
chapter five January 25

Dear diary ,

I know it's quite late but I really need someoto talk to . I mean you are the only one around who seems to understand me.vdon't think I have ever had control over my life. My dad doesn't let me make any sensitive decisions on my own, as a parent you can only help your child go on board not sail the boat,well tell that to my father . That man basically wants to control my life and what I do with it. He chose the classes I was to take ,even when I didn't want it. I took all science related classes even when I didn't have interest in ,my mum tried to intervene but he didn't listen. You know one problem with some Nigerian parents, they want to sail your boats for you so that they can be able to brag to their friends or something, I don't know I'm not a parent. What they basically fail to realise is that ,their children end up getting depressed, lose their self esteem basically be unhappy for the rest of your life. You see,this reason is why we have high rate people that don't love their job. I mean ,when you don't have interest in what you do ,how then do you execute tasks well in that field. Don't get me wrong ,not all Nigerian parents are like that just that the tendency of finding a parent that supports what their children decide to do with their lives are low. I get they are just trying to help but they sometimes take it too far . No ,I want you to study this . i want you to study that . That is not a career you want to venture into ,it doesn't pay well, blah blah blah. Well ,I'm done . Done letting him control my life but how do I tell him ? He is always very difficult. I'm basically stuck between a needle and a haystack. I know I should tell him but am I really ready for his insults? I don't even know what I want to do with my life, I basically took all science related classes I was forced to take didn't give me time to really sit down and discover what I want. Maybe I should discover what I want to do with my life before confronting him.

Oh thank you so much diary, you always listen to me and help me find the solution that I need.Now I can sleep. I'll make sure to constantly update you on my progress. Good night.