
The Devilish Love

Like Everybody Do All People Love Each Other And Marry and Make Family But Each Thing Have a Limit Even The Society So What Happen If The World Betray?!!

Devilman_1748 · Teen
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25 Chs

Chapter 10

<p>After Shun was accepted to be one of the chefs in the restaurant. Shun Was Going to Call Hirogi and Kenn about the rest of the Works that the Manager Told Him About.<br/><br/>"Okay I Will Make a Group Call To tell Them about the Works that the manager told me about" (Shun)<br/><br/>Shun Started The Group Call With Kenn and Hirogi...<br/><br/>"Hi Guys" (Shun)<br/><br/>"Hi Shun" (Hirogi)<br/><br/>"Hi Shun" (Kenn)<br/><br/>"I Would Tell You That, I am accepted in a Work" (Shun)<br/><br/>"Really, You are So fast" (Hirogi)<br/><br/>"Yes, and I would like to tell you that the manager tell me more jobs in his mall" (Shun)<br/><br/>"Okay, Tell Me Like What?!" (Hirogi)<br/><br/>"Yes, Yes, Tell Me like What?!" (Kenn)<br/><br/>"Okay, Firstly, He Wanted a Chef and a Cleaner and Cashier, Then I told him that I want to be the chef, and he gave me a test to make it and I surpass it, so I am accepted, So, what kind of works you want to Work?!" (Shun)<br/><br/>"WHY?! WHY THE FUCK YOU CHOOSE THE CHEF?! DIDN'T YOU KNOW THAT, I CAN MAKE FOOD BETTER THAN YOU" (Hirogi)<br/><br/>"Hey, Come on, Why you are talking like that?!" (Shun)<br/><br/>"BECAUSE YOU ARE SO FUCKEN GREEDY MAN, WHO WILL BE BURIED" (Hirogi)<br/><br/>"Okay, you didn't tell me That you want to go with me, If you are with me at this time, you will choose the work that you want!!" (Shun)<br/><br/>"OKAY...OKAY, I WILL BE THE CASHIER" (Hirogi)<br/><br/>"Hey, Don't Tell Me That I will be the cleaner" (Kenn)<br/><br/>"Yes Kenn, Hirogi Will Be The Cashier" (Shun)<br/><br/>"No, No, NOOOO!! DID I COME TO YOU TO WORK AS A CLEANER ARE YOU KIDDING WITH ME SHUN?!" (Kenn)<br/><br/>"Look Kenn, There are more than 2 works in the day, so be quiet, Okay Kenn?!" (Shun)<br/><br/>"Okay" (Kenn)<br/><br/>"Okay Shun, Where's this mall that you are talking about?!" (Hirogi)<br/><br/>"Okay, I Will send you its location from the GPS" (Shun)<br/><br/>"Sorry I can't track the GPS" (Kenn)<br/><br/>"FFFUUUCCCKKK YYYYOOOUUU KKKKEEEENNNNNNN, REALLY YOU ARE A PERSON LIKE THE SHIT" (Hirogi)<br/><br/>"Damn it, Hey Hirogi please Take Kenn and Track the GPS, Okay?!" (Shun)<br/><br/>"Okay, Shun" (Hirogi)<br/><br/>"Okay, Come Quickly, because, Maybe There will be other people that will sign in the jobs that the manager told me about!!" (Shun)<br/><br/>"Okay We Will" (Hirogi)<br/><br/>Hirogi and Kenn Ended the call with Shun.....<br/><br/>After Hirogi and Kenn arrived at Shun...<br/><br/>"Okay, here we are, where's the mall that you were talking about?!" (Hirogi)<br/><br/>" There it is" (Shun)<br/><br/>"Wow, it's Very Amazing, it's very enormous" (Kenn)<br/><br/>"Okay, Go and Sign yourselves, before the others will do" (Shun)<br/><br/>"Okay, Okay" (Hirogi)<br/><br/>"Okay, I Will Go" (Kenn)<br/><br/>Hirogi and Kenn went To Sign There selves.<br/>Hirogi and Kenn Signed There selves.<br/><br/>"Okay, I Sign myself as a cashier" (Hirogi)<br/><br/>"Okay, I sign my self as a cleaner" (Kenn in a Mad Way)<br/><br/>"Haha.... Great, Okay it's time to sign the second Work" (Shun)<br/><br/>"Okay, as you like" (Hirogi)<br/><br/>"Okay, I am ready for it" (Kenn)<br/><br/>Shun and Kenn and Hirogi separated, and they go to search for another Work.<br/><br/>After the day finished and They Searched for the Works till the night comes. Shun, Hirogi and Kenn arrived at Their Rented House.<br/><br/>"How was your Day?!" (Shun)<br/><br/>"Okay, Do you want to know?! It Was Like The FUCKEN SHIT!!!" (Hirogi)<br/><br/>"Hey, Watch your Language, Okay?!" (Shun)<br/><br/>"What will happen if I don't?!" (Hirogi)<br/><br/>"Do you want to see?!" (Shun with a serious face)<br/><br/>"Okay.... Fine" (Hirogi)<br/><br/>"Okay Kenn,..... How was your Day?!" (Shun)<br/><br/>"Hmmm..... It was normal, and you know, it's my first Time To Search for works and I was a little scared you know" (Kenn)<br/><br/>"Okay, You will get used to it" (Shun)<br/><br/>"Yeah, I think so" (Kenn)<br/><br/>"Okay Guys, Take a good rest, because, Tomorrow we will work hard" (Shun)<br/><br/>Shun and Hirogi and Kenn Went and they go to take Their rests...<br/><br/>........</p>