
The devils world

The world has been living in terror because of the massive battle between Gods and devil's. Today after the battle the Gods went to a deep sleep after being defeated and the devils are the new ruler of the world. Will the world live in peace during the devils reign or will it completely be destroyed by the devils. Will the humans live in peace or will it be their bad days.

Evans_Dhliwayo · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Chapter 17

The god of waves quickly rushed the cunning devil. He exchanged punches with the so called superior of devils. The devil was shocked to see the aura of the god of waves. His aura shined very bright and he transformed into his deadliest form. He quickly busted the devil with his fists but it was not enough to fight him. The devil body had been a little damaged however. He was unable to fight but he endured the pain and fought teeth to nail with the man. His attacks caused the man to scream in pain but it was not enough torture according to Lucifer. Lucifer continued attacking the man and the man fell to the ground and this action would buy Lucifer enough time to activate his special form that he never used for years. Lucifer had saved this form to fight his nephew but now he was facing a strong opponent. He immediately transformed in his form and attacked the unconscious man. He quickly reached for the special sword that could kill a god or devil. He stabbed the man and the man swoly turned into ashes but was it his end. The gods were devestated to see Gad's master as ashes. The devils hailed the devil and cheered him. Suddenly out of nowhere a hand took the sword and stabbed Lucifer at the back. Everyone looked back and saw Matthew holding a knife which was dripping blood. His father could not believe his eyes his son had killed both his brother and uncle. He was both happy and scared that his son would turn into a true monster. While everyone was still shocked about the incident a ray of light appeared and captured everyone's attention.