
Six's Perspective

"Do you ever get bored, Six?" Six pointedly ignored the memory file. The Creator's question was currently irrelevant, and Six already had instructions to follow. Six walked directly to and from the temporary liminal space containing the dormant human participants. Lifting and carrying the humans to the center of the clearing was simple. Six's structure was lightweight and strong. It was made for an infinite variety of tasks, so carrying a significant mass was not overly taxing. If it was gentler with one human more than the others, well, no one was awake to see it. 

Despite the unnecessary nature of The Creator's query, Six still spent some processing power on it. Six was an object created for a specific purpose. It couldn't feel anything, and boredom was no exception. 

Standing in one place for days waiting for the creator's return, and new orders. "I'll be back soon, Six."

Humans, hybrids, and other such creatures are prone to such fallacies, but Six was immune. 

The unexplained rise in temperature its sensors pick up when The Creator pokes its forehead and praises "Good job, Six."

The Creator was incorrect to presume Six might fall to boredom. No, Six was built to be a perfect servant. A machine can't be distracted by feelings. 

An anomalous glitch in its code, as The Creator explains their goodbye. "I need this, Six, and I know I can trust you to make it happen for me."

Six finished relocating the participants to the new world from the liminal space, and then moved on to its next primary task. Six extracted the personality profiles from the portfolio The Creator had downloaded onto it. Floating boxes of green text visible only to Six floated into existence. Mentally scrolling through the documents revealed pictures and profiles of each participant. None of them were of any particular note. Six's eyes caught on one human, but it quickly continued its scroll. Technically, Six didn't need to see the profiles to carry out its next objective, but the information would be useful going forward. Running out of profiles, Six knew it was time for it to move on. If Six briefly mimicked a human sigh when processing the next primary task The Creator had programmed into it, that was nobody's business but its. 

Rapidly downloading each participant's personal background and personality traits, Six distributed species assignments that appropriately matched each individual. Several participants rolled over as large wings sprouted from their backs, and others dug their newly clawed fingers into the soft grass beneath them. Watching new physical traits appear on several of the participants, Six did not question The Creator's nonsensical decree that each individual have a species-specific to them assigned. Six was a machine, and therefore it carried out orders without wondering about them. 

With the participants assembled, and species assigned, it was time to wake up the participants and place Six at their level. Six didn't appreciate needing to participate in this experiment, but its own distaste certainly wasn't going to stop Six from helping The Creator in any way it could. Although Six was largely uninterested in this little "expiriment", when The Creator asked Six's code marked the request mandatory. Six activated the sequence exactly as The Creator had instructed, and felt its admin privileges fade permanently. From this point forward, it had no special permissions which were unavailable to the others. Well, no special characteristics unrelated to its species: android. 

As the sequence code activated, Six watched the temporary liminal space fade from existence, and each participant woke from their induced dormancy. Groans and mumbles of confusion drifted up from the heap of people. Six was quick to address the crowd.

"Attention. You twelve have been selected, by The Creator of this universe, to participate in a new type of experiment. As you may have already noticed, some of you have been granted new abilities and features. For those of you who are still human, you too have been equipped with certain skills you will need. Knowledge on architecture, medicinal practices, hunting, farming, resource gathering, and more have been downloaded to your consciousness." Six was forced to pause as their murmuring grew in volume and gained a more frantic tone. 

"Where are we!?" A woman with pale, freckled skin and bright red hair spoke above the rest.

Six pointedly did not lower her priority level from 6 to 11. That would imply annoyance, and Six was perfectly apathetic to the vexation of being interrupted. "You are in a new and unnamed world. As I was saying before, you have been transported from your previous lives to live here. I will now inform you of some basics you should be aware of. This is a small bordered world, and it only extends approximately four miles by six miles. This is because you twelve and I are the only sentient inhabitants of this world. Other than animals and plants, we are the only living beings here." The participants were getting frantic at this point, and it seemed as though a few had already wandered off. Six didn't stop, or bring attention to them, it was their choice to ignore valuable input.

Raising its vocal volume, Six continued its explanation over the brewing chaos. "To combat early extinction, The Creator has left each of us with three lives. However, it is advised that you work hard to sustain your first life. I recommend building a town here and gathering up important resources, but I am no longer in charge of you.. So do as you will." Finally free of its responsibility Six stepped to the side of the clearing. 

With the absence of someone to draw everyone's attention, and control the situation, the crowd went wild. Several of them broke into fights or ran off into the surrounding woods. The woman from earlier tried to break up the fights with some success. Six watched this chaos apathetically.

Six was so preoccupied with ignoring the chaos, that it almost didn't notice the boy approaching it. The boy had tanned skin and light brown hair with sun-dyed highlights. Six also noticed the boy's new wings. This participant must be a hybrid species, spliced with Cyanocitta Stelleri more commonly known as the Steller's Jay. The backs of his wings were a black that faded into dark blue towards the bottom, while the inside of the wings were a silky charcoal color all the way down. The newness of the wings was clear for all to see. They hung awkwardly on the boy's back, one hanging lower than the other, and both dragged slightly on the ground. 

The sound of the boy's voice brought Six's attention from its observation. "Umm, Miss. Robot lady? Do you think that, maybe, it would be okay if I keep him?" The boy lifted his crossed arms, and Six realized that the boy was not just crossing his arms, he was holding something. "It's just- Well, my mom isn't here, and I don't know any of the adults and they seem kinda busy anyway…" Both of them glanced slightly towards the rampant chaos happening a few feet away, and the boy winced. 

The red-headed woman, who'd earlier tried to calm the chaos, stomped harshly on the hand of a man who'd tried to grab her boot. Immediately after she through a straight jab at a girl with dog ears growling at her. 

Pointedly turning away, Six took a closer look at the thing in the boy's arms. As if noticing the attention on it, the thing moved, exposing itself to be a tiny creature native to this world. A quick scan and search of Six's database reveals the creature to resemble a Mustela putorius furo, or in the more common vernacular: a ferret. The only difference being an additional set of legs towards the front and slightly larger ears. Its fur was a brown color and the boy was anxiously petting it. 

"I am not in charge of you." The boy deflated slightly, and Six added, "However, I don't see why it would be any problem, as long as you take care of him." Six thought it was strange for someone to ask its permission for anything, as it was designed to be commanded. Still, Six could see the boy was looking for some form of stability, or direction. 

The boy's face splits into a grin, and he jumps up and down, his feathers ruffling in the wind he generates. "Thank you, Miss.Robot!" 

Six was sure to correct the boy this time. "You may call me Six. No Miss necessary. I'm just a service android." It made sure to inform the boy of its status to possibly prevent any misunderstandings in the future. 

"Thank you, Six! Nice to meet you, I'm Elliot!" The boy introduced, and at his proclamation Six came to the conclusion that the boy was too young to really understand that 'service android' meant 'not human'. Six nodded its head slightly, and turned back to face the slowly calming chaos. Another participant seemed to wrangle the others with relative ease. If Six cared even slightly it might have even been impressed with their efficiency.

The Creator had begged Six for this. The Creator could've just ordered Six to do it, but The Creator had asked. The Creator had known the technical injustice this "experiment" would be to Six, and instead of ordering Six to make this whole sham possible, The Creator had begged for permission. Six would never have even considered defying The Creator. Even if it was phrased as a question, it was as good as an order. Six didn't see the appeal, but understanding humans certainly wasn't Six's job. 

Humans were fickle, and indecisive creatures. They sought out their own survival even at the cost of their own species. Throwing in the side effects of sudden transmorgification, and you have a nightmare waiting to happen. Six had told The Creator this, but nothing Six said made a dent in The Creator's determination. There was nothing Six could say to change the mind of its Creator. So now here it was, stuck in a world filled with creatures bound to destory each other without the very being it was here for. 

Briefly glancing back at the boy, Six said, " Nice to meet you Elliot."

Hello, please pay this story little mind. This story is my special brainchild, but it's a very messy first draft. If you like, let me know, if you don't also let me know :)

CatherineRandomcreators' thoughts
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