
The Digital Detective Hero: Cyber

Takumi, Yuuko, Yuugo, Arata, and Nokia have finally defeated Suedou, preventing his plan of using the power of eaters to create a dull world and saving both the Physical and the Digital World. All was well. Yuugo and Takumi would finally return to their bodies, the Eaters would be ejected from both worlds, and everyone could live happily ever after. Unfortunately, life had other plans. Due to Takemi's overexposure to Eaters, his Half-Cyber body was being worn down slowly. Just as they were about to make it back... Takumi vanished into nothing but small bits of data, leaving only the four adolescents in despair to go back to the Physical world. But this is not the end to Takemi's story. After a few weeks pass, Alphamon, Mirei Mikagura, and all of his digimon salvaged as much of Takemi's mental data as they could. Although they salvaged only a little, not even enough to send him back to his own world in fact, it was enough to bring him back to consciousness. It was then they offered him a deal.

MelWritesThings · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

The Little Cyber Hero's Fifth Year.


14 days after the Quirk Identification Test


Today is happy day. The sun's shining, and it's May 23. However, today is a very special day for one reason. It marks the fifth year that Takumi has lived in this world, and right now, they are having a celebration!

"Happy birthday, 'Kumi!!!/Happy Birthday, my boy." Both Kazumi and Yoshiro said respectively to the young Cyber Sleuth. "Thanks Mom! Dad!" The now five year old Takumi said in an overjoyed manner.

"Of course, my little rose!" Kazumi said, holding in the urge to baby the rosey haired child. "Now, make your wish, my boy." Yoshiro says in a formal manner with a very obvious happy undertone.

'Hmm... A wish, huh...' Takumi thought about it. He looked at his detective themed birthday cake. 'I'm not really a superstitious person...' Takumi says as an ambivalent look appears on his face. "Hm? What's wrong, 'Kumi?" Kazumi's concerns broke through Takumi's slightly depressive daze. "Oh. Uh, yeah. I was just thinking about my wish." Takumi responds. "Takumi, look at me..." Yoshiro says.

"Your face had a look of feeling... lost... to them. If you feel lost right now, that's okay. Tell us when you're ready, alright?" Takumi stays silent for a moment before looking towards his father, who had a soft smile on his face while patting Takumi. "...Yeah. I think I know my wish now." Takumi says as a small happy smile appears. Kazumi was overjoyed by her son's happiness.

"Good! Now, on the count of three!" Kazumi said excitedly before counting down. "One!" 'My wish... I wish that this family is just as happy now as it will be in the future.' Kazumi said excitedly as he thought. "Two!" 'I also my friends back at home to live a happy life, even without me.' Kazumi inhaled a puff of air alongside Takumi. "Three!" 'And I want... Mirei to come to this world with me...' They blow on the five candles, snuffing them out. Kazumi pumps her fist up. "Yeah! Happy Birthday!!!" Takumi and Yoshiro both laugh at her antics. It was good to have such a happy family. He knows that it won't last forever with Kazumi being a former villain and all, but he can enjoy it for however long he has. "Let's eat!"

"Oh, actually, before that!" Takumi says before calling his digimon. "Let's celebrate, you three!" Out from his DigiSummoning circle are his three original digimon. The ones who have been with him since that day. Terriermon, Hagurumon, and Palmon.

"Good evening Mr and Mrs. Kato! You too, Birthday boy!" Terriermon says as he climbs up to the table.

"NOTIFICATION. MAY TWENTY-THREE DESIGNATED AS: BIRTHDAY." Hagurumon says robotically as it turns it's side gears excitedly.

"Indeed. Happy birthday, Aiba. And there are chairs, Terriermon. Don't be disrespectful." Palmon, the mature one of the group advised as sits down on a chair crosses her long arms. Palmon's scolding of Terriermon was apparently found quite amusing by the lemon haired lady. "It's quite alright, Palmon. You Digimon are family too!" She says as she pats the furry little big eared canine. "Thanks miss!" "Alright you three, let's eat!"


After Dinner


"Ah... That's the good stuff." Takumi said. He and the gang were stuffed after the feast they had. "NUTRITION LEVEL: MAXIMUM." Hagurumon said as it lays its main body down lazily on one of the chairs. "I'm glad all of you could eat your fill." Yoshiro said before wiping his mouth with a handkerchief. "But now, it's time for you to get your gifts." Terriermon perks up in realization from Yoshiro's statement. "Oh right! I almost forgot! We have gifts for you, Takumi!" He says as the rest of his Digimon partners run to him.

"He's right. As well as a special gift from everyone in the digital world." The mature Palmon said to him. "GIFTING PROCESS INITIATED. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, BOSS." The gear digimon said in a jolly tone as a small giftbox materializes in front of it. "Thanks, Hagurumon." Takumi patted the gear as the other two also materialized their variously sized gifts.

"Thanks everyone." Takumi also patted the other two causing them to giggle. "Mom? Dad? What about yours?" He asked to Kazumi's amusement. "My gift is... a surprise for all of you!" Takumi could understand that. Children usually get extremely excited by surprises. "Oh! Alright!" Takumi said before turning to his father. "How about you, dad?" He asks as an uncharacteristic smirk appears on his father's face. "I'm quite proud of this gift." Yoshiro says before standing up from his seat and urging Takumi and the gang to follow.

After a short walk, they arrive to his bedroom door. Yoshiro stands to the side of his door crosses his arms. "Go on in." He says. After a short breath, Takumi gently opens the door... And he gasps.

A new addition has been made to his room. An extremely complex piece of machinery is on the opposite side where is bed is. "I know you want to be a detective someday, so I made you this workshop with my quirk." Takumi was still staring wide eyed at the workshop. 'This... Is gonna be such a help to make equipment!' His shocked face quickly turned excited as he runs towards his father and tackle hugging him. "Thanks so much, dad!"

"Now it's our turn! Open ours!" Terriermon says impatiently as he runs around Takumi in circles, causing Palmon to facepalm and sigh. "Alright, calm down, Terriermon." Takumi says as he opens the black and yellow giftbox to find a very nostalgic object. "These are..."

"THIS IS MY GIFT TO YOU, BOSS. HAPPY BIRTHDAY SEQUENCE INITIATED." Hagurumon says before the sound of a slight whirring can be heard from Hagurumon. The whirring suddenly stops as a song is played. The tune of a music box playing happy birthday. While that was happening, Takumi pulled out the object from the black and yellow box. His old digivice, the goggles. "Thank you... Hagurumon." He says as he lets out a nostalgic smile.

"Me next!" Terriermon says as he holds up his white and green present for Takumi, who unwraps the green ribbon and finds yet another nostalgic object. "Isn't it a cool replica?" Terriermon asks. "Yeah. It's amazing... Thanks."

"There's a gift after mine, but she told me to tell you that you should open it last." Palmon asks much to Takumi's confusion. "Her?" Kazumi gasps in feign shock. "Takumi! You didn't tell me you have an admirer already!" She puts her hand to her mouth. "Wha- No! I don't!" Takumi said as angrily as he could with his baby face, but all that came out was a cute pout that caused Kazumi to giggle cutely. "Hehe, just kidding!" She says as she pinches his cheeks. "A-Anyway, who do you mean, Palmon?" He asks. "Mirei Mikagura told me."

It was then that the cyber sleuth was surprised yet again. "Mirei, huh... I'm glad..." He says with a small smile on his face. Before taking Palmon's own present for Takumi. He unwraps the pink ribbon on the green box and finds his old grey waist bags.

All three of the rose red haired child's past life's outfit pieces are back together with himself. He couldn't help but let out at a few tears. Then he envelops all three of the digimon in a big hug. "Thanks, you three..." The three digimon hug their friend back. It finally felt like they were all back together again.

At the same time that was happening, his parents were having a quiet conversation. "Look at the four of them... They are adorable aren't they?" Kazumi's tone was a mixture between a pensive and joyful one. "Yeah... they are." His father agreed as he sat next to his wife and covered her delicate hand with his rough hand which caused the lemon haired beauty to blush and giggle in embarrassment.

"Hey, Kazumi?"

"Yes dear...?

"I'm glad we left our villain days behind us." Yoshiro gives his wife a kiss on the lips. "Me too, Yoshiro. Me too..."

After a minute of wait, Kazumi stands from her seat and claps to get everyone's attention. "Alright, now that everyone has given their own gifts, it's time for me to give mine!" She says with a mischievous undertone causing concern in Takumi and Yoshiro. She puts her hand in her pocket and pulls out something that caused everyone to go wide eyed. "You're gonna be a big brother, 'Kumi!"

A stunned silence fills the air. "Pfft... Ahaha!" Kazumi laughs at their shocked expressions, though that was almost immediately interrupted by Yoshiro, who embraced her tight. "I'm gonna be the father to two kids!" He says in an uncharacteristic manner. A stark difference to his usually solemn self.

Meanwhile, Takumi had been stunned, only being woken up from his daze by Palmon's leafy hand patting him on his back. "Congratulations on your new responsibility, Aiba." "Wh-What?!" Takumi scratched his head in frustration before sighing. "I- Look, okay- It's not that I don't want a sibling, I just-" Takumi waved his hand around aimlessly in an attempt to explain himself, to which Terriermon laughed. "I wasn't prepared for a bombshell like that!"

"But... I guess it's acceptable."


1 hour later in Takumi's bedroom


'DigiLab Access: DigiSummon.'




[MEGA DIGIMON] (COOLDOWN: 00:00:00:00)













[vvv MORE vvv]




Takumi was waiting for this moment. Every year, he can summon one digimon from the digital world to Neo-Earth with the caveat of the summoned digimon reverting back to its baby stage. He also learned that his knowledge of digimon was extremely limited. When he had first summoned Hagurumon, he was shocked to see that its form wasn't Pabumon, but instead a MetalKoromon! The same thing happened with Terriermon and Palmon, who were digivolved from a Zerimon and a Yuramon respectively.

There were also his fused digimon. He could partially summon one component of a fused digimon. However, some digimon were reclassified from individual digimon to fused digimon. Such is the case for MachineDramon.

"Alright you three, ready to see another one of your friends?" They all nod to his question and causing him to smile. He reaches out his hand. He was sure of this decision. After all, he had an entire 365 days to think about it.

"Partial Summon: MachineDramon!!" Suddenly, a bright white light envelops the entire room. Takumi and the gang cover their eyes with their arms, defending their eyes from the blinding light.







After a few seconds, they could finally open their eyes. They saw a MetalKoromon. Takumi looks at the adorable computer mouse shaped creature and reaches his hand out to it. "Hello. You're part of MachineDramon, right? Then you should remember me." The MetalKoromon backs up before inching close to Takumi's hand. "Welcome to Neo-Earth, buddy. Now let's send you to the digifarm, okay?" The now trusting MetalKoromon bounces up and down in acknowledgement. Takumi holds his hand out to the MetalKoromon.

'DigiFarm: Transfer'

The MetalKoromon was desummoned and put into the peaceful digifarm, it's the perfect place for at least baby digimon to grow.

"Now... Where's Mirei's present?" He asks Palmon who materializes a purple and black present. "Here you are. I'm sure you'll love her present." Takumi simply laughs at her statement. "I know I will." He pulls off the ribbon delicately. He takes off the box's cap... and in the box is another box with a note beside it.

'To my lovely cyber sleuth, Takumi.

Hello, Aiba. Or should it be Kato now? It doesn't matter to me. You'll always be my flirty Cyber Sleuth.'

He chuckles at that. 'You can call me anything you want, 'Rei' He thinks for he continues reading.

'I hope you're doing well in that new world. I'm here in the Digital World right now. I'm tending to all your digimon. Alphamon is also here helping out. Anyway, that's enough about the digital world. Let me tell you about how your friends have been doing. It's been nearly a decade to them since you passing.'

"A decade...?" Takumi wonders. 'Does time flow differently here compared to there?'

'Nokia became a successful popstar. She makes quite good music. She even made a song dedicated to you!'

Takumi expected that outcome for Nokia if he was being honest. She had an amazing singing voice and loved to use it. 'God, I just hope she doesn't turn into a Jimiken' Takumi shudders at the thought.

'The Kamishiro siblings successfully inherited the Kamishiro company. Together, they made EDEN a safer place. They also added in digimon in EDEN. Not true digimon, of course. Instead, they're just programs. Hackers have also gone down in number and EDEN has never been safer.'

'That's good.' Takumi thought. Even before digimon, hackers have always run rampant. The less of them there are, the better. He's feeling quite proud of the two.

'Lastly, there's Arata. He's begun working with the Kamishiro company as the head of EDEN security alongside being a lead researcher.'

'Head of security? Well, considering his past of being Jude's leader... It makes sense' He thought to himself. After all, who better to fight off hackers than a hacker?

'As for me, I'm doing well for myself. I miss you, Takumi. I'm sure you miss me too. That's why I bought you this gift. I hope you enjoy it, Takumi. I'll see you soon. Just wait for me.

From Mirei Mikagura.'

It was then that he checked the small box. He opened it up and on the inside was a seemingly normal ring, but Takumi could tell differently. 'This... is Digizoid...?'

The ring was made of Gold and Blue Digizoid. The Gold Digizoid was former the base of the ring while the blue digizoid was acting as the crystal piece to complete the look. He put it on his left ring finger, and immediately he felt something change in himself. He felt much lighter. As light as a feather, even. He also felt way stronger and way more durable. He felt as if he could now solo at least the one-point Villain Bots.

He looked back into the ring's casket to make sure he didn't miss anything, and sure enough, he found another note.

'PS. Don't worry about outgrowing the ring. It'll morph to fit your finger.

PS 2: Wearing this ring will upgrade the DigiLab

PS 3: Look at the back of this note.'

And so, Takumi flipped the note over, to which his heart skipped a beat. It was a photo of herself showing off a ring that's matching with his own. 'Aww... That's so cute.' Takumi cooed before checking his DigiLab.

'DigiLab Access'
















'Oh that is so useful!' Not only has he gotten more party memory, his amount of digimon that could be sent out into the field has increased. He's most excited about the upgrades to his summoning though. Finally, after five years, he can finally have a quicker source of digimon.

"Hey, Mirei. If you're watching me right now, thank you. And... I'll wait for you as long as I need to." Mirei truly is his perfect girl.


In the Digital World


"Hey, Mirei. If you're watching me right now, thank you. And... I'll wait for you as long as I need to." Mirei's heart fluttered in joy. She's glad she could help the young sleuth. She couldn't wait until that day. The day she could go to Neo-Earth. For now, however, all she can do is support him from far away.

I'm was writing another chapter before this but I realized that it was dumb of me to write it like that. It made Takumi too much of a Mary Sue character LOL. There were also things that I did not properly explain, stuff that basically flew way over my head.

Also, I can update this only a few times a week since i'm still just a student.

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