
Chapter four January 21st entry

Dear diary,

Have you ever felt like you are being underestimated? Have you ever felt likthee you are different that you don't even understand yourself?Have you ever wondered what it will be like in someone else's body? Would you then feel like you belong? I doubt that because you will still be you no matter whose body you enter. Your character or reasoning will still be the same.My mum always says "the innermost part of a person is what is important". Why is it that people get judged by their appearance , I mean we all think differently so what makes us so sure the person has a bad motive? I know, you must be wondering ,why is she asking all these questions ? You see in Nigeria we have norms and traditions and if by passed one would be called a nuisance in the society . Where am I driving at? I was talking to a friend ,Chike and we argued about how some norms and traditions. I know you are wondering what is there to discuss well funny you ask because I'm that girl who doesn't have a problem with the norm but still doesn't fit in ,well that's more of an emotional thing . Anyways I said dreads, piercing of ear ,making of hair and so on for the male gender is not accepted because over the years most men who do that are in one cult or something and most people judge the book by it's cover, they mostly don't have time to check who is on the inside. I can't basically be walking on the road and stop for such person to talk to me. I obviously don't want anything bad to happen to me so why do something that makes people avoid you . When police are taking criminals and some with dreads or something pass by they tend to grab them because of the popular opinion. Now the question still stands, why should a person do something that can put them into so many problems. I mean before you do something weigh the opinion, is there more disadvantage than advantage? or is there more advantage than disadvantage. Honestly some of this hairstyles on male can be very unflattering. Some men would look nicer with a haircut. I'm not being biased or anything like that .Anyways Chike being a dude opposed the motion . I know everyone wants to be free from the children to the teenagers to the adult but at what detriment? I know everyone has their way of expressing themselves and it's lovely but let's be frank, would you prefer to be regarded as a criminal and get into the hands of police, ofcourse not. Some norms can be stupid but we follow them for our safety. It's funny how most secondary school graduates makes tend to want to want to be go all out and it takes a good parent to be able to curb it. Once you leave the forewalls of the school you basically feel like you are just so high in the world but it takes the wise one to understand the journey is still long and waiting for us to begin the race. If I was a dude I would definitely prefer to put all of my energy in something profitable, do something safe to express myself but Alas, I can never be a dude.

I don't plan on dabbling into all these because each and everyone has their own opinion and I respect it all.

How have I been? What can I say? I've been good . I mean staying home all day has it's benefits . I get to eat what I like, sing as loud as I want and so on but doing the same thing everyday can be exhausting. I love being indoors but without anything to do ,I'll be miserable so I try to get myself busy while I'm waiting for my final paper which is chemistry practical and economics. At the moment ,I am trying to read my entire economics textbook since I still don't know what I want to do with my life, it's better to set a good foundation so when I decide i have the grades to work it out , I mean getting admitted into a Nigerian university is quite difficult so I was told, I mean you can only apply for one school at a time tho after you write JAMB and you would like to change your institution, you can but it will cost you money , time and energy. I know by now you will be wondering if I have a university in mind. As a matter of fact , i do . My parents want me to apply to the prestigious university of Ife so I won't be too far from home . My mum knew I would want my independence so she didn't bother asking me to apply to the university of Lagos and I'm very grateful for that.

Well, that's enough for today. PEACE