
The disabled heir and the mage

18 year old Liang Yu 7th child of the current emperor of heiling , lives in a world where magic is controlled by everything. Liang Yu has always had weak bones since birth, and no mage nor doctor that has been put forth to him has been able to cure him. So he's always considered weak and pruney amongst maids and siblings. But is treated fairly? His mother died when he was only 12 and now the family is desperately needing help. Liang longs for the love he has never had since his mother died. Hopefully he will find it in someone or something else. " Updates every day ☺ ( If not updated every day it will be updated the next) Warning ⚠: Contains some speaking of death, blood, and mild language.

LonewolfGems5286 · Fantasy
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25 Chs

'His lips touched hers'

-''They ran into the cabin hoping to wait the rain out and get home before dark. -''

-This chapter is focusing more on Liang and Rinoku now. - Enjoy! - Author-.....,.....


They were in the cabin, their clothes so wet you could see through them. It was dark so the looked around to see if they could find a lamp, or candle.

"Did you find anything? " Rinoku said as her fingers searched through dark drawers.

"No." Liang said as he turned towards Rinoku.

They searched more not finding anything until, "Hey I found lamps and a pack of matches! " Rinoku said as she ran towards the silhouette of Liang.

She lit the lamps, being bright enough to light up the whole room. They both sighed, finally being able to see. They looked around the room. The room was filled with furniture and tables. It wasn't decorated much but it looked decent. There was a bathroom down the hallway a bedroom, and a kitchen. In the room they were standing in there was a fireplace.

Rinoku looked out the window. "It looks like we won't be making it back, so this place will do. " Rinoku then coughed.

"Im afraid we will have to take our clothing off. " She said as she put her hand on her hip.

Liang simply Nodded, having enough knowledge to know they could get sick if they didn't. They each took turns in the bathroom. There weren't any so are clothes but there were towels and blankets.

They both took turns taking a shower, fortunately the water lines were working. After the shower they am each put their undergarments on and firmly wrapped themselves in blankets, preventing them from ever falling off.

Wrapped in blankets by the fire place, nothing but undergarments underneath, they sat in silence listening to the storm.

They had set their clothes on a clothesline in the kitchen. They sat close together, trying to warm their bodies up, shivering from the cold.

"I should look around too see if their is spare wood to put in the fireplace." Rinoku said getting up. Liang nodded.

Fortunately she came back with a batch of fire wood that looked like it would last them through the night.

She lit the firewood with some leftovers matches and they both sat by the fireplace.

-.... ...




"Hey, Rinoku? " Liang said as he turned to face her.

Hm? "

"I just want to say thank you. " Liang smiled lightly at her, his blank eyes staring at her confused expression

Rinoku was a bit taken aback.

"What... are you saying thank you for? "

She had an Innocent look on her face, almost childlike. Like she sincerely didn't know why he was thanking her.

"Rinoku, your not like any person I've ever met. You are a intelligent, and stubborn woman. But you are also kind and childlike, I admire that about you. " "You are blunt with your words, but you are also very truthful with them. " "You say exactly what's on your mind. "

Liang looked at her like he really adored her. He sighed and continued. "Your so different and, I'm nothing like you... " "Its like, you know you have a purpose and know exactly what it is. " "And seeing you like that... makes me want to find mine.. it makes me want to live, YOU make me want to live. "

Rinoku was taken aback by how he said that so casually. Rinoku couldn't find the words.

"I.. Liang- You... " She sighed, stuttering on her words.

"Liang your so..., confusing you know.. " She takes his hand in hers sighing in slight frustration.

"One moment your cold and empty, and the next your showing slight signs emotions and care. " Liang and didn't say anything, for he too didn't know how to express his feelings with words. He didn't even know his feelings. He just, liked the way she did things. He thought, she was unique, un ordinary, different!

Liang's hands grasped Rinoku's chin ever so gently, and he leaned in to whisper in her ear. "May I? " He waited for her response. She didn't say much, but just nodded her head.

Liang then turnt his gave to her lips, hesitating for a moment . Rinoku leaned in and met her lips with his, starting a warm, gentle kiss. Liang tensed up, but then relaxes into the kiss as it got deeper.

His hands then moved towards her waist the kiss getting more passionate yet still soft and gentle. Moving along with him she wrapped her arms around him, causing him to fall slightly on her.

Hands still gripped onto her waist, he felt a warm, slightly wet sensation touch the brink of his lip. He allows her tongue to meet his mouth, the kiss Intensening more.

They both pull away breathless, and stare at each other for brief moments, speechless.

They both then layed on the couch together. His hands running through her hair, his blank eyes boring into hers, trying not to get lost in her crimson eyes.

They both slowly nod off to sleep, to the sound of the rain puttering on the rooftop.