
Ch.2 Coral High

Today it was sunny and not even a single cloud was to be seen. I love to walk around on the city streets and take a big wiff of the familiar homely smell once in a while. The school I went to (Coral High) was only a few blocks away so it didn't take a lot of time to walk there. Coral High was one of the largest schools in Fallacia and no.1 choice for freshmen. There were 3 main white brick buildings. They were surrounded by beautiful rose bushes. They were large and even though it was old-school the annual renovations make them clean and sharp. Behind those buildings was a garden and a slightly smaller red brick building. That was the extracurricular activities section where clubs and other activities were held. Our

school is definitely very aesthetically pleasing I'll admit that.

First period was English so I went into the first building and walked up to the classroom on the second floor. A short ginger girl approached me. That was Daisy. She is SUPER cute, she was dainty and delicate definitely on the plumper side. She wore a form fitting hot pink dress and matching ballet flats. Her long and perfectly curled hair draped gracefully over her shoulders. As the student council vice president she was a beauty inside and out. She walked over to me and started making small talk. We weren't close friends but small talk was a common occurrence since everyone was on good terms. I really hate small talk though, I prefer people being more straightforward and not wasting both of our times (but I can't really judge since I'm not a very straightforward person either). Then out of the blue she complimented me

"Andrea, you look so refreshed today! At first I didn't even recognize you!"

I have insomnia, because of that I had VERY prominent under eyebags. In the past few days it has been getting better though. On the surface what she said may seem like a heartfelt compliment but I could pick up a hint of mockery in her voice. I might be just imagining things, she is usually so nice why would she say something mean right? So I brushed it off with a

"Thank you so much!"

Then she FINALLY got to the point.

"Andrea, I've been meaning to ask you could you possibly join the girls team for the track competition?"

Every year our school and another large school holds a sports festival and competes with each other. I'm definitely not the sharpest tool in the shed and P.E. happens to be the only subject I excel in. I've been asked many times to join different sports teams but I always refuse because there's always a lingering feeling in my chest saying

"You will fail miserably, you will disappoint everyone. It would be better if you never even join so atleast if you don't try, you can't fail, right?"

But maybe this time I'll overcome my fears and insecurities.