
The Devouring Serpent

Asmodeus Nagini, a shut-in that got ran over by truck-kun and gets reincarnated as a snake. Watch as he evolves and grows more powerful the more he devours. ------------------------------------------------------------------- The mc is ‘evilish’, he won’t take pleasure in killing others, but he won’t hesitate to kill. He mainly sees everyone as food. There is no rape, but there may be some blackmail among other things if there is something he wants. Finally, he will have allies and lovers, but he will have ways to make sure they won’t betray him. And yes, there will be romance later in the fic. The system only gives the MC skills and evolutions the more he devours. There won't be any stats or shop. The world starts in an original world I created, but eventually he will be able to travel to other dimensions. There may be lemons later on in the fic. The only characters and worlds that belong to me are the ones that I have made. The cover picture of the fanfic is not mine so if the owner wants me to take it down, let me know.

OP_NovelAddict · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

Dwarf Kingdom

The next morning, I woke up and slithered outside of my house. It was already late morning so there were goblins bustling around and doing their duties for today. Last night I decided to just go to the Dwarf Kingdom by myself. If I brought goblins, they would just be dead weight.

Since the Dwarf Kingdom was a little ways a way I decided to fly there. So, I used one of my skills to fly up to the sky and speed towards the Dwarf Kingdom. All around me was forest so it was kind of boring while I flied, however it only took a couple minutes because of how fast I was going. Eventually, I spotted huge mountains growing at a rapid speed as I got closer. A couple kilometers away I flew down to the ground and used the light element to make myself invisible.

As I moved towards the gate I also used the wind element to stop people from hearing me slither. Essentially I was completely invisible, no one could see or hear me. Once I got to the gates, I just slithered through when they opened it for the next person going inside. When I got inside I was pretty amazed at the view. Everything under ground was lit up with lights from the colossal amount of buildings stuck together in one space.

Although the view was amazing, I knew that my kingdom could be like this once I got my workers. So, I slithered my way over to the castle where the Dwarf King lives. I got to the castle after a couple minutes of maneuvering through buildings and slithered inside. I didn't want to look all over the castle so all I did spread out some mana in the surrounding so I could 'see' where Gazel was.

Almost instantly I found that he was in his bedroom still asleep, I couldn't blame him either since it was still morning. After I slithered into his room I tied him up with mana strings and slapped him across the face with my tail.

"AGHH, WHAT THE HELL?! WHO?!" Gazel immediately woke up and started cursing from the pain. He then said, "What is holding me in place?! Why is there a fucking snake in my room?!"

I replied back, "Well, aren't you rude. I came here to visit you obviously. I have a proposition that you would not be able to refuse."

He yelled back, "HUH?! A talking snake? Well, I don't care who or what you are, you just broke into my room and expect me to accept a proposition you make, Hah! You are very funny little snake."

I replied back with a cold tone, "Hmph, well I'll say it anyway since I believe you won't refuse anyway once I tell you. I want you to give me your kingdom and in return, I won't nuke your entire kingdom."

He said in a confused voice, "Huh a nuke? What the hell is that?"

After he said that I just made him invisible and flew at amazing speeds out of the kingdom with him in tow. Once I got out to a remote location I said, "Well here is a demonstration." I took out a nuke from my inventory and flung it a little bit away from us. In an instant anything in a couple kilometers distance was vaporized. All you could see was a wasteland and a huge mushroom of smoke.

I looked over to Gazel only to see him with wet pants and a pale face. I was disgusted so I quickly threw him to the ground and splashed my scales with some water. I went down to the ground with him and floated a bit off the ground to not get dirty. I asked him, "So, would you like to accept my proposition?"

Her stutterd, "Y-y-yes, I-I would like t-to accept."

"Excellent, well I still want you to stay in control for a while, all I want is some of your most excellent craftsmen to come to my kingdom to build for me." I said.

He replied in a downcast voice, "Y-yes, my Lord."

Afterwards, I flew back to the goblin village leaving Gazel. He could get back to his kingdom by his self anyway so it wasn't a big deal. As I got back to the village I saw Goblins and Wolves alike kneeling towards me as I went through the gates. Hahh, It feels good lording over these monsters.


So... no extra chapter today... But I promise I will get an extra one out sometime this week.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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