
Ms. Secret Was Never!

I was never the girl who was shy. I was never the girl who had fears. I was never the girl who could not fight for her rights. I was never insecure. I was never the girl with anger issues. I was never a sad person. I was never mean to anyone. I was never the girl who would hurt anyone. I was never the girl who would use harsh words.

I was never like this before!

Sometimes, it was so sad to feel this way. But sometimes it just felt happy that I am actually this way. Because earlier, even though I was never the same, but people used to take advantage of me. Which did hurt a lot. I learnt from the girl who different. That girl was so pure for this world. The world which has needs. The world which will use you for their advantage. The world who will hurt you by your own insecurities, although, the world is the reason for it. 

I used to think that world is a beautiful place. But there are always the consequences of your delusion. The world has become a harsh place. We are the ones who are making it more harsh day by day. The most difficult task in this ugly world, is to find love. Love, a beautiful feeling. It is beyond any science and theories. It could never be explained. But there is always a bad side of the existing good. This bad side breaks your heart into pieces. and here I would like to say,

Hello my name is secret and this is my story.