
The Diamond Field

Author: Project_Zero
Competitive Sports
Ongoing · 959.3K Views
  • 155 Chs
  • 4.7
    35 ratings
  • NO.200+

What is The Diamond Field

Read ‘The Diamond Field’ Online for Free, written by the author Project_Zero, This book is a Competitive Sports Novel, covering SLICEOFLIFE Fiction, Light Novel, Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: Please be a bit patient for the first volume i.e 69 chapters which might be a bit stale, the first 69 chapters are used ...


Please be a bit patient for the first volume i.e 69 chapters which might be a bit stale, the first 69 chapters are used to build the characters around Rei and himself. Toujou Rei, a little boy obsessed with baseball, has always admired his father, Tensei. Wishing to follow in his father's footsteps, Rei dreams of becoming a professional baseball player. In turn, his son's starry-eyed admiration encourages Tensei to keep persevering despite issues, Unfortunately, Tensei dies while protecting Rei from a car accident, which leaves a mental scar on him making him unable to play his beloved baseball anymore, but after getting motivated more than ever, Rei works hard to carve his way in the baseball world by becoming one of the best baseball players as his dad wished. *Names, faces, and places aren’t real. A work of fiction. Nonetheless, it is my work of fiction so please don’t post it without permission. *I have also tried to not use any school names that do exist though, but I would like everyone to know that if they exist I have no affiliation with them. Nor do my views reflect their views.* PS- THE PICTURE FOR THE COVER WAS TAKEN FROM PINTEREST AND THE CREDITS FOR IT COMPLETELY GO TO ITS CREATOR NOT ME.

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Table of Contents
Latest Update
Volume 0 :Auxiliary Volume
Volume 1 :Childhood
Volume 2 :Middle School


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It's really good. I'm not into sports from my childhood except cricket but after reading I started loving baseball. The author must be known very well about the game or have done much research on it. And also this book increases curiosity as the author is writing a scene in diff ppl pov. Apart from a few grammatical mistakes, it is really good. The title and the cover perfectly suit the book. If somebody wants to read this but contemplating whether to read it or not. Then I recommend to read it. Trust me guys you won't regret reading it. I hope the author will work harder and keep up with the pace he is going on. Happy reading.


Never play baseball before, but this is a great story for you who does love this sport. The author knew their stuff and chose the correct diction to describe the process of the baseball game. I love how the author wrote the process of the characters training instead of suddenly going genius over it out of nowhere. Although yes, the character is granted some cheat by having these amazing inborn skills, but the author still makes him lack of basic foundation in baseball since he never plays before. So, this is a very logical plot which I’m fond of. For writing wise, I do think there’s some room for improvement but overall it’s adequate. It just needs some little editing. I do recommend breaking down your paragraph to make it easier on the eyes, because some parts, it does seem long. Good luck and keep writing author! 🙏🏻


Honestly the best sports book I have read in a while. And this comes from a person who doesn't like Webnovels of this genre that much. But the author's words seems to have a magical effect. You would feel as if you are self inserting into the characters. Each one is a human, an allegory of what we could and couldn't become, what one wishes to do in life and what one wants to achieve. In all honesty sport lovers should give this one a try, for I haven't seen any competitive web novel that stays truthful to the realism this much. Truly a great work.


This is a amazing book. The research that must have gone in to this is great. You must read this book. If you like baseball why are you not reading it already.


One of the best sport novels but it needs more time for the story to get to its best part (3th year middle school and high school). Hope to continue the good work.


I think the novel is very good and upon a read, the story is very different but I think the synopsis makes this story just look like a copy of the Hitting Zone and well they have similar premises they are executed differently so I when you read the synopsis just give it a chance.


This is a wonderful story. I loved this. I read this in one go, and I am completely addicted to it. I just want to go into the book and read more. But unfortunately, I can't do that. So, I'll calm down my poor heart and wait for more. This is an awesome book. Everyone should give it a try. It is so good... Hope you all have a nice time with this talented author in his journey.


Can you please make more chapters??[img=coins]


Author don't you dare give up on this novel you are showing some very dangerous signs by dropping the chapter release rate🤨😒 Always remember I am watching and reading your hard work will be rewarded have some patience...👍


As of chapter 30, the story is looking really interesting and great. Normally I would not read sports novels sknce I find them boring but this one holds my attention.


I like this..keep updating please I like this..keep updating please I like this..keep updating please I like this..keep updating please I like this..keep updating please


A story about a kid who has a passion to become the world best baseball catcher but was met with a tragic accident If you would like to know more add it to your library


I really like it, because i love baseball but because i love story.


It is a story of a boy who tries to restart his life after his father dies in a car accident. The story is very nice and author has amazing writing skills. I would suggest everyone to read this novel.


Reveal spoiler


nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice


interesting one sweetie keep it up and thanks for the update you have been so good at what you are doing so keep it up and thanks for the update ok


I haven't read the book yet but I feel that this book will be very interesting and I feel like I will enjoy reading and mabye also feel the emotions of the characters .






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