
Chapter one- there's no shame in fear

"Ahh, what are you?,leave me alone!, Ahh"

"Hmph, pathetic how do you mortals die just like that, there's no fun"Damon said as he ripped off the woman's head.

"leave them be, they're weak that's them"Damein said as he looked at the beheaded body with cold eyes.

"guys calm down, we got fresh bate hopefully this one's at least a challenge"Daven said as he pointed at a man dressed in White.

"ohh, hey little white what's up here to.."Damon's words were cut of when the man suddenly swung his sword at him but he had quick reflexes and managed to dodge at the last second"hey, no fair don't you know a thing called courtesy before you fight your supposed to say some lame words like' I am whatever here to defend the light and you are evil I shall destroy you' or something like that whatever while you do some wierd poses don't you watch anime hmph, that takes the excitement out of everything I don't wanna fight you guys can you do it this is boring"he said as he pouted his lips and walked away but before he could he was stabbed in the shoulders and felt a searing pain like his body was being fried."oh, holy energy your more entertaining now I change my mind I'll take you out"he said as he released his sword. And they immediately dashed towards each other none could be seen but metal hitting metal could be heard clearly "those two can't kill each other right?"Daven asked with a bucket full of popcorn in his hands.

"could you please focus for once we're not watching a movie this is real that guy got holy energy things won't be good if this goes on" Damein said as he looked at the fight ahead of him.

"now this is boring"Daven said as finished his popcorn and blasted at the white guy but was stunned when his attack was deflected and sent back to him but was fast to act and dodged then he looked in the direction of the white but was faced with a while wall of attacks he managed to avoid most of them but was scraped by one of them on his right cheek and he felt the searing pain that Damon felt and he wiped the blood off his cheek and said "ok now you're gonna pay"as he dashed towards him to fight against him with Damon but they were still having a sort of difficult time but Damein stayed rooted to his spot in a relaxed posture till he sighed and took out his sword and struck out his sword towards the white man but was dumstruck when he suddenly saw a petite girl dressed in pink with his sword going through her he hurriedly retracted his sword and watched as the girl by