
The Devourers System

In a world where systems are common, from common leveling systems to evolving dragon systems to even god-making systems. I'm given a named one that now not, only do I get stronger from killing, but eating my prey as well. I don't know why, but I yearn to kill and eat all to get stronger. Maybe it's the dreams I've been having since I was bestowed with this system, or maybe...something more?.... Can I live up to my dreams and what's been given to me?

Blaze_Nights · Fantasy
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86 Chs

Chapter 45 slap on the wrist

Chapter 45 slap on the wrist

While taking care of Blaze, the elder members of the family gathered to have a discussion regarding the suitable steps to take in response to the latest events.

Seated around an ancient stone table bearing sigils and stains of faded blood were the four eldest and most respected members of the Night's family. Their family was known for its enigmatic nature and a history steeped in bloodshed.