything all he did was start eating his food. " Pet this is amazing I taught you well." He said winking at her. She hated the way he winked at her but she puts up with it because this is a lot better then being downstairs.

      "Pet I am going into town to get you a friend so I want you to be on your best behavior and if you have to leave the house make sure you put the wig and sunglasses on." He said . " Yes sir" she replied.  Sarah didn't want him to kidnap another girl and have her go through the same thing she is going through. She couldn't call the cops cause he has the house phone tapped and he checks.  Sarah needed to do something but what