

"Can we all stop this shit,please?"daisy shouted. Everyone stopped and faced her. Fiona then voiced out

"Glenda started it. She was acting like she knew everything. I knew she was nothing but trouble. Next time she tries this with me,I'm going to show her what messing with Fiona means."

Defensively, Glenda replies "it was meant to be a joke but I'm not mad, I'm okay,I'm sorry that I joked with you"

"yh, whatever"

deciding to ignore Fiona,Glenda moved to where Dirk was " I'm going to sleep now, good night"


The next day

At scholars high school

"See you later in the evening" the DIAMONTES waved goodbye to daisy's driver.

"let's go,we are almost late for our class" Dragging Glenda to the school premises,Dirk said

"Hey,at least wait for us. we still have 45 mins till the first class. What's up with you and Glenda. Is something going on between..."

Not waiting for her to finish her sentence,Dirk ran off while dragging Glenda along with him.

"At least slow down"

"Sorry" stopping at a tree side"I just wanted alone time with you" Dirk shyly said.

"Okay,now you are alone with me, what's up?"

"Erm...did you sleep well? well,yes I did." How about you?"

"I slept well just like a baby"Dirk replied grinning like an idiot. Just as Glenda was about to reply,the group caught up with them. she suddenly started finding them annoying, interrupted her conversation with... "oh no,did I just think of Dirk like that. That is not appropriate,but he is cute though. ahhhhhhhhhh,snap out of it girl"

"Are you okay?" Dirk's voice brought her back from her imaginative world. All along,she had been mumbling and shaking head like an agama lizard and had her friends confused

"oh yes,I'm okay. I was just thinking of something"

"What were you thinking about"

blushing, Glenda suddenly felt embarrassed and ran off.

"What was that about? I would go check on her"

"Don't worry,I will go check"

Daisy said, pulling Fiona along with her"

"Okay" the still confused,Dirk said. He suddenly felt she was avoiding him and didn't like him. This realization made Dirk look at himself, he started to question his beauty. He felt he was not attractive enough

"Am I not cute?"

"Where is this coming from?" Geoffrey asked"what's going on with you man? The way you look at the new girl,it reminds me of something"


"It reminded me of me when I first met Fiona,it is the look of love"

"You think I like her?"

"Well,if it is a crush,what else is it"

"Man, I've never felt like this before. she really drives me crazy. I feel the urge to want to know her more. When I look at her,l always feel like holding her..."

Not letting him finish, Geoffrey cuts in " Ah, person wey you just meet. Don't worry,you will get over this feeling soon,it is only for a fleeting moment"

"Yet,you are still in love with Fiona. Ah ah,I noticed your pidgin English"

"I see,now you can be counter attack me with words. Well,I'm different from you,I don't like different people every week. "

" But this one is different"

" The last one was also "different" that is what you always say"

"You don't understand me,this one is different from the rest"

" You said so the last time"

Frustrated, Dirk asked"by the way, you've like Fiona since we started class 1,we are now in class 3,when would you ask her out"

"I no hear you wetin you talk o"

"I'm so jealous of you,your pidgin is getting better. I really need to learn it also"

"Yes,you should. And about learning pidgin English,I would let you know when I am having my online classes. it is basically just watching videos of it on YouTube but,I would let you know when I am watching the video"

"Thanks bro,so,when do you plan on asking Fiona out?"

"We are still talking about that?"

"Yes,we are. So,when do you plan to do it""

without answering, Geoffrey starts walking away "Don't you dare walk away" Dirk laughingly told him.

Next chapter