

His perfectly shut eyes suddenly opened as he heard noises. All he could see was darkness. He would like to stretch out a little because his body felt so stiff. It was like he slept for forever. However, he couldn't. He felt like he's contained in some sort of a box.

He tried banging his way out, but he couldn't. The material used was too hard. He doesn't understand it, but a strange idea came into him. He dug his way out through that part where he was actually laying. It was a lot softer than those on the top and the sides of that container.

After a long time of digging, he actually made it out. A sudden array of light began to hurt his eyes and immediately made them shut. As soon as he opened his eyes, he realized where he was. The cemetery. "Why am I here on a cemetery?" his curious mind asked.

Due to curiosity, he wandered around. There he saw words engraved in that four cornered piece of marble. "Nameless, here lies a kid whom identity remained a mystery."

For some reason, all he can do is to stare at that tombstone. After some time, he realized that he came from that tomb. That he was that nameless kid! Aaaaaaaaaah! He began to shout in terror as he figure things out.

He looked at his hands, horrified. "I'm turning green and almost a complete skeleton", he blunted. He began to look at himself at an even horrifying state when he began to see his reflection visible on that marble tombstone.

He's so terrified that all he could do is run. He ran away as far as he can. Although it wasn't really that far because creatures like him wouldn't be able to run as far as those fresh kids.

A sudden thought made him instantly stop from running. "What am I?" A blank moment and then he knew what he was. A zombie. A nameless one.

He spent his day wandering around. Yet he can't remember anything. He's so occupied trying to remember everything. Figuring out why he woke up in the midst of the autumn. He just can't seem to get his mind off those things. He didn't even notice where he was going and that he was going ahead for a big oak tree.

He crashed onto that tree. "Ouch!" as he fell down to the ground. Of course, he wouldn't be able to feel any pain for he was already dead. But he thinks he still do. He saw his thin arm with his finger bones almost visible as his skin starts to decay and vanish.

He picked it up before standing and even used it as a support. He saw stuffs engraved to that tree where he crashed. "강아지". For some reason, he finds those symbols very endearing. He doesn't know what it says nor what it means but he loves it.

He got his eyes hooked up to the tree and didn't notice the figure approaching towards his way. "As usual, this is where I'll find you." That statement made him turn around and shocked. Yet not that long as he realized he was looking at a beautiful young girl. Guessing she might be 16 or so. Big brown cat-like eyes, long shiny black hair with curves like her slim yet beautifully curved body, pink lips gorgeously drawn into a heart.

"I see you broke your arm again." the girl said while handling him a vintage notebook.

He grabbed it with his broken arm and curiously asked the girl. "Have we met? It feels like we've known each other for a long time. It also seemed like you knew a lot about me."

"Oh! I know you better than you do. Especially at these times" she replied.

The mysterious girl started to walk away from him. He followed the girl without second thoughts.

Every glimpse feels awkward yet exciting for him. He's sensing a different kind of vibe from the girl. She walks so gracefully while giving off a cool shade. He wanted to talk to her, but he wanted to appreciate the beauty he's seeing right now. The way each golden-brown leaves caressed her hair is enough to be a breath-taking view. Her tanned skin compliments her white dress so we'll.

He wanted to keep his eyes pinned to her, but he suddenly remembered a question he's been meaning to ask.

"Excuse me" as he broke the silence. The girl looked at him and waited for him to speak.

"What was this notebook all about? Is this mine? What am I supposed to do with this?"

"Oh! I forgot to tell you. It is yours. It's up to you. You might want to write things down."

"By the way, who are you?"

"Call me Ayu."

"I'm…" he hesitantly said. He doesn't even know who he is. How in the world would he introduce himself.

"Kang A Ji....You're Kang A Ji." the girl interrupted him.

"Right! I'm Kang A Ji. Wait, am I really?" he doubtfully asked for a second.

Ayu didn't answer him and continued to walk. Kang A Ji followed her although he is left in wander of what was going on.

Not long after they started walking again. A huge old castle came in sight.

"Really? A castle in the middle of nowhere. That's strange."

"Shouldn't I be the one to ask that?" Ayu said sarcastically.

Feels like the castle is giving him a cold stare of abandonment. He wondered what could possibly be waiting for him inside.