
Family Beef

That night I lay face up on my bed with bloodshot eyes from hours of crying staring at the ceiling, having been cursed and severely beaten by my no nonsense father, who saw me speaking with a guy, feeling humiliated and abused I sought closure in my thoughts, thinking of how I will run away from the house and my toxic parents, unknown to me I dozed off only to be woken up by my mum at 6:00 am for the morning devotion,

we usually had our morning prayers at the dining room we started with an opening prayer and worship songs, I couldn't get myself to concentrate on the Bible study due to the glaring eyes I was getting from my mum, somehow I knew I was already in trouble cause my mum has this habit of shaking her right legs when she is about to rebuke me or my two older brothers. in less than twenty minutes we were done with the devotion as everyone went about doing their various morning routines, as I was about to follow suit and carry on with my chores, I heard my mum asking why I was still on my yesterday's outfit,

then it dawned on me that I had forgotten to have my bath and brush my teeth before going to bed, growing up as a child with my parents, it has always been the norm to bath and brush before heading to bed.

well it wasn't my fault I murmured soberly due to last night's incident, I forgot to have my bath last night ma, I blurted out, after 2 seconds of my mum staring at me she walked away.

It was a Tuesday morning and as usual, everybody went about their morning routine as fast as we could to make it to work and school early, my parents were into the business while my older brothers were in college.

I swept the rooms then went to get ready for school, I got to Chrisland Academy by 7:30, with an empty stomach, I seemed to be keeping malice with my family members which wasn't a new thing cause I did it whenever I was rebuked by my parents.

Do you think talking to a guy is wrong for a young girl of 17, what do you think of shima's relationship with her parents .

Ejiofor_Joycreators' thoughts
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