
The Dhampir King System Knows No Bounds

What would you do if you woke up and found out that you were a dhampir........... Crazy right????. This is the same way our protagonist feels when he wakes up and finds a system screen before his eyes. Now,he must accept the fact that he is now a dhampir and that the world he has been drawn into is a bloody one. **************************** A/N: I am not copying another story or series. If you think it resembles another series , Forget it.................It is a mere coincidence. The book cover is not mine. If it belongs to you feel free to ask me to bring it down.

Anoneemos_Tify · Fantasy
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27 Chs

I've Got A Girlfriend

Walking along the hallway to class, I opened the system interface again.

[ My Dhampir King System ]

[ Host: Elisse Rover ]

[ Form : Human ]

[ Species: Dhampir Halfling ]

[ Level:2 ] [ Exp:15/30 ]

[Titles: The Princess'Servant ]

[ Hp:100/100 ]

[ Strength:10 ]

[ Defense:10 ]

[ Resistance:4 ]

[ Agility:5 ]

[ Charm:4 ]

[ Magic:0 ]

[All stats will increase by 3 in Dhampir form ]

[ Passive Skills: Blood Healing ]

[ Active Skills: Dhampir Transformation ]

[ Blood Relations: Victoria Sepet, Vampire Princess ] .

Nice. I leveled up and also increased my resistance. That meant I would be a little resistant to attacks now. Lovely. But about the skills.

I tapped on the [ Blood Healing ] to get more information.

[ Blood Healing: Ability to heal wounds using blood. The user would be able to heal through his blood.

Warning: Too much usage of blood will require the host to drink blood ] .

What the fuck?. But I thought the system said I won't need blood.

[ Host will only need blood when he is short of it, Unlike a vampire who becomes a crazed blood sucker once they become short of blood, The Host will die if he loses a considerable amount of blood ].

Oh I get it now. Without blood, I might die just like every other human. So that's why I needed to drink blood because I might use too much of my blood to heal myself.

I tapped on the active skill [ Dhampir Transformation ] .

[ Dhampir Transformation : Allows Host to give in to his vampire self in order to fight and hunt better. All stats will be increased by 3 during this transformation] .

Nice. So I get to enter vampire form once I used the dhampir transformation. This might come in handy. I smiled to myself.

" What's making you smile to yourself crap face ?", It was Rin alias bald goblin. He placed his hands over my shoulder.

" Hey dude, how was last night ?", I asked.

" Nothing more than the usual fapping on to anime girls ", he replied.


Dude saying that with ease.

Speaking of anime, I told him how my sister, Maggie almost gave away Nii Chan.

" Gosh you are lucky your parents didn't find out about you jerking off to images of Nii Chan ", he said.

" Damn you dude, I don't jerk off with Nii Chan's image, it's respect I give to her ", I protested.

" Then what do you do with Nii Chan ?".

" Nothing. I only consider her as a friend to tell all my worries ".

" Oooo. This guy is a little jealous, what am I to you, Elisse_ San ?", Rin asked. He was pouting like a jealous girlfriend.

" You... You are the other best friend who thinks he's gay ", I replied.

" Damn you and your respect for Nii Chan, I bet you don't have respect for those for those ebony girls you fap to", He shouted. Everyone in the hallway looked our way.

I made a sign to show that Rin was running crazy.

" Shhhh dude, those ebony girls are epic", I said smiling. He hit my back lightly.

( A/N : Not trying to belittle any race or anything. I am black too 😁 ).

" And you know what other thing is epic ?", I asked smiling like a villian. This was the ultimate effect.

The special moment.

" What ?", he asked curiously.

"The fact that I got a girlfriend before you, virgin sama ", I rubbed it in his face.

" What ? You ", he laughed. " You are joking right?".

"No way, I'm for real bruh ".

He froze in shock.

" I don't believe you", he said shaking his head.

" Believe it or not dude, my girl friend is real and her name is Victoria Sepet ", I smiled happily.

The look on his face was priceless. I hoped he didn't faint.


" What the hell do you mean Victoria Sepet is your girlfriend, that's like saying you found an angel in hell ", Rin was saying. We were on our way to class two, Victoria's class, to get proof.

" Just watch ", I entered the classroom. But the seat which Victoria always sat was vacant.

" Heh", I could see the smile on Rin's face growing.

Hey. Don't tell me that Victoria turned me into a dhampir and disappeared.

I walked up to another seat and started asking the girl....

" Hey, Selene do you know where..... ", I was about asking when a ding from my system stopped me.

[ A vampire has been detected close to you ].

I opened my mouth in shock. Selene smiled at me. She was a pretty girl with long hair and red pupils. Although she was not as pretty as Victoria, she was very good looking.

She was among the circle of girls who moved along Victoria. So she was also a vampire.

Just how many vampires where around me?. As a newly turned dhampir, was I safe ?.

" You were saying ?", She asked smiling, bringing me out of the shock .

" I... wanted... to know if Victoria was in school yet ?", I stammered.

" The princess will be in class in the next three seconds", She smiled.

Princess again?. This was the exact thing the system had called her. Was Victoria really a Princess??. Doesn't that make me a royal servant?. And what did she mean by three seconds.

Someone hugged me from behind jolting me out of my thoughts.

" I missed you darling ", the familiar voice said.

How could I miss this voice. It was the voice of the person who had turned me. The first voice I had heard this morning. My master.

Victoria Sepet.

Salty and sad

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