
Chapter four

  It's around 7 pm. Both Marge and Henry are home they knew that they couldn't call the police because it hasn't been 24 hours. In both Marge and Henry's eyes they thought that was stupid so what if they wait 24 hours and their daughter is dead.  All Marge and Henry could think of is  LAW SUIT.  Just then there was a knock on the door.  Marge went to the door thinking that maybe is was Sarah, but why would Sarah be knocking on her own door.  " HI Marge  I can to support you and Henry I even made some lasagna so you wouldn't have to cook." Beverly said.  Beverly Remi is one of Marge's oldest and best friend and of course their next door neighbor. " Thank you honey , Would you come in ?" Marge asked .  Beverly walked in the two of them went to the kitchen and put the lasagna down and went to sit in the living room.  " Hi Henry ." Beverly said.  . Henry was so numb that he couldn't say anything he just stare.  Marge could talk but she had tears in her eyes, you could tell that she was crying.  " Well Nicole came over and told me that Sarah said that when she was walking to school that a tan mini van  was following her and the driver was staring at her, when she arrived at school the driver drove away ." Marge was hoping that maybe Beverly had some news. " I haven't seen Sarah since this morning." Beverly said hugging her best friend .  " Well they said that I couldn't file a police report because she has to be missing for at least 24 hours." Marge said angerly. " Marge if they find Sarah dead you know you and Henry will have a law suit with the police department."  She still was hugging her. " Don't worry we will find Sarah." Beverly sounded hopefully.  

                  Marge looked at Beverly  and  smile the faintest .  " Thank you you truly are a good friend and neighbor." Marge went to the kitchen to heat up the lasagna.  " So where should be look for Sarah?" Beverly asked.  " After we eat we are going to look for her in the woods to see if we can't find her and ohh." Marge said as she hit the floor." I hope my baby is okay." she said crying. " I am sure that Sarah is okay." Beverly said trying  to be calm  for Marge. Henry on the other hand is what we call a hot mess.  All he did the whole time was stare at the wall and listen to what they were talking about. " Henry you drove through the neighborhood after you got out of work, was there any sign of Sarah?" Beverly asked .  " No there wasn't ." he said.   He got up and went into  the kitchen to call the police  he didn't care if it had to be 24 hours he was going to make sure the cops were going to  report her missing.  Henry picked up the phone and dialed 9-1-1. Just then a woman answered . " Hell 9-1-1 what is your emergency?" she asked . " Hello my name is Henry Franks and my 17 year old daughter Sarah Franks is missing she didn't come home after school and she's not at her friend's house." he said as he started to cry." Whats your address so I can send an officer to your house ." she asked . " Its 454 north main street  Fair oaks  the zip is 43454." he said still crying a bit. " Okay sir an officer will be there in a moment." she said as she hung up. 

            Marge, Beverly an officer is coming she said one will be here in a moment." he said to his wife and friend." Oh thank goodness." both women said with a slight smile on their face.  Moments pass and Henry saw a police officer at the door.  He didn't wait for  the officer to knock on the door he  just let him right in.  " Good evening what seems to be the issue?" Officer Tim asked . " Our daughter Sarah she's only 17 didn't come home from school we called all her friends and neighbors and no one has seen her . Her friend Nicole came over and told me that Sarah had seen a mini van following her today when she was walking to school she didn't see who the driver was." Marge said .   Officer Tim was writing all this down in his notebook. " You know we can't report someone missing unless it has been 24 hours but you said she was 17 so I will report her and we will get more officers out looking around." he said.  Marge and Henry  really liked this officer.