
The Devils Puppet

A low life,self aware guy who has low affinity for magic with poor communication skills makes a contract with the devil.. and gains power above his peers.. read as he journey off in the path of good and evil

Jeffrey_Brown_8100 · Fantasy
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18 Chs


''i dont like this, lets just go'' i said.. my instinct this time where kicking in. As we turned back and started to head for the smoke signal i heard Elsa scream. i turned around and saw Elsa hanging upside down,.... the tree branch wrapped her legs.....''stops screaming and use wind blade'' i shouted..she did as i told her and started using wind blade to caught off the branches... ''hey catch me'' she shouted.. i ran forward and caught her as quickly as i could '' nice catch'' she said... as we looked around we where already surrounded with wiggly branches ''what do we do now'' lisa asked her voice shaking... ''i say we take it down'' Elsa said as she was about charging ahead...''are you crazy, you dont even know what we are up against'' i said... '' ok what do you say we do'' she asked.. i took a deep breath '' ok. i say we try to analyze what we are up against, and if possible avoid it....it avoiding isnt and option we find its weak spot and kill, sound goods'' i looked at Elsa and Lisa and they where fine with the idea.

'' ok first Elsa you try swing wind blade at them and the LIsa you cast fire magic'' i ordered immediatly Elsa start throwing wind blades at them, slicing the one by one, i brought out the vibrating sword my dad gave me to defend my self in times like this from my storage ring, and started cover Elsa And Lisa blind spots.....then finally lisa through a huge fire ball at them.. they burned to ash... ''is that all'' Lisa asked.... ''i guess so''ELsa said... ''am not sure guys that seemed way too easy...you know something has been bugging me but... wheres the head''i said as if to jinx it more branches came out from nowhere and the where more than before.

''what the hell its more than before... since plan A didn't Work time for plan B find the weak spot'' i said as i continued to use the sword to cut down the vines and at the same time continue looking around ''there seemed to be know end to this'' Elsa complained '' have read about this somewhere a plant that grows everytime u cut it down, yeah i remember its called the devil plant'' lisa said....''the Devil plant thats an odd name'' elsa said...''Well what did it say about the weaknesss'' i asked...''well let me think....'' she said '' um pleease think fast'' i urged her '' oh yeah the place that has the thickest vines.. i guess'' she said not even sure of her self '' you guess, well it was giving it a shot'' i said.. ''now we just have to find the thickest...'' '' found it '' Elsa said as she pointed at the part that has massive amount of vines,''so what do we do now'' elsa asked.. '' this time we burn it down'' i said.. ''Elsa assist lisa in fire power dont worry about the sidelines i'll cover you'' i said as i ran to cover her slicing every vine about to attack them...about 30 seconds later Elsa and Lisa where ready with the fire magic they combined and fired it at the same time we heard a screeching sound from inside the vines as they burned down it was trying hard to regenerate but it seemed we landed a good blow ''lets take it down and for all, do you guys still have more juice for one attack'' i asked '' yeah we can keep going'' they both said.. '' now lets go in there and finish it'' we entered into and saw green blood on the floor they looked thick, am guessing its because of the heat, then something caught my eyes it was red in colour it was like an orb...'' i guess this is the weak point i used my sword to stab it, as soon as i did all the branches stooped moving but something strange happened the core of the monster i stabbed decipated and flew into my body it felt as if i was in a hot spring at that moment it was really pleasant to my body... ''well that was strange'' i said to myself, '' well it seemed that was the core, i guess we just need to go to the safe zone... '' i said ''well a tired '' lisa said '' i think we should rest for a bit '' elsa said just ass we where about putting the idea into action we heard our teachers voice ''you have 30 mins more'' '' shoot, lets pick up the pace'' elsa said.

''Finally i can smell the smoke'' i said ass i continue to ran faster.. then suddenly i heard a loud thud at the back i saw Elsa on the ground ''elsa are you ok'' i asked.. '' am just tired because i extended too much mana '' she said '' you can go on without me'' she said '' hmmm''then i picked her up she seemed suprised and was even wiggling a little but she calmed down when she saw i showed no signs of letting go..''what are you doing'' she asked in a low voice, ''carrying you of course '' i replied while looking straight not even looking at her face.... ''but i never asked you to'' she said ''so you wanna come down then'' i said ''no.....'' she replied in a low tone... ''now am gonna pick up the pace'' i told her as i started running, she hugged me tight and closed her eyes 'this is so not fair, he caught me off gaurd' she thought to herself trying to hide her embarrasement 'these two got even closer, did they really just meet yesterday' lisa thought to herself...as we ran, the safe zone were already in sight ''just a little more'' i said and then.....''10 mins remainig'' the teacher said. '' almost there'' i said '' 5 mins remaining'' the teacher announced ''and then stop''.