
the diamonte

in a school where there the first five people on the position list get a scholarship to the same college and the other five,another college,a group of teens came together to create a hidden reading group. reading day and night to be the best. will they be able to win even with the challenges they face?

florenceeyi · Teen
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8 Chs

back to school

High school students were seen walking around early in the morning. it was the day when everyone resumes back to school after a long tiring and boring break. Matthew, Ivan and Richard,a group of hot teens know as the Rim gang. They were around the age of 17. Their beauteous look attested girls as if they were some magnet. Girls stuck with them like glues. Some even stalked them,these guys were the topic of their discussions every day. They were not only hot,they were also intelligent and nice. They were so perfect that it was like they'd never make a fatuous mistake. so popular and liked by even the queen bee of the school.

"hello Ivan"Barbara greeted Ivan from a far distance

"hi, how are you doing today?"

"it's too early to decide. You?"

"I'm good. I'm actually on my way to the library, would you like to tag along"Ivan flirts with her and Barbara fell for it.

"of course,why not. As long I'm going with a cutie like you"she flirts back

"maybe we should come with you"Matthew said

"hello,he invited me and not you"with this Barbara rolls her eyes. Ivan couldn't help buh have an apologetic look

"guys,I will be leaving now. I have to get something in the library. I will be back"

after getting the textbook at the library,they headed back to the spot they had left Matthew and Richard,they met Amy,a girl an angelic look, brownish hair with a seductive voice everyone is attracted to except Dirk. she was a long time crush of Ivan but unfortunately had a crush on Dirk

"hey,Amy. it's been long since we last talked. I'm actually on my way back to Matthew and Richard. would you like to come along?"

"to do what exactly?"

"to study"

"okay then. I would love to. where will you guys be reading"

"I'm the school compound. we will be sitting on the chair in front of the roller blind of your class"

"alright,I will be there in 10 minutes,I have somethings to attend to first"

Ivan had already taken two steps forward when he was stopped by Barbara

"wait, don't tell me you forgot I was here"

"oh,I totally forgot you were here. I thought you had left"

"whatever, let's go"

she was so jealous and was envious of Amy. she wanted Ivan to be hers. after all he was a big shot,a son of a fat cat and a not is not an easy target. They got to the spot Matthew and Richard were. His friends were complaining about the him being late. Ivan did not get a chance to defend himself when Barbara cut in

"why wont we be late when he was busy takings to that little thing called amy"

"is that jealousy I smell?"Richard asked

"oh,she is jealous"Matthew said

"no,why would I be jealous"Barbara defends herself

"hmm,is that so. you don't have to act like a shyster"

"Matthew, don't be silly,she is just shy"Richard said

"as always,dick is acting like a dick head "

"Barbara, don't start"

"did I say something wrong. isn't that what you are"

"don't you dare say that again"

"you guys should not be fighting over silly things like this"Ivan said,he had only acted like an hero because Amy was already close to them

"hi amy" hearing Amy's name,they all stopped fighting.

Ivan turned to face Amy who was with Dirk. she met him on her way to the rims and asked him to walk her

"I've been waiting for you"

Amy feeling apologetic said in one of her sweetest voice "Sorry I came late. The stuff I was attending to took longer than I expected"

Barbara who was still present felt irritated by this and was about to stop them from conversing about anything again when Dirk announced his leave.

"bye Amy,I will be leaving now. My friends are waiting for me" after Dirk left them,some came suddenly rushed to his side"not again" Dirk cursed under his breath. "do you want to kill me? how may I help you? don't you people ever get tired of clinging to me? argh,so annoying."

the first girl to talk was Glenda,a brown skinned girl with dark long hair "we saw you leaving the dick"dick was a funny nickname given to Richard.

"so,we decided to come surprise you"Liza said complementing Glenda's statement

"so? surprise me? I don't even know you"Dirk was obviously already getting irritated "what exactly do you want from me?"

" we just felt like following you"

"look,I don't need followers. and you don't need to follow me like you are some guard"

"ouch,that hurts"

"pls cutie,we promise not to disturb you"Zoe said making silly faces

"fine,but don't make any sound behind me cos I need to be in my right sense before I read"

he was about to move when he remembered the faces Zoe had made "and please don't make that face again,it could scare people to death. it makes you look like a ugly beast rather than what you intended to look like"

"reading with the DIAMONTES, that's a dream come true"Liza squeed "girls,you know what?"

after the Dirk had made that statement,Zoe hardly participated in any of their conversation. "girls,you know what?"

"know what? do you always have to ask stupid questions whenever you want to gist us about something or someone?" Zoe annoyingly said

"whatever. you guys are so boring. I just wanted to say Dirk is so cool and adorable"

"that was what you wanted to say. does this one look cool to you. he is such a bully" Liza continues drooling over Dirk, ignoring annoyed Zoe. "his friends are also the best. it's like God blessed their group with a beauty. but"

"but what,do you have to stop when the talk is becoming more interesting. you are such a kill joy. come on,don't keep us in suspense,spit it out."Glenda who had been quite said. Liza then continues"what u was going to say was that;with how beautiful and amazing their female friends her,I don't think we have a chance. who knows,they might even be together. no,it can't be. I'm sure they are single"

"female friends,woah."Glenda started getting excited

"what's wrong with this girl again"Liza asked, feeling confused. Zoe who had already let go of her anger jokingly said "just her everyday madness. I guess she forgot her drugs today"

"you know, you can say whatever you want. I'm just happy that I can get to make new friends, popular ones and not stay with you silly brats every time."Glenda raises her face up with hands clasped together talking to no one in particular"oh lord,I just hope they become my friends"

you know these girls are not some cookie cutters. they are one of the beauties in our school. I have a feeling they might be proud" Liza tried talking Glenda out of making friends with the DIAMONTES

"no, wrong. I feel they will be as cool as a cucumber"

"okay, another one of your idioms"turning to face Zoe"help me out"

"okay,easy. it means they are calm and can control themselves in difficult situations"

hearing this,Zoe huffed "we shall see then"

"I will just ignore you,bad energy stay far away" Glenda said paying no attention to liza's discouraging words. "let's make a deal. I will give you 70 dollars if you succeed in making friends with them and if you fail to,you owe me 70 dollars."

"deal"with this, Glenda runs to meet Dirk,who had been silent since. She is determined to become the DIAMONTES friends

so,this is my first story and I'm new to this. I will be happy if you guys support me. let me know what you think about it. if you have any idea in how to improve,let me know in the comment section. by the way,what do you think about the new book cover?

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