
Just a Dream

I woke up in fear. This was a dream. But this dream reminded me of my school grades. The days that I will never forget. Life has become so tiring now-a-days that whenever I think about my school and the time, I spent there always seem so so so much beautiful and lovely due to this I even forget sometimes that I live in a harsh world now.

Sometimes, the world turns so much harsh when I try to show love to someone, and they take it otherwise. Today, I ordered burgers for me and my sister. Before ordering, I asked my mother if she would like to have a burger as well. But she said no. I was really really hungry and was thinking why she doesn't want a burger? They are tasty you know, and I thought she is being diet conscious. 

When the burgers arrived, I was about to start a meeting with my boss and thought I should eat the burgers while working only. So, I asked my sister to bring the burgers for me in a plate. She came with the burgers, and I ordered two, but I received one and a half only. I asked her where the other half is, and she replied that mother took it. I felt that very sad for my mom that she wanted but did not tell and now she took it. So, I thought she might be hungry. From my room I said mom you should asked me to get a burger for you also. 

She took this line really bad. She thought that I don't want to share it, or I am thinking of her as a bad person who is desperately taking my burger. So, she sent back the other half. I felt really bad that she felt this way so, I went to her room. My father and sister were already there. My mom burst out in anger with her reasons. I could not help myself but shouted as well. I told them thay why are you being from me while I was just trying to give a little love. This yelling kept on going. Finally, my father got fed up. He shouted to calm both of us down. He said,"This is family. Everyone has there own respect. Give each other the respect and speak politely. Try to understand each other more". I understood this. Then he explained that my one sentence led to this misunderstanding. There are different ways of saying things. Think before you say. You don't have to shout. He asked my mother to control her anger as well. This is a very wrong way to just burst out in anger from a single sentence.

All I was expecting that they would have explained this politely to me rather than saying that nothing can ever be resolved between us ever. I was just looking at her and thinking that I am just growing up and learning things. Why the heck does it always have to be the way of anger to teach me. I was being polite and trying to explain them my thought. I could have learnt from a polite and good way.